LTSpice simulation of 556 ckt (Novice, need help)

Audioguru again

Joined Oct 21, 2019
The video shows two LEDs working properly.
The last photo of the messy breadboard shows only one LED and it does not show a resistor from pin 8 or pin 10 to +9V.

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Joined Feb 17, 2020
The video shows two LEDs working properly.
The last photo of the messy breadboard shows only one LED and it does not show a resistor from pin 8 or pin 10 to +9V.
Thank you for watching the video. In the video I used a 1k resistor and a LED for both the output pins ie, pin 5 and 9. For the pictures, I replaced the resistor and LED and used a LM317 to create a constant current source delivering 100mA and 170mA of currents at pin 5 and pin 9 respectively. My problem is creating the LTSpice schematic and simulation. That's why I need some help.
Thanks again for all your help.

Audioguru again

Joined Oct 21, 2019
LTspice sees a box with tiny writing (NE556?) in it. It does not know anything about it until you give it a file of its model.
Ask your teacher how to add the model file of an NE556 to your LTspice circuit.

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Joined Feb 17, 2020
LTspice sees a box with tiny writing (NE556?) in it. It does not know anything about it until you give it a file of its model.
Ask your teacher how to add the model file of an NE556 to your LTspice circuit.
Do you have the file with you? I don't have much help because this is a problem my teacher wants us to solve.......

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Joined Feb 17, 2020
@Audioguru Is this the file you are talking about? And if yes, can you help me edit the file, I believe it has a lot of junk in it.
Thanks again!


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Audioguru again

Joined Oct 21, 2019
LTspice did not exist when I went to school. I learned how to use it myself but I do not use it much because:
1) It uses only "typical" spec's for devices then the circuit fails when the devices you buy have minimum or maximum spec's.
2) It does not know about maximum allowed current or maximum allowed heating of devices which blow up of you do not read the spec's and calculate current and heating yourself.

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Joined Feb 17, 2020
LTspice did not exist when I went to school. I learned how to use it myself but I do not use it much because:
1) It uses only "typical" spec's for devices then the circuit fails when the devices you buy have minimum or maximum spec's.
2) It does not know about maximum allowed current or maximum allowed heating of devices which blow up of you do not read the spec's and calculate current and heating yourself.
are you comfortable to simulate this ckt using any other spice software? I'll greatly appreciate it.
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Joined Mar 31, 2012
MOD NOTE: Thread moved to Homework Help.

Please remember the Homework Help guidelines regarding appropriate help as things go forward.

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Joined Feb 17, 2020
I already have the schematic, I cant seem to run the simulation because this is not a homework and no one is teaching me these tasks. I am science student learning electronics as a hobby. Taking courses online!


Joined Mar 31, 2012
I already have the schematic, I cant seem to run the simulation because this is not a homework and no one is teaching me these tasks. I am science student learning electronics as a hobby. Taking courses online!
This is not homework?

That claim seems at odds with your earlier statements, namely:

Do you have the file with you? I don't have much help because this is a problem my teacher wants us to solve.......


Joined Apr 26, 2005
I already have the schematic, I cant seem to run the simulation because this is not a homework and no one is teaching me these tasks. I am science student learning electronics as a hobby. Taking courses online!
Post the schematic

In post 4 said you got "help" from that schematic. What changes did you do? Post your schematic.