Help needed with Russian translation, to figure out this circuit

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Joined Jan 31, 2017
This schematic shows a security device, apparently intended for military uses. The inputs are 3 contacts ( normally closed) on furthest left side with the middle one being common ground(?). It mentioned they are for break wire. The outputs are sound via a simple transformer oscillator , light and optionally a pyrotechnics sound maker. I am just interested to know how the circuit works. It says start by pushing switch B1 and B2, but then this action will short circuit the battery B ( if I am correct).


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Joined Jan 31, 2017
No, if you look at the circuit the main function is to sound a speaker and emit light. The pyrotechnics function is secondary. I am interested in the former, as it's similar to 'Cobweb' device produced by Sentinor company.
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Joined Jun 22, 2012
Where is the full text, looks to me the terminals on the left PF, Lf are shorted out, the speaker is TLF, the bulb is L1, so what is ED on the right?

I think the two switches B1,B2 are changeover types.

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Joined Jan 31, 2017
Lf and Pf are locations for the attachment of break wire (tripwire), and I assume that middle point is the common point for the both break wires (?). The Ed is pyrotechnics sound maker or such. This is alternative mode of operation, the first one being sound from speaker and flashing light. Each switch has 4 contact point, denoted by 1,2,3 and 4. The picture shows 3,4 points of each switch are normally closed and when you pressed each switch, it changes to 3,4 points. But the issue is battery B is then shorted through 1,2 of each switch. The Russian text is bellow.

Включение питания прибора осуществляется одновременным нажатием тумблеров В1 и В2 в положение "включено" (ВКЛ).
При исправных контрольных проводах обоих флангов на базу транзистора VT1 подается отрицательный относительно эмиттера потенциал. Транзистор VT1 открывается, и к базе VT2 прикладывается положительный потенциал источника электропитания, запирающий этот транзистор. Генератор не возбуждается. Звуковой и световой сигналы отсутствуют.

Работа прибора в режиме подачи сигналов.

При обрыве противником контрольного провода одного из флангов подача отрицательного относительно эмиттера потенциала на базу транзистора VT1 прекращается. Транзистор VT1 запирается положительным потенциалом источника электропитания через резисторы R7, R3. Сопротивление переходов транзистора увеличивается и на базу транзистора VT2 подается отрицательный потенциал. Создаются условия для самовозбуждения генератора. Развиваемое генератором напряжение частотой 100 - 350 Гц подается на вход эмиттерного повторителя VT3, затем на базу транзистора VT4, включенного по схеме с общим эмиттером. Транзистор VT4 работает в режиме переключения. Нагрузкой транзистора VT3 является телефон ТА-56М. Нагрузкой транзистора VT4 является сигнальная лампа. Звучание телефона и горение сигнальной лампы сигнализирую об обрыве контрольною провода. Для определения фланга, на котором произошел обрыв контрольного провода, поочередно нажимаются тумблеры В1 и В2 в положение ПФ или ЛФ. При этом через контакты 3-4 одного из тумблеров и заземленную клемму искусственно восстанавливается цепь оборванного контрольного провода и прибор переходит в режим контроля линии, описанной выше.

Прекращение звуковой и световой сигнализации при нажатии тумблера В1 в положение ПФ или тумблера В2 в положение ЛФ указывает на наличие обрыва контрольного провода соответственно на правом и левом флангах.

Работа прибора в режиме взрыва боеприпаса При нажатии тумблеров В1 и В2 прибор включается в режим контроля. При воздействии цели на линейную часть одного из флангов подается световая и звуковая сигнализация, указывающая о приближении противника. Нажатием тумблера В3 в положение "включено" (ВКЛ) прибор переключается в режим выдачи сигнала на подрыв боеприпаса. При обрыве контрольного провода одного из флангов самовозбуждается генератор, через диод VD2 заряжается накопительный конденсатор С2, срабатывает транзисторный ключ VT5, реле Р1 срабатывает и самоблокируется в этом состоянии замыканием постоянно разомкнутых контактов К1.1. Постоянно замкнутые контакты К1.3 реле Р1 размыкаются и отключают источник питания от сигнального прибора. В таком состоянии напряжение источника питания приложено только к боевой цепи. После замыкания постоянно разомкнутых контактов К.1.2 реле Р1 напряжение источника питания передается на линейные зажимы прибора и далее по магистральной линии на электродетонатор.
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Joined Oct 2, 2009

Google Translate:

Switching on the power of the device is carried out by simultaneously pressing the toggle switches B1 and B2 in the "on" (ON) position.
If the control wires of both flanges are in good order, a potential negative with respect to the emitter is fed to the base of the transistor VT1. The transistor VT1 is opened, and the positive potential of the power supply, which closes this transistor, is applied to the base VT2. The generator is not energized. No sound or light signals.

Operation of the device in the signal feeding mode.

When the opponent breaks the control wire of one of the flanks, the supply of a potential negative to the emitter to the base of the transistor VT1 ceases. The transistor VT1 is locked by the positive potential of the power supply source through the resistors R7, R3. The resistance of the transistor transitions increases and a negative potential is applied to the base of the transistor VT2. Conditions are created for self-excitation of the generator. The voltage of 100-350 Hz, developed by the generator, is fed to the input of the emitter follower VT3, then to the base of the transistor VT4, switched on in a common emitter circuit. The transistor VT4 operates in the switching mode. The load of the transistor VT3 is the phone TA-56M. The load of the transistor VT4 is the signal lamp. The sound of the phone and the burning of the warning light signal that the control wire has broken. To determine the flank, on which there was a break in the control wire, the switches B1 and B2 are alternately pressed into the PF or LF position. In this case, through the contacts 3-4 of one of the toggle switches and the grounded terminal, the circuit of the broken test lead is artificially restored and the device enters the line monitoring mode described above.

Stopping the audible and light alarm when the toggle switch B1 is pressed to the position of the PF or toggle switch B2 to the LF position indicates the presence of a break in the control wire on the right and left flanks, respectively.

Operation of the device in the explosion mode of the ammunition When the toggle switches B1 and B2 are pressed, the device switches to the monitoring mode. When the target is exposed to the linear part of one of the flanks, a light and sound signaling is sent indicating the approach of the enemy. By pressing the toggle switch B3 to the "on" (ON) position, the device switches to the mode of issuing a signal for the munition explosion. When the control wire of one of the flanges breaks, the generator self-excites itself, the storage capacitor C2 is charged through the diode VD2, the transistor key VT5 is triggered, the relay P1 is triggered and self-locked in this state by closing the permanently open contacts K1.1. Constantly closed contacts K1.3 of relay P1 open and disconnect the power supply from the signaling device. In this state, the power supply voltage is applied only to the war circuit. After the short-circuited contacts K.1.2 of relay P1 are permanently closed, the power supply voltage is transferred to the device's line terminals and further along the trunk line to the electric detonator.


Joined Jun 22, 2012
I still say the drawing is wrong, terminals Lf and Pf are linked together, so what is the point of diode Vd1and resistor R1?

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Joined Jan 31, 2017
I still say the drawing is wrong, terminals Lf and Pf are linked together, so what is the point of diode Vd1and resistor R1?
Exactly, yet the better question would be, if Lf and Pf are connected already, what the break wire is supposed to do?I don't understand, this was a patent, nobody checks the patents before issuing them? It doesn't make sense.


Joined Jun 22, 2012
Do you have a link to the original author or web site?

As it's a battery powered unit, where does the gnd connection come from?


Joined Jun 22, 2012
Diode VD2 is drawn the wrong way round, it wont provide a Negative voltage across C2 for VT5 transistor to switch on the relay.

Looking at Figure 3 on the original Russian site, there are three wires coming from the detonator box, the circuit is just an oscillator circuit producing an audible sound, putting a light on, and rectifying the audio to produce a voltage to switch on the detonator relay, all this can be done using an ordinary 555 timer chip.

I would say the circuit terminals LF, PF are two separate Normally closed loops, turning off VT1 oscillator, with the ground terminal being the battery Positive, this is the only logical answer, switches B1, B2 just select which loop you want to monitor.