effects of EM fields in the brain

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Joined Jul 22, 2022
good evening gentlemen I am new to the forum, it is for many months that after installing a wind farm near my house, I feel strange. The closer I get to the wind turbines the more I feel like in a hypnotic trance or something similar to catatonia, this also happens with other people approaching the blades. My aunt works in the hospital as a radiology technique and explained to me that this effect is very likely, precisely because an EM field interacts with neuronal activity, what do you think?


Joined Feb 24, 2006
good evening gentlemen I am new to the forum, it is for many months that after installing a wind farm near my house, I feel strange. The closer I get to the wind turbines the more I feel like in a hypnotic trance or something similar to catatonia, this also happens with other people approaching the blades. My aunt works in the hospital as a radiology technique and explained to me that this effect is very likely, precisely because an EM field interacts with neuronal activity, what do you think?
Does your aunt offer any evidence of this assertion or are you just supposed to take her word for it? The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) publishes information on safe RF exposure levels based on frequency. IIRC the lowest frequency band of concern was the former low VHF Television broadcast band from 54-88 MHz. It is no longer used for television broadcasting, so it is no longer of much concern.


Joined Aug 27, 2009
Does your aunt offer any evidence of this assertion or are you just supposed to take her word for it? The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) publishes information on safe RF exposure levels based on frequency. IIRC the lowest frequency band of concern was the former low VHF Television broadcast band from 54-88 MHz. It is no longer used for television broadcasting, so it is no longer of much concern.

Low VHF DTV is still used but is still not a concern.
A little research led to a list (accurate as far as I know) of markets with VHF-Low channels. Here’s what it boils down to:

  • There are 56 markets with one VHF-Low station. Although this is roughly double the number that there were five years ago, there aren’t any markets with more than one network affiliate on VHF-Low.
  • There’s a pretty big spread in the kinds of cities with VHF-Low channels. Los Angeles has one, so do Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia. And on the other side, you’ll find Altoona PA, Miles City MT, and Manchester VT on that list.
  • The biggest market with a “must-have” VHF-Low antenna is Philadelphia. WPVI Channel 6 has been broadcasting on the same frequency since it signed on and stubbornly refuses to change.
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Joined Jul 22, 2022
grazie per le risposte quindi i pali del vento non sono schermati, quindi si sente il campo em che si crea, i telefoni cellulari smettono di avere copertura se avvicinati, quindi penso che le potenze coinvolte siano alte, non sono americano ma francese, quindi non so se i criteri corrispondono, tuttavia più in generale vorrei sapere se questo può accadere, e cioè rimanere catatonico o altro

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thanks for the answers so the wind poles are not shielded, so you can hear the em field that is created, mobile phones stop having coverage if approached, so I think the powers involved are high, I am not American but French, so I do not know if the criteria match, however more generally I would like to know if this can happen, and that is to remain catatonic or other


Joined Jun 5, 2013
A windmill is not going to produce high frequencies unless it is rotating 100’s of millions of times per second.


Joined Nov 22, 2017
Symptoms intuitively associated with wind turbine infrasound (see attachment).


Within 2.5 km from the closest wind turbine, 15% of respondents associated their symptoms with wind turbine infrasound.

Symptom spectrum was very broad covering several organ systems.

Many symptomatic respondents associated their symptoms also with vibration or electromagnetic field from wind turbines.

Impaired health and considering wind turbines annoying or a health risk were more common among the symptomatic respondents.

In many countries, a certain proportion of individuals living in the vicinity of wind power areas have reported symptoms that they have intuitively associated with infrasound from wind turbines. While the reason for these symptoms remains under debate, this is the first study to describe the phenomenon by assessing the prevalence and severity of these wind turbine infrasound related symptoms as well as factors associated with being symptomatic. Four wind power areas in Finland assessed to have the most problems intuitively associated with wind turbine infrasound were selected for the study. The questionnaire was mailed to 4847 adults in four distance zones (≤ 2.5 km, > 2.5–5 km, > 5–10 km, > 10–20 km from the closest wind turbine), and 28% responded. In the closest distance zone, 15% of respondents reported having symptoms that they have intuitively associated with wind turbine infrasound. In the whole study area, the symptom prevalence was 5%. Many of the symptomatic respondents were annoyed by audible wind turbine sound and associated their symptoms also with vibration or electromagnetic field from wind turbines. One third of the symptomatic respondents rated their symptoms severe, and the symptom spectrum was very broad covering several organ systems. In multivariate models, many factors such as proximity to wind turbines, impaired health status, being annoyed by different aspects of wind turbines and considering wind turbines as a health risk were associated with having wind turbine infrasound related symptoms. Although causal relationships cannot be assessed based on a cross-sectional questionnaire study, it can be speculated that interpretations of symptoms are affected by many other factors in addition to actual exposure."


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Joined Jan 23, 2018
The magnetic field right next to the generator might possibly have some effect, but you are not up there next to it, and good design keeps the field inside the generator where it can be useful. The electrical field (electrostatic )is contained within the metal structure of the tower,so if you are not trespassing then you are at a safe distance.
The very low frequency generated by the blades passing the tower might be having some effect, but the one time we got close enough to possibly hear, none of our group heard anything. I was very disappointed about that. we did stop at the gate because the sign said keep out- do not enter.

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Joined Jul 22, 2022
The magnetic field right next to the generator might possibly have some effect, but you are not up there next to it, and good design keeps the field inside the generator where it can be useful. The electrical field (electrostatic )is contained within the metal structure of the tower,so if you are not trespassing then you are at a safe distance.
The very low frequency generated by the blades passing the tower might be having some effect, but the one time we got close enough to possibly hear, none of our group heard anything. I was very disappointed about that. we did stop at the gate because the sign said keep out- do not enter.
I really think the problem was infrasound, however you are really intriguing me, so now I want to know what are the effects of magnetic or electrostatic fields, which are two different things, at high frequencies and high powers

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Joined Jul 22, 2022

of wind turbines. One third of symptomatic respondents rated their symptoms as severe and the symptom spectrum was very broad and covered several organ systems. In multivariate models, many factors such as proximity to wind turbines, deteriorating health status, being bothered by different aspects of wind turbines, and considering wind turbines as a health risk have been associated with having symptoms related to wind turbines. infrasound from wind turbines. Although causal relationships cannot be assessed based on a cross-sectional questionnaire study, it can be assumed that interpretations of symptoms are influenced by many other factors besides actual exposure. " [/CITATION]

I really think the problem was infrasound, however you are really intriguing me, so now I want to know what are the effects of magnetic or electrostatic fields, which are two different things, at high frequencies and at high powers

Sintomi intuitivamente associati agli infrasuoni delle turbine eoliche (vedi allegato).

"Mette in risalto

Entro 2,5 km dalla turbina eolica più vicina, il 15% degli intervistati ha associato i propri sintomi agli infrasuoni della turbina eolica.

Lo spettro dei sintomi era molto ampio e copriva diversi sistemi di organi.

Molti intervistati sintomatici hanno associato i loro sintomi anche alle vibrazioni o al campo elettromagnetico delle turbine eoliche.

La salute compromessa e il considerare le turbine eoliche fastidiose o un rischio per la salute erano più comuni tra gli intervistati sintomatici.

In molti paesi, una certa percentuale di individui che vivono in prossimità di aree eoliche hanno segnalato sintomi che sono stati intuitivamente associati agli infrasuoni delle turbine eoliche. Sebbene la ragione di questi sintomi rimanga in discussione, questo è il primo studio a descrivere il fenomeno valutando la prevalenza e la gravità di questi sintomi correlati agli infrasuoni delle turbine eoliche, nonché i fattori associati all'essere sintomatici. Per lo studio sono state selezionate quattro aree di energia eolica in Finlandia valutate come quelle che presentano la maggior parte dei problemi intuitivamente associati agli infrasuoni delle turbine eoliche. Il questionario è stato inviato a 4847 adulti in quattro zone di distanza (≤ 2,5 km, > 2,5–5 km, > 5–10 km, > 10–20 km dalla turbina eolica più vicina) e il 28% ha risposto. Nella zona di distanza più vicina, il 15% degli intervistati ha riferito di avere sintomi associati intuitivamente agli infrasuoni delle turbine eoliche. Nell'intera area di studio, la prevalenza dei sintomi è stata del 5%.campo elettromagnetico delle turbine eoliche. Un terzo degli intervistati sintomatici ha valutato i propri sintomi come severi e lo spettro dei sintomi era molto ampio e copriva diversi sistemi di organi. Nei modelli multivariati, molti fattori come la vicinanza alle turbine eoliche, il deterioramento dello stato di salute, l'essere infastiditi da diversi aspetti delle turbine eoliche e la considerazione delle turbine eoliche come un rischio per la salute sono stati associati ad avere sintomi correlati agli infrasuoni delle turbine eoliche. Sebbene le relazioni causali non possano essere valutate sulla base di uno studio trasversale del questionario, si può ipotizzare che le interpretazioni dei sintomi siano influenzate da molti altri fattori oltre all'esposizione effettiva".

Penso davvero che il problema fossero gli infrasuoni, tuttavia mi stai davvero intrigando, quindi ora voglio sapere quali sono gli effetti dei campi magnetici o elettrostatici, che sono due cose diverse, alle alte frequenze e alle alte potenze
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Joined Jan 15, 2015
Every now and then this comes up as a topic for discussion. Wind Turbines to home air purifiers and everything in between. My own take based purely on empirical data, what I read and what I know is really pretty simple. Maybe some of the wide range of things do have an effect on some people and maybe it's all in their minds. Most of my reads are a plethora of conflicting information from so called experts. During my career I had exposure to countless things and never suffered any symptoms be they negative or otherwise. Not to say I never will but at my age I can't attribute much of anything to anything. My best advice to anyone who feels they are experiencing health issues is to seek competent medical assistance. While my grandfather was indeed a MD (Medical Doctor) I choose a much different career path. So if you are experiencing medical symptoms then seek a competent medical authority.

Just My Take


Joined Jan 23, 2018
My one experience with a really strong magnetic field was with getting an MRI of a quite mangled shoulder. Each magnetic pulse affected the iron in my blood in that area and it was uncomfortable. Of course the mangled shoulder was quite sensitive at the time.


Joined Aug 27, 2009
I agree that " wind-turbine syndrome" (look it up in Google) is caused by the extremely low frequency infrasound of air pressure fluctuations from the slowly spinning blades.
I've been stuck within a LFN environment, usually in an already confined space, for months at a time during military service on ships. High levels of Infrasound does have an effect on mental health and physical well-being IMO.


Joined Jan 23, 2018
Evidently it is not obvious to all who might be exposed to such sound perceive it.I had been very much wanting to hear for myself the "horrible racket" that thes wind turbines make. I was not able to sense any sound or vibration at all. Do they only produce those vibrations in higher winds? Perhaps I should use a directional microphone with a parabolic reflector and a good amplifier.
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Joined Jul 22, 2022
I have perceived infrasounds through air ducts and I can tell you that they are really harmful. However I believe that even high levels of em and electrostatic fields can negatively affect the state of health, however I will try to inform myself better, I will let you know


Joined Aug 27, 2009
I've no idea about the OP's condition cause and effect.

This is just some background info on infrasound in humans.
The primary effect of infrasound in humans appears to be annoyance (24-26). To achieve a given amount of annoyance, low frequencies were found to require greater sound pressure than with higher frequencies; small changes in sound pressure could then possibly cause significantly large changes in annoyance in the infrasonic region (24). Beginning at 127 to 133 dB, pressure sensation is experienced in the middle ear (26). Regarding potential hearing damage, Johnson (27) concluded that short periods of continuous exposures to infrasound below 150 dB are safe and that continuous exposures up to 24 hours are safe if the levels are below 118 dB. There is no agreement about the biological activity of infrasound. Reported effects include those on the inner ear, vertigo, imbalance, etc.; intolerable sensations, incapacitation, disorientation, nausea, vomiting, and bowel spasm; and resonances in inner organs, such as the heart. Infrasound has been observed to affect the pattern of sleep minutely. Exposures to 6 and 16 Hz at levels 10 dB above the auditory threshold have been associated with a reduction in wakefulness (28). Workers exposed to simulated industrial infrasound of 5 and 10 Hz and levels of 100 and 135 dB for 15 minutes reported feelings of fatigue, apathy, and depression, pressure in the ears, loss of concentration, drowsiness, and vibration of internal organs. In addition, effects were found in the central nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems (29). In contrast, a study of drivers of long distance transport trucks exposed to infrasound at about 115 dBA found no statistically significant incidence of such symptoms (e.g., fatigue, subdued sensation, abdominal symptoms, and hypertension) (30). Studies have shown that infrasound (6 to 16 Hz at levels ranging from 95 to 130 dB and up to an exposure time of one hour) causes an increase in diastolic blood pressure and decreases in systolic blood pressure and pulse rate (31). Long-term exposure of active Swiss airforce pilots to infrasound with a frequency of 14 or 16 Hz at 125 dB produced the same changes. Additional findings in the pilots were decreased alertness, faster decrease in the electrical resistance of the skin compared to unexposed individuals, and alteration of hearing threshold and time perception (32). However, a whole-body exposure to infrasound at 10 and 15 Hz (level not provided) did not produce changes in respiration, pulse, and blood pressure (33).