Different Interactions


Joined Sep 9, 2010
... I would *never* do such a thing with a female on a 1 on 1 basis.
I've done that many times, not by choice but by circumstances. Scenario: Marketing manager (me) goes to meet with a customer to help out the Sales team (female) in a complex situation at a customer. We fly into town from separate places and need to meet in the evening - the only time we have - to prepare for a customer meeting in the morning. We know each other and are friends, so meeting for drinks and dinner is not terribly awkward. But, after a few drinks, I realize I'm sitting here with an attractive woman (they're ALL attractive after a couple of nice expense-report martinis). The mind strays. Oh gosh, is this starting to sound like a PentHs forum story?

I got through it with no incidents. Fortunately for me, the women were professional and not "prone" to the things that were creeping into my drunken mind.


Joined Jan 17, 2007
Whenever I think of my first wife, I remember that if we were together today, I would still be arguing about why I ordered a pizza during the Junior Prom...in 1967.

The last one spent so much time crying about what she imagined I was thinking that she was the last one. I was so bad at defending against mind reading that I finally and completely gave up.
Learning a new language is a lot easier than learning how to read minds...


Joined Oct 3, 2010
One of the good things about being on a submarine was not having any women around. I did just fine without sex. A hard drive full of porn and I was good to go for a month (or two, if need be). It really is refreshing to work in an atmosphere where you can say whatever you want and not have to worry about someone "overhearing" from 3 rooms away and getting their fragile feelings bruised. And not have to listen to them piss and moan about every little thing. I'm working in an office now with multiple females for the first time since... well, I guess, ever. And I sometimes have to take a breather and bring my computer out into the non-climate-controlled shop to get away from the incessant yapping. There's 3 of them in offices surrounding me and I hear everything they say. When there's only 2 present, I hear them bitch about the absent one. I hear them bitch about the guys in the shop who they only have about 30 minutes of face time with per week. They bitch about their men, their mothers, their boss, the printer, pringles, the radio station, my beef jerky, and me. I went outside and had a cigarette yesterday at lunch and this chick comes up to me telling me I stink, and smokers smell gross, and I can't believe you do that to your body, and on and on. I cut her off and told her that when I work late, I go into her office and fart in her chair while I eat my stinky beef jerky and I spit tobacco in her trash can.

Last week I hear the one in the office on my left, call the one to my right, (instead of walking two doors down) and they commenced to argue with eachother about what is an appropriate amount of time to spend in the bathroom. It went on for 10 minutes or more. Then they didn't talk for the rest of the day. I got a lot of work done that second half of the day.


Joined Feb 5, 2010
Women. Can't live with 'em. Can't shoot 'em.
So, Whatta you gonna do?


I for one, like to compare and contrast physical and emotional attributes of the women in my life with the experiences of my male friends. Women call this gossip and claim we are always bitchin' and moaning about our sad lot in life.

'twould seem we each like our side of the coin and disagree with any view of contentment held by those of the opposing face. That being said, Damn but some girls is Cra-Zee.