What would be a great topic for undergraduate thesis?

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Joined May 23, 2021
Good day, every one! Currently, I am third year Electronics Engineering student from Philippines. As part of our undergraduate program, we are required to conduct a research/thesis related to Electronics Engineering or Technology. Regarding this, I would like to ask your opinion about the following topics I have as of now:
1. Determining the Building Structural Integrity Using Computer Vision
2. Calorie Estimation using Deep Learning

I am also open for suggestions about automation/IoT and Energy engineering. Every comment, suggestion, and opinion is valuable. Thanks in advance! :)


Joined Jan 27, 2019
I find it curious that your topics are only tangentially related to EE and mostly involve writing software. Maybe something that requires at least as much electronics as software would be good.

Energy efficiency is very topical. Perhaps monitoring and control of energy usage? Maybe something that uses IoT to monitor and optimize household energy usage…

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Joined May 23, 2021
Thanks for your input, Sir! I really want a thesis related to energy. However, it is difficult to conduct a research regarding that field due to the pandemic and travel restrictions. Btw, your inputs are noted. thank you very much, Sir!


Joined Jan 27, 2019
How about your structural integrity idea but instead of CV you can instrument the building using low power, low costsensor pods (IoT) and a mesh network, and monitor the building for signs of instability?

You can still use deep learning to recognize problems, something like that…