OrCAD output Netlist can run... where?

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Joined Sep 28, 2017
Hey, All,

After some blood, sweat, and tears, I have pleased OrCAD enough to get it to generate the netlist for pSPICE... but it was the free pSPICE lite from Cadence, and so PSPICE summarily rejected it because I have "too many nodes."

Expletive. The full version is $2000 and a grad student's time is much cheaper.

So, my next steps are either:
1. Starting over in the free trial of Simulink.
2. Starting over in the free LTspice...

BUT before barking up all of THOSE trees, I was wondering if any of you knew whether I could take my netlist generated from ORcad, and use it in any of those (or other) programs. It sounds like I could download SPICE itself (https://embedded.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/downloads/spice/index.htm) and maybe run it there? Has anyone done that?

I'm looking for some guidance.

For reference, my circuit (photo) is attached, and the netlist is as follows:

** Creating circuit file "OMFG.cir"

* Profile Libraries :
* Local Libraries :
* From [PSPICE NETLIST] section of C:\Users\........\AppData\Roaming\SPB_Data\cdssetup\OrCAD_PSpice\17.2.0\PSpice.ini file:
.lib "nomd.lib"

*Analysis directives:
.PROBE64 V(alias(*)) I(alias(*)) W(alias(*)) D(alias(*)) NOISE(alias(*))
.INC "..\SCHEMATIC1.net"

R_R1 N14609 N14691 10000
R_R4 N14711 N147031 10000
R_R2 N14549 N14609 10000
R_R3 N14609 0 10000
X_F1 N16691 N19891 0 N14691 SCHEMATIC1_F1
V_V4 N15145 0 15Vdc
V_V5 0 N15141 15Vdc
V_V6 N15242 0 15Vdc
V_V7 0 N15280 15Vdc
V_V8 N15823 0 15Vdc
X_F2 N147031 N16691 0 N15823 SCHEMATIC1_F2
V_V9 N14549 0 15Vdc
C_C5 VIN N14609 1n TC=0,0
C_C6 0 N14711 1n TC=0,0
R_R5 N15823 VOUT 10k TC=0,0
X_U3 N14691 0 N15145 N15141 N14711 AD743/AD
X_U4 0 N15823 N15242 N15280 VOUT AD743/AD
X_D1 N19891 0 D1N5765
V_V10 VIN 0
+SIN 0 5V 1k 0 0 0

.subckt SCHEMATIC1_F1 1 2 3 4
F_F1 3 4 VF_F1 0.5
VF_F1 1 2 0V

.subckt SCHEMATIC1_F2 1 2 3 4
F_F2 3 4 VF_F2 0.5
VF_F2 1 2 0V

**** RESUMING OMFG.cir ****

ERROR -- EVALUATION VERSION analog Node Limit (75 Nodes) Exceeded!

**** 09/28/17 11:10:49 ******* PSpice Lite (March 2016) ******* ID# 10813 ****

** Profile: "SCHEMATIC1-OMFG" [ C:\Users\Matt\Documents\pSPICE\NCSUCircuilt-PSpiceFiles\SCHEMATIC1\OMFG.sim ]



Node counts:
Top level (NUNODS) = 13
External (NCNODS) = 84
Total (NUMNOD) = 84

Total device count (NUMEL) = 166
Capacitors (C) = 18
Diodes (D) = 30
VCVS (E) = 14
CCCS (F) = 6
VCCS (G) = 18
Current Sources (I) = 7
JFETs (J) = 4
Inductors (L) = 2
Resistors (R) = 34
Voltage Sources (V) = 31

Number of subcircuits (X) = 5

Analysis statistics:
No. total time points (NUMTTP) = 0
No. rejected time points (NUMRTP) = 0
No. iterations (NUMNIT) = 0

Load Threads = 1

Runtime statistics: Seconds Iterations
Readin = .14
General setup = 0.00
CMI setup = 0.00
Setup = 0.00
DC sweep = 0.00 0
Bias point = 0.00 0
AC and noise = 0.00 0
Total transient analysis = 0.00
Output = 0.00
Overhead = .33
Total job time = .14



Joined Apr 12, 2019
Hi, came across this thread as I have a problem with the circuit that I’m trying to implement. I have the error “analog node limit (75 nodes) exceeded”. I’m trying to create a 2nd order Bessel filter cascaded 4 times to get an 8th order. So there are a lot of components and nodes involved. How can I create my circuit without this error? : (


Joined Apr 11, 2010
Hi, came across this thread as I have a problem with the circuit that I’m trying to implement. I have the error “analog node limit (75 nodes) exceeded”. I’m trying to create a 2nd order Bessel filter cascaded 4 times to get an 8th order. So there are a lot of components and nodes involved. How can I create my circuit without this error? : (
This thread is almost two years old. You really need to start a new thread. Posts like these have a name - necroposting - and are generally frowned upon. Do yourself a favor and start your own thread.


Joined Jun 8, 2013
Hi, came across this thread as I have a problem with the circuit that I’m trying to implement. I have the error “analog node limit (75 nodes) exceeded”. I’m trying to create a 2nd order Bessel filter cascaded 4 times to get an 8th order. So there are a lot of components and nodes involved. How can I create my circuit without this error? : (

Are you attempting to use the pspice net list in LTspice?

If so, should work as long as a model for the opamp exists in LTspice
