Lorentz's electromagnetic ether represented with Maxwell's equations.

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Joined Apr 1, 2016
Lorentz is representing the optical aether with Maxwell's equations (Lorentz, sec 3).

"If, now, V be the velocity of light in the aether, the fundamental equations will be

Div E = q.....................................................................13

Div B = 0......................................................................14

dBz/dy - dBy/dz = 4πq(px + vx) + 4π(d/dt - px d/dx) Ex..............................................15

dBx/dz - dBz/dx = 4πpqvy + 4π(d/dt - px d/dx) Ey......................................................16

dBy/dx - dBx/dy = 4πqvz + 4π(d/dt - px d/dx) Ez........................................................17
