Ohms Law and Hominid Evolution

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Joined Apr 2, 2017
It's mind boggling that the humble relationship of ohms law could be responsible for human evolution...

8 million years ago when local stars go supernova... ionisation of the lower atmosphere produces free electrons and lightning current flows more easily. Tada -- hominid bipedalism.

I assume ionisation of the air effectively shifts the ohms law equation to the right, increasing the current per unit of voltage for every unit of resistance


Joined Sep 22, 2013
What about all these UFO sightings? Many believe that these have to be of an extraterrestrial nature. Many believe this confirms that we are not alone. And if that is true, wouldn't that be more of an explanation of life on this planet? At least human life, instead of evolution theory?

We would have to re-learn their evolution.

Edit: Doesn't our bodies tell us that we are not from here?


Joined May 16, 2019
OK, I get it, blame the poor misunderstood electron. I see where this is going. No lightning - no bipedalism - no big brain development - no technology (cars, trains and planes) - thus no car, train or plane accidents, etc. See how much better off we would be crawling around on all four limbs!


Joined Jul 29, 2018
BR-549 said:
What about all these UFO sightings? Many believe that these have to be of an extraterrestrial nature. Many believe this confirms that we are not alone. And if that is true, wouldn't that be more of an explanation of life on this planet? At least human life, instead of evolution theory?

We would have to re-learn their evolution.

Edit: Doesn't our bodies tell us that we are not from here?
AH-HA so I'm not the only crazy one here! As I said I not a big UFO nut but you can't ignore all the sighting here lately and the pilots video and the Air Force changing it's policy on reporting UFO sightings.......Somethings going on. I think we have new technology that they can't use without releasing / disclosing the existence of it.

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Joined Aug 27, 2009
AH-HA so I'm not the only crazy one here! As I said I not a big UFO nut but you can't ignore all the sighting here lately and the pilots video and the Air Force changing it's policy on reporting UFO sightings.......Somethings going on. I think we have new technology that they can't use without releasing / disclosing the existence of it.

These are the same UFO's glitches pilots have been seeing for decades so it's not new technology and much more likely to be a physical phenomenon seen by our advancing technology. The Russians would blame the US or the US would blame Russia at first for spying using these types of 'craft' but eventually decided to just accept the fact they existed independent of any nation and were not a threat to national security.


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Joined Sep 24, 2015
UFO. Hmmm. Never seen one. Hard to believe they exist, but I can't say they don't.

Advanced civilizations and the billions of years our universe has existed, given that human kind has evolved into what we are now - does not preclude the possibility other races highly intelligent haven't risen and advanced well beyond where we are. However, it's my belief that civilizations come then go. If a civilization arose and developed interstellar travel, the likes of Hollywood fantasy, the odds that they would evolve on a similar time scale as us is somewhat astronomical. If there are other civilizations advanced enough to visit us - what would be their interest? To understand their own existence better? To maybe someday benefit us? To maybe someday rule over us? Who knows? But I think if a civilization arose to that level, it's also possible they've gone extinct by now. And should we one day arise to this UFO level, perhaps it will spell our own demise. HEY! Given how we're currently over-utilizing our own natural resources, over-populating, overwhelming the earth at every turn, how long before we go extinct?

I think cats have the right idea. They say dogs have owners and cats have staff. That's what we need. Someone to give us treats when we demand, someone to open the door when we desire, an old sock full of catnip to play with, and to spend the afternoon napping while our humans are busy with other tasks. Then at night, when they're trying to sleep, that's when we start knocking over plants and tearing up curtains and furniture. Can anyone imagine a better life? Evolution - the bane of human existence. With great power comes great responsibility. Wouldn't it be nicer to just chase butterflies and mice?


Joined Jul 29, 2018
They say our military is about 50 to 75 years ahead of us. Who knows what they have now. They have declassified the TR-3B a nuclear powered anti gravity aircraft that everyone thought was a UFO.
So I don't think I'm being crazy when you can read things like this
Military.com said:
It doesn't exist officially. It uses highly pressured mercury accelerated by nuclear energy to produce a plasma that creates a field of anti-gravity around the ship. Conventional thrusters located at the tips of the craft allow it to perform all manner of rapid high speed maneuvers along all three axes. Interestingly, the plasma generated also reduces radar signature significantly. So it'll be almost invisible on radar & remain undetected. This literally means that it can go to any country it likes without being detected by air traffic control
It doesn't OFFICIALLY exist.... They said the same thing about the Stealth Fighter.

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Joined Sep 22, 2013
Could any life-form travel thru space without first inventing radio? Wouldn't we detect un-natural radio waves, at least decades, before detecting a craft?

Wouldn't a subterranean/sub surface civilization, be more likely? Wouldn't always being here, be more of a probability than coming here?

What technology can cancel inertia. No power needed for a change in speed or direction?

And from some reports, no area needed for a turn. Grid movement. External propulsion.

The absolute silence of intelligence in our universe is scary. Why are we alone?


Joined Jul 29, 2018
SamR said:
Maybe not... They are probably saying we are too stupid to understand the messages they have been sending us for eons!
Why is everybody under the assumption that they would use radio waves to communicate. If you can travel light years radio waves would be way too slow. If they are 1000's of years ahead of us their radio waves would have came and gone long before we were ever able to receive them. They would probably use something like trans-stellar communication (open a tiny pin point worm hole sent the transmission) in a form we aren't even aware of or able to detect yet! Much less understand.


Joined Mar 31, 2012
Why is everybody under the assumption that they would use radio waves to communicate. If you can travel light years radio waves would be way too slow. If they are 1000's of years ahead of us their radio waves would have came and gone long before we were ever able to receive them. They would probably use something like trans-stellar communication (open a tiny pin point worm hole sent the transmission) in a form we aren't even aware of or able to detect yet! Much less understand.
It's a matter of raw numbers. First, consider that if they stopped using radio waves 10,000 years ago but they are located a bit over 10,000 light years away, their final radio transmissions are just now getting to us. So if the universe is teaming with life, including intelligent life, there should be civilizations at pretty much all stages of that progression scattered throughout the universe. We can interact with (in terms of receiving) those civilizations that created (either intentionally or as a side effect of other activities) detectable emissions at a time in the past that corresponds to their distance from us. So consider a shell about our solar system that is 10,000 light-years in radius and 100 light-years thick. That's an immense volume of space. Using the stellar density in our neighborhood of 4 stars per thousand cubic light years we would expect to find about five hundred million stars in that volume, If any civilization was at a stage of development anywhere within that volume 10,000 years ago, their emissions are reaching us now. The same is true for every other volume of space looking back throughout time. So the likelihood that NO detectable emissions are reaching the Earth right now quickly becomes at odds with the notion that the universe is teaming with intelligent life.


Joined Mar 31, 2012
I assume ionisation of the air effectively shifts the ohms law equation to the right, increasing the current per unit of voltage for every unit of resistance
I don't know what it means to shift Ohm's law to the right, but since the resistance is DEFINED as the voltage per unit current (or the inverse, conductance, being defined as the current per unit voltage), the claim of increasing the current per unit of voltage for every unit of resistance is nonsensical. It would be more reasonable to simply say that ionization reduces the effective resistance of the air -- though Ohm's law only applies to ohmic materials (i.e., materials for which the relationship between current and voltage is linear).


Joined Sep 22, 2013
Is there anything left to detect? Can we satisfactorily explain what we have detected?

Aren't we really trying to detect things............to FURTHER explain, what we have already detected?(gravity)

They call it confirmation, but it is sorely necessary. They need more stuff for the equations to work.

Silly science. Game of words and mushy definitions. One can squeeze and stretch a definition.(space)


Joined Jul 29, 2018
But this also doesn't take in the account that we don't really know how far radio waves actually travel. meaning what if the universe has a built in barrier that we don't know about that stops the waves from going as far as we think they should. There is no one at the other end to verify that they went anywhere out there. Just because we are still getting signals from voyager 1 and 2 doesn't mean others are receiving them. distance may be the problem. some kind of effect that just stops them cold.



Joined Mar 19, 2019
stopped using radio waves 10,000 years ago but they are located a bit over 10,000 light years
I had a hard enough time getting a 100W CW signal to Australia and it was only on the other side of the world from me. I'll be long dead before I get a response to CQ from Alpha Centauri. Not to mention that the signal would be completely denigrated by the time it gets there and would be nothing but noise.