MC2100 treadmill motor control circuit


Joined Jul 18, 2013
Yes, The Golds Gym sheet that comes with the T.M. states pin 4 = 0-5v **(0-1.5) VDC
With a comment ** "DC multimeters may have difficulty measuring this signal and may only show a maximum of 1.5DC "


Joined Jul 18, 2013
I have never worked on the 230v version, but I would expect at least 200vdc on the capacitor, some kind of DC control is implemented by the triac after the bridge.
Although your motor is rated at 100v so it may not be that high, or set to what the 120v versions are and around 140v.
So I would check that the condenser has about 140-145v at most. Because IGBT can not reduce so much from 300v to 14 50v. I put a G30N60A igbt. I think that is not the problem .In the igbt part the adjustment is made, but at the thyristor it opens / closes.
At start-up the LED is lit continuously. After start-up the LED flashes. It starts at a higher speed and then decreases and works normally. But the igbt transistor heats up hard and burns out.


Joined Apr 21, 2020
[QUOTE = "vasile eugen, post: 1501029, member: 686050"]
Да, сейчас я работаю только с галогенными лампами и лампами накаливания, но я думаю, что напряжение на конденсаторе 560 мкФ / 400 В слишком высокое.
привет, возможно проблема в моторе, возможно замкнуты обмотки, поэтому и такая нагрузка.
Ключ G4PC40K у меня есть на платформе G4PC40KD разница только в наличии диода. Скорость указана. где собака зарыта не могу найти. Расколол резистор на 0,01 ом R36 там толстая проволочина держит ток хороший.

[QUOTE = "vasile eugen, post: 1501029, member: 686050"]

Yes, now I only work with halogen and incandescent lamps, but I think that the voltage on the 560 uF / 400 V capacitor is too high.


Hi, there may be a problem in the motor, the windings may be shorted, so there is such a load.

I have a G4PC40K key on the G4PC40KD platform, the only difference is in the presence of a diode. Speed indicated. where the dog is buried I can not find. He chopped the resistor to 0.01 ohm R36 there a thick wire keeps the current good.

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Joined Jul 18, 2013
Yes now I only work with halogen bulb and filament, but I think the voltage on the 560uF / 400v capacitor is too high.
I believe the operation is that there is a SCR on the heatsink that is on the output of the bridge rectifier, the SCR is controlled by the microprocessor and ramps up the DC at power up, so even if the motor has a command initially it does not go into full power, the DC ramp up controls this, so a suspect in this case would be the SCR on the heat sink.


Joined Apr 21, 2020
MaxHeadRoom помогите, дорожка включается во время работы мотор останавливается , светодиод медленно моргает, какие сигналы смотреть?

help, the track turns on during operation, the motor stops, the LED blinks slowly, what signals to watch?

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