Can You Give Me Half A Camel???

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Joined Sep 13, 2007
here is a problem.

a man leaves his 3 sons with 17 camels after he passes away.the share of the eldest son is 4/9,that of the second is 1/3,and that of the third is 1/6.the problem is that they dont know how to divide them among themselves without cutting up a camel(!!!).a priest came along,riding on a camel and sovled their problem without cutting up a camel...HOW DID HE DO IT?


Joined May 16, 2005
Solution 1 - Priest convinces sons to donate camels to the greater cause, providing a substantial tax deduction

Solution 2 - Priest purchases 8 camels at market value, which sum is divisible by nine to allow math to work out fairly

Solution 3 - Priest sells own camel at market value, which sum is divisible by nine to allow math to work out fairly

Solution 4 - Priest shares prize-winning recipe for pit-barbecued camel jerkey

Solution 5 - Priest provides, in exchange for a cut of the profit, contact data for foreign investor who will pay much more than market value for all camels


Joined Apr 2, 2007
i dont like the way it is solved (i find it quite unconvincing).
but here goes the solution
the priest adds his camel to the 17 so we now have 18 camels.
then the first gets 4/9=8
second 1/3=6
they all add upto 17
so the last one is taken up by the priest back and problem solved?
i myself m not convinced since it beats the idea of having 4/9 or 1/6
or 1/3 of 17.
very nice.........first time i dont understand the ques clearly.However i have solved it.
The total sum of there shares is 4/9+1/3+1/6=17/18
so, the share of first for 17/18(camel)=4/9
" " " 17(camels)=4/9*18/17*17
Share of first =8 camels

similarly, that of second=1/3*18/17*17
share of second=6 camels

And, that of third=1/6*18/17*17
Share of third=3 camels

and priest goes back on camel.


Joined May 16, 2005
Of course! I get it now. The priest is taking the 1/18 share to cover last rites & burial expenses!

I never even bothered to check if the fractions added up to a whole. Shame on me!:rolleyes:


Joined Jun 30, 2006
Can't add those directly
they convert to
4/9 3/9 2/9 which is 9/9
One part of 9 is 1.888888888888888889 so that getting an even number is difficult.

very nice.........first time i dont understand the ques clearly.However i have solved it.
The total sum of there shares is 4/9+1/3+1/6=17/18
so, the share of first for 17/18(camel)=4/9
" " " 17(camels)=4/9*18/17*17
Share of first =8 camels

similarly, that of second=1/3*18/17*17
share of second=6 camels

And, that of third=1/6*18/17*17
Share of third=3 camels

and priest goes back on camel.


Joined Jun 30, 2006
The priest in all his wisdom tells them to wait until one camel is born then to split the lot up as so 8, 6, 4

In their gratitude they each give the priest 1/3 of their camels. How many camels have to be born to meet this obligation? How many camels does the priest get away with? Which brother has to wait the longest and pay the most?

Mike M.

Joined Oct 9, 2007
yes but it states the share is 1/6th etc.
so it must be from that seventeen 1/6th of 17 is not 3.
No fraction less than 1 of any prime will yeild a whole number except the prime's inverse so the question is actually flawed in that respect right from the start, not to mention that 17/18 doesn't = 1.