Insights from the Internet...

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Joined Jan 27, 2019
...into human confusion.

This is a serious proposal looking for investors. Identity obscured, ignorance may be baffling but people don't need to be abused about it.

It's hard to read, but as far as I can make out, the proposal to use a battery powered fan to run turbines to charge the batteries. But don't worry, there are PV panels for "extra oomf".



Joined Sep 8, 2017
Dunning Kruger again? If it wasn't for big oil having a record of stifling various free energy ideas maybe these ideas would take off:p What is the penalty for breaking the laws of thermodynamics?
It's funny how some people just latch on those kinds of ideas without much thought. And they most certainly do NOT want to hear about the laws of thermodynamics! As if it's some sort of arbitrary restriction being placed upon them.

This happened to me just a few weeks ago actually. A friend of mine was throwing a surprise birthday extravaganza for his wife. Well this one fellow at the party starts talking about a way to save gas by attaching a small POWERED wind turbine (???) to a vehicle. His argument made absolutely no sense at all. I was somewhat tempted to play the devil's-advocate and point out that he was in fact sort of correct. You can get a SMALL boost of energy savings with the right configuration.

Then again that would have just added "fuel to his fire" so to speak. I didn't even bother mentioning it...


Joined Dec 2, 2017
Doesn't the universe itself break the laws of thermodynamics when it creates trillions of cubic parsecs of new "empty" space every micro second?

That's a rhetorical question BTW.


Joined Aug 9, 2016
I can remember flying when I was around ten and staring up at the air vents. I wondered if it would be possible to build a small generator that would snap on to the little nozzle that could harness that energy and power my Walkman. At least I didn’t think I could use it to make the plane go faster for free....

Slightly related to the fan powered vehicle, I remember being really surprised that it was possible to use turbo compounding on a turbo charged diesel engine and tune things such that a benefit was possible, on average, across the map. Turbo charging in general has some subtlety involved that took a little noodling to understand how it works. Then adding another turbine and overcoming friction, delta pressures, etc. just seemed crazy.


Joined Dec 2, 2017
As close as she gets to answering the question is her statement that space "stretches" and I'm not buying that.

If space stretches, then there would be less and less of the "stuff" that makes up space.

Anyway my question has nothing to do with what the universe is expanding into, unless the universe is not a closed system.


Joined Oct 2, 2009
As I see it, since we are within the system we have no way of knowing what is outside.
The universe does not expand into anything. It is the distance between objects that is expanding.
Our time-space could be curved or it could be infinite.


Joined Aug 27, 2009
As close as she gets to answering the question is her statement that space "stretches" and I'm not buying that.

If space stretches, then there would be less and less of the "stuff" that makes up space.

Anyway my question has nothing to do with what the universe is expanding into, unless the universe is not a closed system.
Your question of more a question of the two types of relativity per Dr E.
In special relativity we have 'local' limits on speeds, motion, laws but in the realm of on the other side of the universe that's general relativity.
Relative to us that distant galaxy on the other side of the universe can have any speed and thermodynamics it needs in a expanding universe.



Joined Aug 27, 2009
Yea...I'm pretty sure you don't understand my question.

Has nothing to do with speed or relativity.
Then say it precisely as thermodynamic and relativity are closely linked with relativity redefining classical thermodynamics.
From one point of view there is nothing surprising about this
result since it merely states that a local observer who examines
the behavior of an element of the fluid small enough so that
the gravitational curvature of space-time can be neglected will
find the rate of change in energy content related in the expected way to the work done against the external pressure.
From another point of view, however, as this same equation
can be applied to each one of all the elements into which the
total fluid of the system can be divided, the result may seem
somewhat surprising, since it leads to the possibility of systems
in which the proper energy of every element of the fluid may be
simultaneously decreasing or increasing, according as the system
is expanding or contracting. Moreover, since it is this proper
energy immediately associated with matter and radiation which
determines the possibilities for entropy increase, we shall later
find in relativistic thermodynamics an escape from certain restrictions imposed in the classical thermodynamics by the usual
form of the principle of the conservation of energy.