Can we make onboard antenna external?

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Joined May 20, 2023

Sorry 1) if this is wrong place 2) Dumb question.

I am working on smart irrigation project, I have Arduino connected with 4 sensors and 1 actuator, Arduino collect data and send to ESP32 using Reyax RYLR896 Lora Module connected to it.
I keep all PCBs in one waterproof box, but this cause network loss with other Lora node, so I decided to remove antenna from RYLR896 and install it on tall pole and connect it to RYLR896 by single wire, will this, work?

This is original RYLR896
Original RYLR896.png

This is what I planned to install antenna
Modified RYLR896.png


Joined Nov 6, 2012
With no means to measure the SWR, and Tuning of the "Antenna-System",
your plan would probably have very dubious results,
but it could possibly work well enough to do the job needed,
but only by a lucky "accident".

When You attempt to alter the Antenna, "all bets are OFF".

A better plan would be to not alter the Antenna in any way,
then mount the Transmitter, ( with Antenna still attached ),
in a plastic box on top of the pole.

The extra elevation of the Transmitter, ( along with it's integrated Antenna ),
above ground-level,
will increase the coverage area substantially.
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Joined May 20, 2023
Yes,at last i have below plan you mentioned
A better plan would be to not alter the Antenna in any way,
then mount the Transmitter, (with Antenna still attached ),
in a plastic box on top of the pole.


Joined Jan 23, 2014
Some devices have pads for a coax socket next to the antenna. But that means adding a connector, cable, and antenna, which adds complication and cost and weatherproofing. That might be worth the effort if you need a directional antenna for longer range, but if it works OK now, just weatherproof it and put it on a pole.

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Joined May 20, 2023
Some devices have pads for a coax socket next to the antenna. But that means adding a connector, cable, and antenna, which adds complication and cost and weatherproofing. That might be worth the effort if you need a directional antenna for longer range, but if it works OK now, just weatherproof it and put it on a pole.
Thanks, I decided same, jut use as is and protect it from rain.