Blog entries by Ya’akov

Unlike most entries in this blog, I have not actually purchased or received the products mentioned. The purpose of this post is to give you a heads up on a Wi-Fi standard that was promulgated in 2017 and is now at the point of becoming a commodity item with some great potential. I will be...
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This is a small deviation from the usual format since the tools and consumables I‘m going to discuss in this Mailbag are from Amazon, and not electronic “mystery meat”. These are well known and so many of you will already be using them. I recently bought a couple of new tools and the supplies...
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This is a heads up concerning an upcoming post, currently in progress, about what may well be the long sought after HPS (Human Presence Sensor) so important to many IoT, and other, projects. I want to let you know about this before writing it up extensively because it is very impressive and can...
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This is the first post in a series on soldering for the neophyte and the perpetual learner. I would be very grateful for feedback on this series of any kind that you find relevant and particularly on factual errors, omissions, and unclear explanations. Bear in mind that many very relevant things...
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If anyone is following this blog as it develops I wanted to ensure you that more content is on the way. Local traffic here has consumed most of my bandwidth but there are things queued up. In fact, I really need to get some things out of the queue because it will soon overflow. I have 4 types...
It’s been a busy season around here. With birthdays, holidays, and less happy things taking more time than expected. Because of it, I am way behind on my posts here. That being the case, I have an overflowing queue of things awaiting their write-ups. So, I am turning to you, to see if there is...
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PLEASE NOTE THE TAB ABOVE QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS ARE ENCOURAGED                                       AT A GLANCE… Product:  2.58—6V@1.5A max CC LED Driver Module Price:   ~2.10 USD / ea. qty: 10   including shipping (2022-09-12) Rating:  5/5             pending revision based on lifespan...
This is the first in what I hope to be a series of concise posts on useful items I have found from online sources. I would appreciate feedback on the format and content. Please let me know if you find this sort of thing useful. Suggestions on improvements are very welcome. At a glance…...