LCD going WACK after running for a bit

Thread Starter


Joined Jan 25, 2017
Hi all,

Its me again. I know i'm like a stray cat right? So here's my problem in the best way I can explain it. I have a 4x20 LCD attached to an arduino. The arduino is attached to several components including an eight channel solid state relay board which drives 24VAC and one relay for 120VAC. Everything runs great for a little while. (I say little while cause this issue doesn't happen at the same time interval, its random. So to specify we'll say anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours.) After a "little while" the LCD goes nuts and displays very odd characters. I've googled and googled and read page after page trying to weed out my issue but my efforts are inconclusive.

From what i've looked on google I've tried the following but will be more then willing to try again if suggested. Heres what i've tried so far:
1. Adding filter capacitors (Ceramic capacitors values .01 to 1uf)
2. Adding "support" capacitors (Electrolytic capacitors values 47 to 220 uf)
3. Adding a diode to ground to prevent rouge signal traveling up the ground wire
4. I've looked through every line of my code to find any bit that might confuse the LCD.
5. I added a 1000uf capacitor to my main power rail on my breadboard.

As of right now I have both 1&2 still in place along with #5. I removed the diode and the code from my POV is completely ok.

I know what your thinking, the relays right? I would think so too if they weren't isolated using phototriac isolation. If I did my research correctly its using a emitter LED with a IR receiver to know when to switch the relays. The relays are also on their own branch off the power supply. Not directly hooked to the arduino except the signal lines. Thus being said, they are connected only through the main power to the relay board, and the ground wire to the relay board itself. Which I have filter capacitors going after and before this connection.

I've attached a image to give an example of whats going on. The LCD text is perfect when it first starts running and I've activated the relays one by one to check for a bad connection but it never does it until its ran for a while. I dunno what to try next so this is my calling for any advice you may have.

As always thank you for taking the time to read this even if you don't post a reply. I know its a long post.
- M

EDIT: Sorry, Attached a wiring diagram as well.


Thread Starter


Joined Jan 25, 2017
I couldn't find a datasheet for the LCD but the make and model can be found here

Relay board:

Its quite a big sketch so if you need any info I can try to help.
/*  VERSION 1.2.7
#include <Keypad.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>

//Panel Buttons
const int StartFeedButton = 6;
const int NextButton = 42;
const int SaveButton = 46;
const int UpButton = 48;
const int DownButton = 44;
const int ToggleButton = 50;
// Panel LEDs
const int PanelLed1 = 51;
const int PanelLed2 = 49;
const int PanelLed3 = 47;
const int PanelLed4 = 45;
const int PanelLed5 = 43;
const int ErrorLed = 13;
const int HookRailEmpty = A0;
const int HookRailFull = A4;
const int HangerRackFull = A1;
const int HookCycleStart = A2;
const int HeadUp = A7;
const int HeadDown = A6;
const int StripOffOut = A5;
const int CrimpCycleStart = A3;
const int ToolHead = 16;
const int StripOff = 17;
const int HookStopper = 8;
const int CrimpStopper = 18;
const int Crimp = 19;
const int FeedTable = 7;
const int MainAir = 14;
const int HookShaker = 15;
//LCD Variables
int x = 0;
const int LCDClearTime = 7000;
int pos = 15;
int j = 0;
char arraya [] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 0};
//Time Controls
const int buttonWait = 300;
unsigned long preLCDClear = 0;
unsigned long buttonPreviousTime = 0;
unsigned long previousTimer1 = 0;
unsigned long previousTimer2 = 0;
unsigned long previousTimer3 = 0;
unsigned long previousTimer4 = 0;
unsigned long precountTime = 0;
unsigned long y[] = {1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 2300, 2000, 3000};
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
const byte ROWS = 4;
const byte COLS = 4;
char keys[ROWS][COLS] = {
  {'1', '2', '3', 'A'},
  {'4', '5', '6', 'B'},
  {'7', '8', '9', 'C'},
  {'*', '0', '#', 'D'}
byte rowPins[ROWS] = {25, 27, 29, 31}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad
byte colPins[COLS] = {33, 35, 37, 39};
Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );

//System Variables
boolean Active = LOW;
int ToggleLogic = 0;
int FeedLoop = 0;
int FeedCheck = 0;
int FeedNext = 0;
int HookNext = 0;
int HookLoop = 0;
int HookCheck = 0;
int CrimpLoop = 0;
int CrimpNext = 0;
int RailCheck = LOW;
int RailCheckNext = 0;
byte rswitch = 0;
byte SOverride = 1;
char StateArray[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; //Include extra 0 for the NULL END
int passcode = 7777;
int Error = 0;
int LogicCount = 0;
int BNextLogic = 0;
int BUpLogic = 0;
int BDownLogic = 0;
int SaveButtonTrigger = 0;
int ManualFeed = 0;
int SecStart = 0;

void setup() {
  pinMode(PanelLed1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PanelLed2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PanelLed3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PanelLed4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PanelLed5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ErrorLed, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(StartFeedButton, INPUT);
  pinMode(NextButton, INPUT);
  pinMode(SaveButton, INPUT);
  pinMode(UpButton, INPUT);
  pinMode(DownButton, INPUT);
  pinMode(ToggleButton, INPUT);
  pinMode(ToolHead, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(HookStopper, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CrimpStopper, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Crimp, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(FeedTable, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(MainAir, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(HookShaker, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(StripOff, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(HookCycleStart, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(HangerRackFull, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(CrimpCycleStart, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(HookRailEmpty, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(HookRailFull, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(HeadUp, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(HeadDown, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(StripOffOut, INPUT_PULLUP);
  Serial.println("Program Version 1.2.7");
  lcd.begin(20, 4);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Run Time: ");
  lcd.setCursor(2, 1);
  lcd.print("*** BOOTING ***");
  //Load EEPROM Memory
  for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++) {
    int f = k * 2;
    int ytemp =;
    ytemp = ytemp * 10;
    int gtemp = gtemp =;
    gtemp = gtemp * 10;
    y[k] = gtemp + ytemp;
    Serial.print("]: ");
  Serial.println("********** System Variables ***********");
  Serial.print("Button Wait Time: ");
  Serial.print("LCD Clear Time: ");
  Serial.print("LCD Default POS: ");
  Serial.print("Override Passcode: ");
  lcd.print("                    ");

void loop() {
  unsigned long currentTime = millis(); //MAIN Timer
  lcdClear(); //Call LCD Clear function to clear 4th line of LCD
  lcd.setCursor(10, 0);
  lcd.print(millis() / 1000);
  if (SOverride == 0 || SOverride == 1) {
    if (SOverride == 0 && Active != 0) {
      for (int indx = 0; indx < 7; indx++) {
        StateArray[indx] = 0;
        Serial.print("Relay status INDEX: ");
        Serial.println(" reset.");
      lcd.print("                    ");
      digitalWrite(PanelLed1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(PanelLed2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(PanelLed3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(PanelLed4, LOW);
      digitalWrite(PanelLed5, LOW);
      LogicCount = 0; //Reset the count after leaving SOverride or inactive mode
      SOverride = 1;
    BNextLogic = digitalRead(NextButton);
    if ((BNextLogic == HIGH) && (currentTime - buttonPreviousTime >= buttonWait)) {
      buttonPreviousTime = currentTime;
      if (x >= 6) {
        x = 0;
        Serial.print("Time VAR: ");
        Serial.print(x + 1);
        Serial.print(" selected. | ");
      else {
        Serial.print("Time VAR: ");
        Serial.print(x + 1);
        Serial.print(" selected. | ");
    BUpLogic = digitalRead(UpButton);
    if ((BUpLogic == HIGH) && (currentTime - buttonPreviousTime >= buttonWait)) {
      y[x] = y[x] + 100;
      buttonPreviousTime = currentTime;
      Serial.print("TimeVar ");
      Serial.print(x + 1);
      Serial.print(" is now: ");
    BDownLogic = digitalRead(DownButton);
    if ((BDownLogic == HIGH) && (currentTime - buttonPreviousTime >= buttonWait)) {
      y[x] = y[x] - 100;
      buttonPreviousTime = currentTime;
      Serial.print("TimeVar ");
      Serial.print(x + 1);
      Serial.print(" is now: ");
    SaveButtonTrigger = digitalRead(SaveButton);
    if ((SaveButtonTrigger == HIGH) && (currentTime - buttonPreviousTime >= buttonWait)) {
      buttonPreviousTime = currentTime;
      if (SOverride == 0 || SOverride == 1) {
        Serial.print("TimeVar ");
        Serial.print(x + 1);
        Serial.println(" saved.");
    ToggleLogic = digitalRead(ToggleButton);
    if ((ToggleLogic == HIGH) && (Active == 0)) {
      Active = 1;
      digitalWrite(PanelLed1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(PanelLed2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(PanelLed3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(PanelLed4, LOW);
      digitalWrite(PanelLed5, LOW);
      digitalWrite(ErrorLed, LOW);
    if (ToggleLogic == LOW) {
      Active = 0;
      digitalWrite(ErrorLed, HIGH);
    if (Active == 1) {
      digitalWrite(MainAir, HIGH);
      ManualFeed = digitalRead(StartFeedButton);
      FeedLoop = digitalRead(HookCycleStart);
      FeedCheck = digitalRead(HangerRackFull);
      if (((FeedLoop == LOW) && (Error == 0)) || ((SecStart == 1) && (FeedCheck == LOW)) || (ManualFeed == HIGH)) {
        if (FeedNext == 0) {
          // FEED ACTIVATED
          Serial.println("Feed Cycle Activated");
          lcd.print("Feed Reset:");
          if (LogicCount == 0) {
            precountTime = currentTime;
          FeedCheck = digitalRead(HangerRackFull);
          if ((FeedCheck == HIGH) && (SecStart != 1)) {
            Serial.println("ERROR: Hanger Rack NOT full.");
            lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
            lcd.print("ERROR: Hanger Rack");
            preLCDClear = currentTime;
            Error = 1;
            SecStart = 1;
            lcd.print("ON ");
          else {
            SecStart = 0;
            Error = 0;
            lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
            lcd.print("SC: ");
            lcd.print("  ");
            digitalWrite(PanelLed1, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(ErrorLed, LOW);
            FeedNext = 1;
            previousTimer1 = currentTime;
      // FEED OPEN
      if ((FeedNext == 1) && (currentTime - previousTimer1 >= y[0])) {
        previousTimer1 = currentTime;
        digitalWrite(FeedTable, HIGH);
        Serial.println("Feed Cycle | FEED OPEN");
        FeedNext = 2;
      //FEED CLOSE
      if ((FeedNext == 2) && (currentTime - previousTimer1 >= y[1])) {
        Serial.println("Feed Cycle | FEED CLOSE");
        previousTimer1 = currentTime;
        digitalWrite(FeedTable, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PanelLed1, LOW);
        FeedNext = 0;
      // Vibrator Cycle
      RailCheck = digitalRead(HookRailFull);
      if ((RailCheck == HIGH) && (RailCheckNext == 0)) {
        Serial.println("Rail Check Activated");
        previousTimer2 = currentTime;
        digitalWrite(PanelLed5, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(HookShaker, HIGH);
        RailCheckNext = 1;
      if (RailCheckNext == 1) {
        RailCheck = digitalRead(HookRailFull);
        if (RailCheck == LOW) {
          previousTimer2 = currentTime;
          RailCheckNext = 2;
      if (RailCheckNext == 2) {
        RailCheck = digitalRead(HookRailFull);
        if (RailCheck == HIGH) {
          RailCheckNext = 1;
        if ((RailCheck == LOW) && (currentTime - previousTimer2 >= y[5])) {
          digitalWrite(HookShaker, LOW);
          digitalWrite(PanelLed5, LOW);
          previousTimer2 = currentTime;
          Serial.println("Rail Check Finsihed");
          RailCheckNext = 0;
      // Crimp Cycle
      CrimpLoop = digitalRead(CrimpCycleStart);
      if ((CrimpLoop == LOW) && (CrimpNext == 0)) {
        Serial.println("Crimp Cycle Activated");
        digitalWrite(PanelLed4, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(CrimpStopper, HIGH);
        previousTimer4 = currentTime;
        CrimpNext = 1;
      if ((CrimpNext == 1) && (currentTime - previousTimer4 >= y[3])) {
        previousTimer4 = currentTime;
        digitalWrite(Crimp, HIGH);
        Serial.println("Crimp Cycle | Crimp");
        CrimpNext = 2;
      if ((CrimpNext == 2) && (currentTime - previousTimer4 >= y[4])) {
        Serial.println("Crimp Cycle | Reset");
        previousTimer4 = currentTime;
        digitalWrite(Crimp, LOW);
        digitalWrite(CrimpStopper, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PanelLed4, LOW);
        CrimpNext = 0;
      // Hook Cycle
      HookLoop = digitalRead(HookCycleStart);
      if ((HookLoop == LOW) && (HookNext == 0)) {
        Serial.println("Hook Cycle Activated");
        digitalWrite(PanelLed2, HIGH);
        boolean HookCheck;
        HookCheck = digitalRead(HookRailEmpty);
        if (HookCheck == HIGH) {
          Serial.println("ERROR: Hook Check failed");
          lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
          lcd.print("ERROR: Hook Check");
          preLCDClear = currentTime;
          //Error = 1;
          digitalWrite(PanelLed2, LOW);
          FeedLoop = 0;
          FeedNext = 0;
          digitalWrite(ErrorLed, HIGH);
        if (HookCheck == LOW) {
          previousTimer3 = currentTime;
          digitalWrite(HookStopper, HIGH);
          HookNext = 1;
      if ((HookNext == 1) && (currentTime - previousTimer3 >= y[2])) {
        previousTimer3 = currentTime;
        Serial.println("Hook Cycle | Tool/Head OUT");
        digitalWrite(ToolHead, HIGH);
        HookNext = 2;
      if (HookNext == 2) {
        int HeadCheckDown = digitalRead(HeadDown);
        if (HeadCheckDown == LOW) {
          digitalWrite(StripOff, HIGH);
          HookNext = 3;
          Serial.println("Hook Cycle | Strip Off OUT");
      if (HookNext == 3) {
        int StripoffCheck = digitalRead(StripOffOut);
        if (StripoffCheck == LOW) {
          digitalWrite(ToolHead, LOW);
          digitalWrite(PanelLed3, HIGH);
          digitalWrite(PanelLed2, LOW);
          HookNext = 4;
      if (HookNext == 4) {
        int HeadUpCheck = digitalRead(HeadUp);
        if (HeadUpCheck == LOW) {
          Serial.println("Hook Cycle | Reset");
          digitalWrite(StripOff, LOW);
          digitalWrite(HookStopper, LOW);
          digitalWrite(PanelLed3, LOW);
          HookNext = 0;
      if (LogicCount >= 100) {
    if (Active == 0) {
      lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
    } // End of Active 0 (containing switch)
  } // End of Override Statement
  if (SOverride == 2) {
    digitalWrite(PanelLed1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(PanelLed2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(PanelLed3, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(PanelLed4, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(PanelLed5, HIGH);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
    lcd.print("OVERRIDE: ON        ");
    BNextLogic = digitalRead(NextButton);
    if ((BNextLogic == HIGH) && (currentTime - buttonPreviousTime >= buttonWait)) {
      buttonPreviousTime = currentTime;
      if (rswitch >= 8) {
        rswitch = 0;
    SaveButtonTrigger = digitalRead(SaveButton);
    if ((SaveButtonTrigger == HIGH) && (currentTime - buttonPreviousTime >= buttonWait)) {
      buttonPreviousTime = currentTime;
      Override_Trigger(rswitch + 1);
    BDownLogic = digitalRead(DownButton);
    if ((BDownLogic == HIGH) && (currentTime - buttonPreviousTime >= buttonWait)) {
      buttonPreviousTime = currentTime;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
      lcd.print("Override Deactivated");
      Serial.println("SYSTEM OVERRIDE | Deactivated ");
      preLCDClear = currentTime;
      SOverride = 0;
      x = 0;
    else {
      char key;
      key = keypad.getKey();
      if (key) {
        char bxyz[] = {0};
        bxyz[j++] = key;
        int tempb = atoi(bxyz);
        j = 0;
      switch (rswitch) {
        case 0:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
          lcd.print("SYSTEM: Relay 1    ");
        case 1:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
          lcd.print("SYSTEM: Relay 2    ");
        case 2:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
          lcd.print("SYSTEM: Relay 3    ");
        case 3:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
          lcd.print("SYSTEM: Relay 4    ");
        case 4:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
          lcd.print("SYSTEM: Relay 5    ");
        case 5:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
          lcd.print("SYSTEM: Relay 6    ");
        case 6:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
          lcd.print("SYSTEM: Relay 7    ");
        case 7:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
          lcd.print("SYSTEM: Relay 8    ");
        case 8:
      } // End of Rswitch
    } // End of Else Statment
  } // End of SOverride2
} // *****************************  End of LOOP Void ************************

void inactive(int x) {
  SOverride = 0;
  digitalWrite(ErrorLed, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(FeedTable, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ToolHead, LOW);
  digitalWrite(HookStopper, LOW);
  digitalWrite(CrimpStopper, LOW);
  digitalWrite(Crimp, LOW);
  digitalWrite(MainAir, LOW);
  digitalWrite(HookShaker, LOW);
  if (y[6] == passcode) {
    Serial.println("***** Override ACTIVATED *****");
    y[6] = 0;
    SOverride = 2;
  switch (x) {
    case 0:
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("Feed Wait Time:     ");
    case 1:
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("Feed Open Time      ");
    case 2:
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("Hook Cycle Wait     ");
    case 3:
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("Crimp Cycle Wait    ");
    case 4:
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("Crimp Time          ");
    case 5:
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("Vibrator Time     ");
} // End of Inactive void

void savetrigger(int x) {
  if (y[x] >= 5101){
    y[x] = 5100;
    lcd.print("Max Value hit!");
    Serial.println("SYSTEM: Max value hit when trying to save.");
  int address = x * 2;
  int ytemp = ytemp = y[x] / 10;
  if (ytemp > 255) {
    ytemp = ytemp - 255;
    EEPROM.update(address, ytemp);
    address = address + 1;
    if (address == EEPROM.length()) {
      address = 0;
      Serial.println("*** SYSTEM ERROR [EE0005]");
    EEPROM.update(address, 255);
    address = address + 1;
    if (address == EEPROM.length()) {
      address = 0;
      Serial.println("*** SYSTEM ERROR [EE0006]");
  if (ytemp < 255) {
    EEPROM.update(address, ytemp);
    address = address + 1;
    if (address == EEPROM.length()) {
      address = 0;
      Serial.println("*** SYSTEM ERROR [EE0007]");
    EEPROM.update(address, 0);
    address = address + 1;
    if (address == EEPROM.length()) {
      address = 0;
      Serial.println("*** SYSTEM ERROR [EE0008]");
  ytemp = x + 1;
  lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
  lcd.print("EE.Update VAR[");
  lcd.print("]    ");
  unsigned long currentTime = millis();
  preLCDClear = currentTime;
  int state = digitalRead(ErrorLed);
  digitalWrite(ErrorLed, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ErrorLed, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ErrorLed, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ErrorLed, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ErrorLed, state);
//************************* VOID END ******************************

void Override_Trigger(int RTrigger) {
  int tempstate = LOW;
  String lcdstate = "OFF";
  unsigned long currentTime = millis();
  if (StateArray[RTrigger] == 1) {
    tempstate = LOW;
    lcdstate = "OFF";
    StateArray[RTrigger] = 0;
    StateArray[RTrigger] = 1;
    lcdstate = "ON";
    tempstate = HIGH;
  if (RTrigger == 1) {
    digitalWrite(FeedTable, tempstate);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
    lcd.print("Relay 1 SET TO: ");
    lcd.print(" ");
    Serial.print("SYSTEM OVERRIDE | Relay 1 | ");
    preLCDClear = currentTime;
  if (RTrigger == 2) {
    digitalWrite(HookStopper, tempstate);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
    lcd.print("Relay 2 SET TO: ");
    lcd.print(" ");
    Serial.print("SYSTEM OVERRIDE | Relay 2 | ");
    preLCDClear = currentTime;
  if (RTrigger == 3) {
    digitalWrite(ToolHead, tempstate);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
    lcd.print("Relay 3 SET TO: ");
    lcd.print(" ");
    Serial.print("SYSTEM OVERRIDE | Relay 3 | ");
    preLCDClear = currentTime;
  if (RTrigger == 4) {
    digitalWrite(StripOff, tempstate);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
    lcd.print("Relay 4 SET TO: ");
    lcd.print(" ");
    Serial.print("SYSTEM OVERRIDE | Relay 4 | ");
    preLCDClear = currentTime;
  if (RTrigger == 5) {
    digitalWrite(CrimpStopper, tempstate);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
    lcd.print("Relay 5 SET TO: ");
    lcd.print(" ");
    Serial.print("SYSTEM OVERRIDE | Relay 5 | ");
    preLCDClear = currentTime;
  if (RTrigger == 6) {
    digitalWrite(Crimp, tempstate);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
    lcd.print("Relay 6 SET TO: ");
    lcd.print(" ");
    Serial.print("SYSTEM OVERRIDE | Relay 6 | ");
    preLCDClear = currentTime;
  if (RTrigger == 7) {
    digitalWrite(HookShaker, tempstate);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
    lcd.print("Relay 7 SET TO: ");
    lcd.print(" ");
    Serial.print("SYSTEM OVERRIDE | Relay 7 | ");
    preLCDClear = currentTime;
  if (RTrigger == 8) {
    digitalWrite(MainAir, tempstate);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
    lcd.print("Relay 8 SET TO: ");
    lcd.print(" ");
    Serial.print("SYSTEM OVERRIDE | Relay 8 | ");
    preLCDClear = currentTime;

void changetime(int x) {
  unsigned long currentTime = millis();
  lcd.setCursor(5, 2);
  lcd.print("       ");
  lcd.setCursor(pos, 2);
  char key;
  key = keypad.getKey();
  if (key) {
    lcd.setCursor(pos, 2);
    arraya[j++] = key;
    if (pos > 20) {
      pos = 15;
    if (key == '*') {
      int tempa = atoi(arraya);
      Serial.print("SYSTEM | Keypad Input: ");
      if (tempa == passcode) {
        y[6] = passcode;
        pos = 15;
        lcd.setCursor(pos, 2);
        lcd.print("       ");
        j = 0;
      if (tempa > 5100) {
        tempa = 5100;
        Serial.println("WARNING: MAX VALUE HIT");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
        lcd.print("ERROR: MAX VALUE HIT");
        preLCDClear = currentTime;
      if (tempa > 2550) {
        y[x] = tempa;
        int ytemp = 0;
        int address = 0;
        ytemp = y[x] / 10;
        address = x * 2;
        ytemp = ytemp - 255;
        EEPROM.update(address, 255);
        address = address + 1;
        if (address == EEPROM.length()) {
          address = 0;
          Serial.println("*** SYSTEM ERROR [EE0001]");
        EEPROM.update(address, ytemp);
        if (address == EEPROM.length()) {
          address = 0;
          Serial.println("*** SYSTEM ERROR [EE0002]");
        Serial.print("SYSTEM | EEPROM | ");
        Serial.print(ytemp + 255);
        Serial.print(" was wrote to EEPROM address: ");
      if (tempa < 2550) {
        y[x] = tempa;
        int ytemp = 0;
        int address = 0;
        ytemp = y[x] / 10;
        address = x * 2;
        EEPROM.update(address, ytemp);
        address = address + 1;
        if (address == EEPROM.length()) {
          address = 0;
          Serial.println("*** SYSTEM ERROR [EE0003]");
        EEPROM.update(address, 0);
        if (address == EEPROM.length()) {
          address = 0;
          Serial.println("*** SYSTEM ERROR [EE0004]");
        Serial.print("EEPROM | ");
        Serial.print(" was wrote to EEPROM address: ");
      pos = 15;
      lcd.setCursor(pos, 2);
      lcd.print("      ");
      j = 0;
    if (key == '#') {
      pos = 15;
      lcd.setCursor(pos, 2);
      lcd.print("      ");
      j = 0;
  } //End of If(Key)
//End of ChangeTime Void

void lcdClear() {
  unsigned long currentTime = millis();
  if (currentTime - preLCDClear >= LCDClearTime)
    preLCDClear = currentTime;
    lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
    lcd.print("                    ");

void setLEDS(byte LEDSnumber)
  digitalWrite(PanelLed1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(PanelLed2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(PanelLed3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(PanelLed4, LOW);
  digitalWrite(PanelLed5, LOW);

  digitalWrite(LEDSnumber, HIGH);

void TimeKeeper() {
  unsigned long tempvarj = ((millis() - precountTime) / 1000);
  Serial.print("CTN Run Time: ");
  lcd.setCursor(15, 1);
  LogicCount = 0;
My theory is I need to isolate the 5V and ground going to the relay board but i'm trying to confirm this before I go spending money on parts.

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Joined Jan 25, 2017
Once it's gone bonkers, does resetting the arduino restore normality?
If so:
The LCD goes "bonkers" but the system itself runs normal wether the LCD is messed up or not. I can't really say WatchDog would be an applicable fix for this. The micro-controller is running a machine so resetting mid cycle would just cause more issues then it would fix.

But, Yes resetting it does fix the LCD till it decides to mangle itself.


Joined Nov 23, 2012
That is a lot of display realestate. You should add a debugging area to your display - Pick one position in the display to put a specific character for each part (subroutine) of the program. Then put a video camera in the display and you can (may) be able watch the last seconds of the video to figure out if the same thing happens each time that causes it to go WACK.

Adding a short delay routing may be required for some short subroutines.


Joined Oct 2, 2009
Four things you could try.

1) Put 0.1μF and 10μF right at the LCD Vdd and GND pins, instead of C1-100μF.

2) Reduce the length of the wires feeding the LCD, or use twisted pairs on R/W, RS, E, and data lines (i.e. each line paired with GND).

3) Try to identify if the problem is caused by relay activity. Can you disable all relays and see if the problem goes away?

4) Try changing the LCD module.


Joined Jun 26, 2012
A few observations and general thoughts:
You don't have much filtering/decoupling on your power supply. You should have a relatively large Al. cap on the input of the 7805 in addition to the small ceramics. You should have decoupling caps on the power pins of each device. 1uF tantalum || .1uf ceramic is a good start. These should be physically located at each device with short, fat leads to minimize inductance.
The power routing is critical in a mixed signal system. The uC/LCD and the relay driver should each have their own power/GND that are separately routed to the regulator and decoupled there.
If you are getting arcs on the relay contacts, consider snubbers on the power side.
See if you can determine if you are just getting extra characters written due to noise or if you are clobbering the display setup.
You can incorporate firmware refreshes to redo screeens periodically or re-init the LCD as necessary but the main thing is to get the circuit itself quiet.
Others have posted while I was writing but that's what I'd look at first.

EDIT: it is possible that the bad characters are written by transients on the LCD's E line. You could stiffen that up with a little RC or pulldown on E. If that helps, consider changing the firmware so that it does not update the LCD after a change in the relays to avoid transients on the data lines when the relays are switching.

Good luck!
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Thread Starter


Joined Jan 25, 2017
Hello all,

Sorry for bumping an old forgotten thread. We'll not forgotten. Anywho! I recently purchased an oscilloscope to help track down the same issue I was having a year ago. Persistent right?? So i'm not exactly an expert at this thing yet but i've made a few observations. My dc line has a bit of ripple in it while the conveyor motor is running. Now I would expect this under certain circumstances but in the layout and design of my circuit, I don't think this should be happening. So this is question one, or issue number one. Why would I see ripple on my DC line coming out of a Wall wart power supply. The motor has no connections to relays other then the one relay that supplies the outlet that powers the wall wart DC power supply, from there I have a power distribution circuit with filtering capacitors as an extra precaution. I have verified that the circuit has no ripple when the motor is turned off.

Question 1: Why is there ripple coming through the DC power supply line even if the only common point is a relay powering the motor and the outlet?

  1. Isolated the "control" side of things at least 3 feet away from the motor.
  2. Filtered the power coming out of the DC power supply to a power distribution/filter circuit before it goes to the microcontroller, sensors, etc.
  3. Confirmed the ripple is when the motor is On, no ripple when its off.
  4. Confirmed the motor is grounded
  5. Unhooked the relay board connected to the other coils (not connected to the motor)

On to the next predicament. In my observations, research, whatever you want to call it, I've found that when I turn off one of my coils, I get a 56V spike, Been working on getting rid of this for a while now. I've moved toward using a MOV or RC Filter to remove the spike, Diodes won't work due to the spike being AC current (unless i'm wrong on this?). So I was looking around at MOVs, according to the scope, my normal voltage is 40VAC, even though its coming off a 24VAC transformer. So when looking for a MOV, do I look for one with a maximum voltage of 24VAC or 40VAC? The whole min/max thing is a bit new to me.

I want to thank all of you for all the help you have responded with in thislong journey of mine, It is greatly appreciated!

I've attached a copy of the circuit that filters/steps down the voltage coming out of the DC power supply.

Note this is just the schematic for the sub control aka the power distribution. It takes in a 9VDC and steps it down to 6VDC and 5VDC, with some .01 and .1 filter ceramic caps, and a couple of 1000uF support caps.

EDIT: it is possible that the bad characters are written by transients on the LCD's E line. You could stiffen that up with a little RC or pulldown on E.
Pull down with a resistor I would assume? You think a 10Kohm to ground would suffice?
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Joined Aug 12, 2014
We had a similar problem a few years ago with 4x20 LCD displays.

In our case it turned out to be arcing in the relays which caused our problems. The noise was radiated out through the air - no amount of electrical isolation made any difference whatsoever, but physical distance and shielding helped a little (unfortunately neither was an acceptable solution for production, just test results during our diagnostic process.)

Probably 80-90% of our problems were just repeated characters appearing in the wrong part of the screen, which was due to false triggering of the sensitive E (enable) line. A small cap from that pin to ground (don't remember, maybe 0.047uF?) solved that issue.

The remaining 10-20% of our problems crashed the entire display module, leaving it blank until we rebooted the machine. Snubbers helped some, but not enough. Lots of attempts to improve grounding helped, but only a little. Ultimately the only thing that really worked for us was replacing the mechanical relay with an SSR. Zero problems after that.

I have no idea if your problems are related to ours, but maybe. If so, using an SSR might solve your problems.