Hello. I'm Brand New, but . . .

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Rory Starkweather

Joined Jan 27, 2015
I don't write programs in anything later that Visual Basic 6.

Anyone who is really bored can check me out on Planet Source Code.

I'm not pushing my "I, Me, My" button, but, if you need help with something, like Lazarus, Modula-2, ADA, or even . . . dare I say it? Malbolge. Please ask. It can save a lot of time to have a punctuation error noticed by someone else. I've been there. "I wrote that code. It is perfect.", does not apply.

Anyway, I am brand new here, but I am hoping to make a contribution.


Joined Jan 21, 2013
Welcome to the forum, I suggest you start brushing up on C as most of the code questions posted on here are C based.