How to redraw this circuit

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Joined Aug 11, 2019
Hi! I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips on redrawing this circuit (the upper one)? Am I allowed to redraw is as I drew the lower circuit? Trying to figure out how to more clearly see that the resistors are in parallell...



Joined Oct 2, 2009
Welcome to AAC!

Half of your redrawn circuit is correct.

Look at the center node that is connected to connector-A. The first 3KΩ and 6KΩ are correct.
However, connector-B does not connect directly to the return node.


Joined Mar 31, 2012
Look at the node that has terminal A in the original drawing. How many resistors does it connect to? Now look at the node that has terminal A in the redrawn circuit. How many resistors does it connect to? What does this tell you?

One of the surest ways to redraw a circuit correctly is to color each node a different color.

You can see that you have three nodes. Now look at your redrawn circuit. There better be three nodes and you better be able to color one of them red, one of them blue, and one of them green such that each node of the same color is connected to the same components in each diagram.

Another way to do it is to think in terms of the netlist for the circuit. For the above circuit you have

3 kΩ red green
6 kΩ red green
3 kΩ blue green
6 kΩ blue green

The A terminal is the red node while the B terminal is the blue node.

Your redraw circuit has to have this same description.

The netlist also help you identify which components are in parallel -- if two components are connected to the same two nodes (order doesn't matter in the case of a resistor) then they are in parallel, otherwise they aren't.


Joined Mar 19, 2019
Instead of left to right, I like to do top to bottom (input to output). Start with the A terminal on top and work down. What is connected to A? What are they connected to? etc. Hint, I only see 3 actual terminal points... You can x out the redrawn lines if it helps.