Does anybody know what this key is for?

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Dave Lowther

Joined Sep 8, 2016
Does anybody know what this 'key' might be for? It's about 2 inches long and has three metal pins on the end, equally spaced 120 deg apart, and a plastic one in the middle. It's been in the house as long as I can remember and I don't remember ever knowing what it's for. Family members have suggested it might be to open the little door on the outside of the house for accessing the gas and electricity meters, but it's not for that (the door has a triangular metal bar to fit a key). The other suggestion I've had is that it's for football / cricket boot studs, but googling hasn't found a 3 pin key for either sport's boots.

2022-02-17 15.50.34.jpg


Joined Jan 10, 2010
Does anybody know what this 'key' might be for? It's about 2 inches long and has three metal pins on the end, equally spaced 120 deg apart, and a plastic one in the middle. It's been in the house as long as I can remember and I don't remember ever knowing what it's for. Family members have suggested it might be to open the little door on the outside of the house for accessing the gas and electricity meters, but it's not for that (the door has a triangular metal bar to fit a key). The other suggestion I've had is that it's for football / cricket boot studs, but googling hasn't found a 3 pin key for either sport's boots.

View attachment 260887
I’ve seen that shape on end caps, just can’t remember where or what for, I believe I have seen them with just 2 holes not 3 as I recall.


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Dave Lowther

Joined Sep 8, 2016
Ok, then it's probably a firing pin bushing tool.
Well I don't know why we would have one of those. I live in the UK and we've never had access to guns. Last time I fired a gun (other than when in the US) was when I was a teenager and was a member of a 0.22 rifle 25 metre indoor target shooting club. Golf would be more likely, even though AFAIK nobody in the family has ever played golf :)

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Dave Lowther

Joined Sep 8, 2016
Never saw 3 pins that small on a bike appart chainring bolts on exotic models.
I've owned all types of bikes from off road hard tails through to carbon framed road bikes with Campagnolo chain sets. I don't think it's a bike tool though, because that's not the sort of thing I'd forget the use for. I'm a bit obsessive with my bike tools, they are all kept in my bike tools tool box. But ... I think it was John Peel who said (something like) "When you get to my age memory is a rough indication of what may have happened"
I've owned all types of bikes from off road hard tails through to carbon framed road bikes with Campagnolo chain sets. I don't think it's a bike tool though, because that's not the sort of thing I'd forget the use for. I'm a bit obsessive with my bike tools, they are all kept in my bike tools tool box. But ... I think it was John Peel who said (something like) "When you get to my age memory is a rough indication of what may have happened"
I'm still positive for the gun tool.

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Dave Lowther

Joined Sep 8, 2016
I'm still positive for the gun tool.
I'm not disagreeing with you. It looks like a good match. That would just change the mystery from "What is it for?" to "Why is this in my house?". I've lived in this house for about 35 years. We were the first family to live in the house after it was built. So it can't be something a previous owner left behind.

panic mode

Joined Oct 10, 2011
toss it into recycling bin and it is no longer something to be concerned about. or it was something forgotten by come contractor that did some work there. or call police if you think your home was burglarized and you are left with souvenir. or one of your guests or family forgot it there or planted it to see how you will react.... maybe check for cameras, you may be pranked. ;)

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Dave Lowther

Joined Sep 8, 2016
toss it into recycling bin
I filed it in a box labelled "Misc items 2022" in the loft and recorded it on my list of what I have in the loft. I did almost throw it away. I have just finished decluttering the house. I've been doing it on and off for over a year. One gathers a lot of stuff living in a house for 35 years, bringing up two children, and now having four grandkids' stuff in the house too.


Joined Oct 3, 2010