Where to find a good working mixer based phase detector circuit


Joined Aug 21, 2017
P.S. Actually, I may say how much I want the bad about and habits or politics of our neighbour country at the East, but electronicists they have a just brilliant, thus the Yandex.ru is worth to use if English sites are not useful enough, it is full & overflowing with a different circuitry for each life case.
Thus translate the keywords (for that translate.google.com is designed to be) and apply the Yandex.
I am using the Translit.ru website to get the Kirillica letterset if there is no need for translation, thus I pushed the querry `схема фазового детектора на основе смесителя` and got a:

https://yandex.ru/images/search?tex...ове смесителя&stype=image&lr=11474&source=wiz

You find there a just brilliant circuit examples, as probably You see Yourself.