Error importing external component in LTspice.

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Joined Aug 1, 2022
So, recently i have been trying to import IR2110 driver IC for simulation, i found this PSPICE model from the infineon website, i did the following steps, i) open the .lib file of the component in LTspice ii) click on .SUBCKT and "create symbol" option but when i get all the connections right, i get this below error, i tried googling for this error, but by far there has been no straightforward answer. I get that this error is due to undefined number of pins on the symbol and the .lib file, but i check the .lib file and compared, and there were no mismatch in the number of pins, the symbol still has 11 pins, as it was generated from the software itself, using the library. Looking forward for help. Thank you.Screenshot (11).png


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Joined Jan 29, 2010
Hi RJ,
Downloaded your files, can you post an image of the circuit without the error label?

My Model on the Left is a different pinout to yours on the right.
EG57_ 1495.png

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Joined Aug 1, 2022
Hi CR,
This zip is a copy of my IR2110 files.
Give it a try.
Screenshot (13).png
So, i tried this component and i get the desired output for the LOW side, but the same doesn't work for HIGH side, even with external bootstrap capacitors, i wanted to check the outputs before connecting the MOSFET's on the output stage. for some reason, the output of HIGH side remains at constant voltage, also the output of the HO and LO, should be 5v as we set in the circuit, but it swings from 0-11v, so can there be any error while importing the component, or is there something wrong with my simulation. I'm following the circuit from great scott's class D amplifier design, below is the schematic. simulation file and I'm using the new component library you provided.4c7d36639a0c4669a4a5d1b8689c7992.png


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Joined Aug 1, 2022
This is what I see when opening your last asc file, it is not the same as the file as the circuit you posted

Class D audio amp.?

That's the circuit i intend to follow, but first i wanted to check the outputs of the HO and LO output waveforms before connecting. the circuit is this below. The file is correct.Screenshot (14).png

