trouble with pic assembler codes

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Joined Oct 20, 2009
im programming a pic 16f627 to recieve input from an ultrasonic reciever and to count the number of times it changes its state from high to low. depending on how high or low the counter is, i can determine how far from an obstacle it is. this is all done in a short delay of 0.5s to determine how many times a change occured every o.5s. but the problem arises when i take the final value of my third counter and subtract it from, what i believe should be, a higher value even though i have tried smaller value so that a carry occurs and the status bit c changes to 1. the change in the status bit should set my portb 3 but that never occurs could anyone tell where i went wrong, is it my thinking or my code

Rich (BB code):
;Sekoli, 3 september 2009

	cnt1	equ	h'20'
	cnt2	equ	h'21'
	valx	equ	h'22'
	valy	equ	h'23'
	valz	equ	h'24'
	cnt3	equ	h'25'

	org	h'00'
	goto	init

	org	h'04'

	movlw	h'07'
	movwf	cmcon
	bsf	status,5
	;1=input 2=output
	movlw	b'11000000'	;set porta 6,7 as input and the rest as output
	movwf	trisa
	movlw	b'00000000'	;set portb to output 
	movwf	trisb
	bcf	status,5

	clrf	cnt1		;clear counters
	clrf	cnt2
	clrf	cnt3

	call 	delay2;

	bcf	status,c
	movlw	d'100'		;test value higher than cnt3
	sublw	cnt3		;at a certain distance
	btfsc	status,c	;check for carry
	goto	set		;if carry true set portb,3

	movlw	d'10'		;test value lower than cnt3
	sublw	cnt3		;at a certain distance
	btfsc	status,c	;check for carry
	goto	set		;if carry true set portb,3

	goto	clear		;else clear portb,3

;well all i keep geting is a low bit from portb,3	

;	movlw	cnt3		;tests final values from rx
;	movwf	portb		;and displays them in binary on portb

	goto	main

	bsf	portb,3
	goto	main
	bcf	portb,3
	goto	main

		incf	cnt1,1		
		movlw	d'255'		;sub max value from cnt1
		subwf	cnt1,0		;if cnt1 reached max val
		btfsc	status,z	
		incf	cnt2,1		;inc cnt2	
		movlw	d'255'		;do the same as for cnt1 with cnt2
		subwf	cnt2,0
		btfsc	status,z
		incf	cnt3,1		;if cnt2 max val reached inc cnt3


	movlw	d'3'
	movwf	valx

	movlw	d'216'
	movwf	valy

	movlw	d'255'
	movwf	valz

	btfss	porta,7		;is rx high
	call	theCount	;no, inc counters
	decfsz	valz,1
	goto	loopz
	decfsz	valy,1
	goto	loopy
	decfsz	valx,1
	goto	loopx


Joined Sep 7, 2009
I haven't looked at all the code but I spotted a couple of things, there is no need to ever do bcf status, c because the bit always gives the result for the previous instruction.
It doesen't affect the operation but is unnecessary.
The other thing is that the carry bit in status is clear if there is a carry and set if there is not a carry, the opposite of what happens in an add. I've no idea why that is and it got me too.
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Joined Jan 6, 2004
The other thing is that the carry bit in status is clear if there is a carry and set if there is not a carry, .
In PICs from the 16F and 18F family, the C (carry) bit in the STATUS register will be set (=1) if the last operation generated a carry.


Joined Sep 26, 2009
Rich (BB code):
Example 1: SUBLW 0x02
Before Instruction
W = 1
C = ?
After Instruction
W = 1
C = 1; result is positive
Example 2: Before Instruction
W = 2
C = ?
After Instruction
W = 0
C = 1; result is zero
Example 3: Before Instruction
W = 3
C = ?
After Instruction
W = 0xFF
C = 0; result is negative
My .02