8085 Assembly Language RIM Command Help Needed (Resolved)

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Joined Apr 26, 2022

I was trying to remove the "spaghetti" from my spaghetti code and now it doesn't work. It displays the banner and then some junk characters in teraterm and doesn't wait for user input:

Non-working code:
Non-working Code:
;8085 Monitor

# ORG 0006H ; Banner
# DB DATA:20H,0DH,0AH,57H, 65H, 6CH, 63H, 6FH, 6DH, 65H, 20H, 74H, 6FH, 20H, 74H, 68H, 65H, 20H, 38H, 30H, 38H, 35H, 20H, 4DH, 6FH, 6EH, 69H, 74H, 6FH, 72H, 0DH, 0AH, 50H, 72H, 65H, 73H, 73H, 20H, 68H, 20H, 66H, 6FH, 72H, 20H, 68H, 65H, 6CH, 70H, 0DH, 0AH, 3EH

# ORG 0039H ; menu
# DB DATA:0DH,0AH,38H,30H, 38H, 35H, 20H, 4DH, 6FH, 6EH, 69H, 74H, 6FH, 72H, 20H, 48H, 65H, 6CH, 70H, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 4CH, 65H, 67H, 65H, 6EH, 64H, 3AH, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 73H, 74H, 61H, 72H, 74H, 69H, 6EH, 67H, 20H, 6DH, 65H, 6DH, 6FH, 72H, 79H, 20H, 61H, 64H, 64H, 72H, 65H, 73H, 73H, 2CH, 20H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 79H, 79H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 7AH, 7AH, 68H, 2CH, 2EH, 2EH, 2EH, 20H, 64H, 61H, 74H, 61H, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 77H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 79H, 79H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 7AH, 7AH, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 2EH, 2EH, 2EH, 20H, 77H, 72H, 69H, 74H, 65H, 20H, 64H, 61H, 74H, 61H, 20H, 74H, 6FH, 20H, 52H, 4FH, 4DH, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 72H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 79H, 79H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 7AH, 7AH, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 2EH, 2EH, 2EH, 20H, 72H, 65H, 61H, 64H, 20H, 64H, 61H, 74H, 61H, 20H, 66H, 72H, 6FH, 6DH, 20H, 52H, 4FH, 4DH, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 65H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 65H, 78H, 65H, 63H, 75H, 74H, 65H, 73H, 20H, 74H, 68H, 65H, 20H, 70H, 72H, 6FH, 67H, 72H, 61H, 6DH, 20H, 61H, 74H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 73H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 28H, 72H,65H,73H,65H,74H,29H, 20H, 65H, 78H, 65H, 63H, 75H, 74H, 65H, 73H, 20H, 74H, 68H, 65H, 20H, 70H, 72H, 6FH, 67H, 72H, 61H, 6DH, 20H, 61H, 74H, 20H, 30H, 30H, 30H, 30H, 68H, 0DH,0AH,3EH

# ORG 0168H ; display banner
       LXI H,0006H
                           MVI D,00H
       MVI E,33H ; count of chars in hex in DE
                           CALL COUT
MENU:                CALL CIN  ; display menu and wait for user input  
                           LXI H,0039H
                           MVI D, 01H
       MVI E,  2FH         ; count of chars in hex in DE
                           CPI 68H
                           jz COUT
                           cpi 73h
                           jz START
      jmp MENU ; loop forever

COUT:                PUSH H ; output characters to serial port
       MOV C,M

       MVI B,0B    // Number of output bits
       XRA A    // Clear carry for start bit

CO1:       MVI A,80    // Set the SDE flag
       RAR    // Shift carry into SOD flag
       CMC    // and invert carry. Why? (serial is inverted?)
       SIM    // Output data bit
       LXI H,0112    // Load the time delay for one bit width

CO2:       DCR L    // Wait for bit time
       JNZ CO2
       DCR H
       JNZ CO2
       STC    // Shift in stop bit(s)
       MOV A,C    // Get char to send
       RAR    // LSB into carry
       MOV C,A    // Store rotated data
       DCR B
       JNZ CO1    // Send next bit
       LXI H,3FFF    // Wait a while before sending the character again

CHILL:       DCR L
       JNZ CHILL
       DCR H
       JNZ CHILL
       POP H
       INX H
       DCX D
push psw
MOV A, D    ; Move the content of register D into the accumulator A
ORA E       ; Logical OR operation with register E

jnz COUT
pop psw
CIN: ; input character from serial port
            push    b
            mvi     b,09        ; Loop count is number of bits to be read minus one
CI1:                                ;   does not include stop bits
            rim                     ; Wait for a zero indicating a start bit
            ora     a
            jm      CI1
            lxi     h,0109H      ; delay a half bit time to get to the middle of the start bit
            dcr     l
            jnz     CI2
            dcr     h
            jnz     CI2
            lxi     h,0112H       ; delay to the middle of the next data bit
            dcr     l
            jnz     CI4
            dcr     h
            jnz     CI4

            rim                     ; read the next data bit
            ral                     ; shift the data bit into the carry flag
            dcr     b               ; exit if all of the bits have been read
            jz      CI5
            mov     a,c             ; character in progress into A
            rar                     ; shift the data bit from carry into the MSB
            mov     c,a             ; store the character back into C
            jmp     CI3             ; get the next bit

            mov     a,c             ; return the character in A
            pop     b
Working Code:
# ORG 01000H
# DB DATA:20H,0DH,0AH,57H, 65H, 6CH, 63H, 6FH, 6DH, 65H, 20H, 74H, 6FH, 20H, 74H, 68H, 65H, 20H, 38H, 30H, 38H, 35H, 20H, 4DH, 6FH, 6EH, 69H, 74H, 6FH, 72H, 0DH, 0AH, 50H, 72H, 65H, 73H, 73H, 20H, 68H, 20H, 66H, 6FH, 72H, 20H, 68H, 65H, 6CH, 70H, 0DH, 0AH, 3EH
# ORG 02000H
# DB DATA:0DH,0AH,38H,30H, 38H, 35H, 20H, 4DH, 6FH, 6EH, 69H, 74H, 6FH, 72H, 20H, 48H, 65H, 6CH, 70H, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 4CH, 65H, 67H, 65H, 6EH, 64H, 3AH, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 73H, 74H, 61H, 72H, 74H, 69H, 6EH, 67H, 20H, 6DH, 65H, 6DH, 6FH, 72H, 79H, 20H, 61H, 64H, 64H, 72H, 65H, 73H, 73H, 2CH, 20H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 79H, 79H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 7AH, 7AH, 68H, 2CH, 2EH, 2EH, 2EH, 20H, 64H, 61H, 74H, 61H, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 77H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 79H, 79H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 7AH, 7AH, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 2EH, 2EH, 2EH, 20H, 77H, 72H, 69H, 74H, 65H, 20H, 64H, 61H, 74H, 61H, 20H, 74H, 6FH, 20H, 52H, 4FH, 4DH, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 72H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 79H, 79H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 7AH, 7AH, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 2EH, 2EH, 2EH, 20H, 72H, 65H, 61H, 64H, 20H, 64H, 61H, 74H, 61H, 20H, 66H, 72H, 6FH, 6DH, 20H, 52H, 4FH, 4DH, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 65H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 65H, 78H, 65H, 63H, 75H, 74H, 65H, 73H, 20H, 74H, 68H, 65H, 20H, 70H, 72H, 6FH, 67H, 72H, 61H, 6DH, 20H, 61H, 74H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 73H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 28H, 72H,65H,73H,65H,74H,29H, 20H, 65H, 78H, 65H, 63H, 75H, 74H, 65H, 73H, 20H, 74H, 68H, 65H, 20H, 70H, 72H, 6FH, 67H, 72H, 61H, 6DH, 20H, 61H, 74H, 20H, 30H, 30H, 30H, 30H, 68H, 0DH,0AH,3EH

# ORG 0000H
       LXI SP,03000H
       MVI D,00H
       MVI E,33H
       LXI H,01000H

       MOV C,M

COUT:       DI
       MVI B,0B    // Number of output bits
       XRA A    // Clear carry for start bit

CO1:       MVI A,80    // Set the SDE flag
       RAR    // Shift carry into SOD flag
       CMC    // and invert carry. Why? (serial is inverted?)
       SIM    // Output data bit
       LXI H,0112    // Load the time delay for one bit width

CO2:       DCR L    // Wait for bit time
       JNZ CO2
       DCR H
       JNZ CO2
       STC    // Shift in stop bit(s)
       MOV A,C    // Get char to send
       RAR    // LSB into carry
       MOV C,A    // Store rotated data
       DCR B
       JNZ CO1    // Send next bit
       LXI H,3FFF    // Wait a while before sending the character again

CHILL:       DCR L
       JNZ CHILL
       DCR H
       JNZ CHILL
       POP H
       INX H
       DCX D
push psw
MOV A, D    ; Move the content of register D into the accumulator A
ORA E       ; Logical OR operation with register E

Jnz start  
pop psw
                          menu:  CALL CIN                        
                           CPI 68H
                           LXI H,02000H
                           MVI D, 01H
       MVI E, 2FH
                           jz start
                           cpi 73h
                           jz 0000h
       jmp menu
            push    b
            mvi     b,09        ; Loop count is number of bits to be read minus one
CI1:                                ;   does not include stop bits
            rim                     ; Wait for a zero indicating a start bit
            ora     a
            jm      CI1
            lxi     h,0109H      ; delay a half bit time to get to the middle of the start bit
            dcr     l
            jnz     CI2
            dcr     h
            jnz     CI2
            lxi     h,0112H       ; delay to the middle of the next data bit
            dcr     l
            jnz     CI4
            dcr     h
            jnz     CI4

            rim                     ; read the next data bit
            ral                     ; shift the data bit into the carry flag
            dcr     b               ; exit if all of the bits have been read
            jz      CI5
            mov     a,c             ; character in progress into A
            rar                     ; shift the data bit from carry into the MSB
            mov     c,a             ; store the character back into C
            jmp     CI3             ; get the next bit

            mov     a,c             ; return the character in A
            pop     b
Program Working in Teraterm With Old Code:

Any help with this is appreciated,

- Kei


Joined Jan 12, 2015

I was trying to remove the "spaghetti" from my spaghetti code and now it doesn't work. It displays the banner and then some junk characters in teraterm and doesn't wait for user input:

Non-working code:
Non-working Code:
;8085 Monitor

# ORG 0006H ; Banner
# DB DATA:20H,0DH,0AH,57H, 65H, 6CH, 63H, 6FH, 6DH, 65H, 20H, 74H, 6FH, 20H, 74H, 68H, 65H, 20H, 38H, 30H, 38H, 35H, 20H, 4DH, 6FH, 6EH, 69H, 74H, 6FH, 72H, 0DH, 0AH, 50H, 72H, 65H, 73H, 73H, 20H, 68H, 20H, 66H, 6FH, 72H, 20H, 68H, 65H, 6CH, 70H, 0DH, 0AH, 3EH

# ORG 0039H ; menu
# DB DATA:0DH,0AH,38H,30H, 38H, 35H, 20H, 4DH, 6FH, 6EH, 69H, 74H, 6FH, 72H, 20H, 48H, 65H, 6CH, 70H, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 4CH, 65H, 67H, 65H, 6EH, 64H, 3AH, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 73H, 74H, 61H, 72H, 74H, 69H, 6EH, 67H, 20H, 6DH, 65H, 6DH, 6FH, 72H, 79H, 20H, 61H, 64H, 64H, 72H, 65H, 73H, 73H, 2CH, 20H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 79H, 79H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 7AH, 7AH, 68H, 2CH, 2EH, 2EH, 2EH, 20H, 64H, 61H, 74H, 61H, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 77H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 79H, 79H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 7AH, 7AH, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 2EH, 2EH, 2EH, 20H, 77H, 72H, 69H, 74H, 65H, 20H, 64H, 61H, 74H, 61H, 20H, 74H, 6FH, 20H, 52H, 4FH, 4DH, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 72H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 79H, 79H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 7AH, 7AH, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 2EH, 2EH, 2EH, 20H, 72H, 65H, 61H, 64H, 20H, 64H, 61H, 74H, 61H, 20H, 66H, 72H, 6FH, 6DH, 20H, 52H, 4FH, 4DH, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 65H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 65H, 78H, 65H, 63H, 75H, 74H, 65H, 73H, 20H, 74H, 68H, 65H, 20H, 70H, 72H, 6FH, 67H, 72H, 61H, 6DH, 20H, 61H, 74H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 73H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 28H, 72H,65H,73H,65H,74H,29H, 20H, 65H, 78H, 65H, 63H, 75H, 74H, 65H, 73H, 20H, 74H, 68H, 65H, 20H, 70H, 72H, 6FH, 67H, 72H, 61H, 6DH, 20H, 61H, 74H, 20H, 30H, 30H, 30H, 30H, 68H, 0DH,0AH,3EH

# ORG 0168H ; display banner
       LXI H,0006H
                           MVI D,00H
       MVI E,33H ; count of chars in hex in DE
                           CALL COUT
MENU:                CALL CIN  ; display menu and wait for user input
                           LXI H,0039H
                           MVI D, 01H
       MVI E,  2FH         ; count of chars in hex in DE
                           CPI 68H
                           jz COUT
                           cpi 73h
                           jz START
      jmp MENU ; loop forever

COUT:                PUSH H ; output characters to serial port
       MOV C,M

       MVI B,0B    // Number of output bits
       XRA A    // Clear carry for start bit

CO1:       MVI A,80    // Set the SDE flag
       RAR    // Shift carry into SOD flag
       CMC    // and invert carry. Why? (serial is inverted?)
       SIM    // Output data bit
       LXI H,0112    // Load the time delay for one bit width

CO2:       DCR L    // Wait for bit time
       JNZ CO2
       DCR H
       JNZ CO2
       STC    // Shift in stop bit(s)
       MOV A,C    // Get char to send
       RAR    // LSB into carry
       MOV C,A    // Store rotated data
       DCR B
       JNZ CO1    // Send next bit
       LXI H,3FFF    // Wait a while before sending the character again

CHILL:       DCR L
       JNZ CHILL
       DCR H
       JNZ CHILL
       POP H
       INX H
       DCX D
push psw
MOV A, D    ; Move the content of register D into the accumulator A
ORA E       ; Logical OR operation with register E

jnz COUT
pop psw
CIN: ; input character from serial port
            push    b
            mvi     b,09        ; Loop count is number of bits to be read minus one
CI1:                                ;   does not include stop bits
            rim                     ; Wait for a zero indicating a start bit
            ora     a
            jm      CI1
            lxi     h,0109H      ; delay a half bit time to get to the middle of the start bit
            dcr     l
            jnz     CI2
            dcr     h
            jnz     CI2
            lxi     h,0112H       ; delay to the middle of the next data bit
            dcr     l
            jnz     CI4
            dcr     h
            jnz     CI4

            rim                     ; read the next data bit
            ral                     ; shift the data bit into the carry flag
            dcr     b               ; exit if all of the bits have been read
            jz      CI5
            mov     a,c             ; character in progress into A
            rar                     ; shift the data bit from carry into the MSB
            mov     c,a             ; store the character back into C
            jmp     CI3             ; get the next bit

            mov     a,c             ; return the character in A
            pop     b
Working Code:
# ORG 01000H
# DB DATA:20H,0DH,0AH,57H, 65H, 6CH, 63H, 6FH, 6DH, 65H, 20H, 74H, 6FH, 20H, 74H, 68H, 65H, 20H, 38H, 30H, 38H, 35H, 20H, 4DH, 6FH, 6EH, 69H, 74H, 6FH, 72H, 0DH, 0AH, 50H, 72H, 65H, 73H, 73H, 20H, 68H, 20H, 66H, 6FH, 72H, 20H, 68H, 65H, 6CH, 70H, 0DH, 0AH, 3EH
# ORG 02000H
# DB DATA:0DH,0AH,38H,30H, 38H, 35H, 20H, 4DH, 6FH, 6EH, 69H, 74H, 6FH, 72H, 20H, 48H, 65H, 6CH, 70H, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 4CH, 65H, 67H, 65H, 6EH, 64H, 3AH, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 73H, 74H, 61H, 72H, 74H, 69H, 6EH, 67H, 20H, 6DH, 65H, 6DH, 6FH, 72H, 79H, 20H, 61H, 64H, 64H, 72H, 65H, 73H, 73H, 2CH, 20H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 79H, 79H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 7AH, 7AH, 68H, 2CH, 2EH, 2EH, 2EH, 20H, 64H, 61H, 74H, 61H, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 77H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 79H, 79H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 7AH, 7AH, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 2EH, 2EH, 2EH, 20H, 77H, 72H, 69H, 74H, 65H, 20H, 64H, 61H, 74H, 61H, 20H, 74H, 6FH, 20H, 52H, 4FH, 4DH, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 72H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 79H, 79H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 7AH, 7AH, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 2EH, 2EH, 2EH, 20H, 72H, 65H, 61H, 64H, 20H, 64H, 61H, 74H, 61H, 20H, 66H, 72H, 6FH, 6DH, 20H, 52H, 4FH, 4DH, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 65H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 65H, 78H, 65H, 63H, 75H, 74H, 65H, 73H, 20H, 74H, 68H, 65H, 20H, 70H, 72H, 6FH, 67H, 72H, 61H, 6DH, 20H, 61H, 74H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 73H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 28H, 72H,65H,73H,65H,74H,29H, 20H, 65H, 78H, 65H, 63H, 75H, 74H, 65H, 73H, 20H, 74H, 68H, 65H, 20H, 70H, 72H, 6FH, 67H, 72H, 61H, 6DH, 20H, 61H, 74H, 20H, 30H, 30H, 30H, 30H, 68H, 0DH,0AH,3EH

# ORG 0000H
       LXI SP,03000H
       MVI D,00H
       MVI E,33H
       LXI H,01000H

       MOV C,M

COUT:       DI
       MVI B,0B    // Number of output bits
       XRA A    // Clear carry for start bit

CO1:       MVI A,80    // Set the SDE flag
       RAR    // Shift carry into SOD flag
       CMC    // and invert carry. Why? (serial is inverted?)
       SIM    // Output data bit
       LXI H,0112    // Load the time delay for one bit width

CO2:       DCR L    // Wait for bit time
       JNZ CO2
       DCR H
       JNZ CO2
       STC    // Shift in stop bit(s)
       MOV A,C    // Get char to send
       RAR    // LSB into carry
       MOV C,A    // Store rotated data
       DCR B
       JNZ CO1    // Send next bit
       LXI H,3FFF    // Wait a while before sending the character again

CHILL:       DCR L
       JNZ CHILL
       DCR H
       JNZ CHILL
       POP H
       INX H
       DCX D
push psw
MOV A, D    ; Move the content of register D into the accumulator A
ORA E       ; Logical OR operation with register E

Jnz start
pop psw
                          menu:  CALL CIN                      
                           CPI 68H
                           LXI H,02000H
                           MVI D, 01H
       MVI E, 2FH
                           jz start
                           cpi 73h
                           jz 0000h
       jmp menu
            push    b
            mvi     b,09        ; Loop count is number of bits to be read minus one
CI1:                                ;   does not include stop bits
            rim                     ; Wait for a zero indicating a start bit
            ora     a
            jm      CI1
            lxi     h,0109H      ; delay a half bit time to get to the middle of the start bit
            dcr     l
            jnz     CI2
            dcr     h
            jnz     CI2
            lxi     h,0112H       ; delay to the middle of the next data bit
            dcr     l
            jnz     CI4
            dcr     h
            jnz     CI4

            rim                     ; read the next data bit
            ral                     ; shift the data bit into the carry flag
            dcr     b               ; exit if all of the bits have been read
            jz      CI5
            mov     a,c             ; character in progress into A
            rar                     ; shift the data bit from carry into the MSB
            mov     c,a             ; store the character back into C
            jmp     CI3             ; get the next bit

            mov     a,c             ; return the character in A
            pop     b
Program Working in Teraterm With Old Code:
View attachment 319212

Any help with this is appreciated,

- Kei
Take a look at the changes between the working code and the broken code, using Git. I use the GUI based SmartGit which makes 99.99% of Git stuff a breeze. Being able to see the before/after is so helpful. Here's a totally random example:


Left is "before" and right is "after".


Last edited:


Joined Aug 31, 2022
It's tricky to compare the working and non-working code by just scrolling down each, but overall there seem to be very few changes. Could you simply go back to the working code and make just one change at a time? This is an approach which has worked for engineering development since the start of time, even though F1 teams in a hurry tend to ignore it!

Without working my way through the logic, and it's been years since I wrote and assembly code, you seem to have swapped START: and COUT: and brought MENU: to near beginning where it was a loop following:
Jnz start
pop psw
to be replaced with just RET ?

Thread Starter


Joined Apr 26, 2022

It is resolved, thanks all, kei

8085 Monitor Assembly Language Code:
# ORG 008CH
# DB DATA:20H,0DH,0AH,57H, 65H, 6CH, 63H, 6FH, 6DH, 65H, 20H, 74H, 6FH, 20H, 74H, 68H, 65H, 20H, 38H, 30H, 38H, 35H, 20H, 4DH, 6FH, 6EH, 69H, 74H, 6FH, 72H, 0DH, 0AH, 50H, 72H, 65H, 73H, 73H, 20H, 68H, 20H, 66H, 6FH, 72H, 20H, 68H, 65H, 6CH, 70H, 0DH, 0AH, 3EH

# DB DATA:0DH,0AH,38H,30H, 38H, 35H, 20H, 4DH, 6FH, 6EH, 69H, 74H, 6FH, 72H, 20H, 48H, 65H, 6CH, 70H, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 4CH, 65H, 67H, 65H, 6EH, 64H, 3AH, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 73H, 74H, 61H, 72H, 74H, 69H, 6EH, 67H, 20H, 6DH, 65H, 6DH, 6FH, 72H, 79H, 20H, 61H, 64H, 64H, 72H, 65H, 73H, 73H, 2CH, 20H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 79H, 79H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 7AH, 7AH, 68H, 2CH, 2EH, 2EH, 2EH, 20H, 64H, 61H, 74H, 61H, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 77H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 79H, 79H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 7AH, 7AH, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 2EH, 2EH, 2EH, 20H, 77H, 72H, 69H, 74H, 65H, 20H, 64H, 61H, 74H, 61H, 20H, 74H, 6FH, 20H, 52H, 4FH, 4DH, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 72H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 79H, 79H, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 7AH, 7AH, 68H, 2CH, 20H, 2EH, 2EH, 2EH, 20H, 72H, 65H, 61H, 64H, 20H, 64H, 61H, 74H, 61H, 20H, 66H, 72H, 6FH, 6DH, 20H, 52H, 4FH, 4DH, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 65H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 65H, 78H, 65H, 63H, 75H, 74H, 65H, 73H, 20H, 74H, 68H, 65H, 20H, 70H, 72H, 6FH, 67H, 72H, 61H, 6DH, 20H, 61H, 74H, 20H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 78H, 68H, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 73H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 28H, 72H,65H,73H,65H,74H,29H, 20H, 65H, 78H, 65H, 63H, 75H, 74H, 65H, 73H, 20H, 74H, 68H, 65H, 20H, 70H, 72H, 6FH, 67H, 72H, 61H, 6DH, 20H, 61H, 74H, 20H, 30H, 30H, 30H, 30H, 68H, 0DH,0AH,3EH

# ORG 0000H
       LXI SP,7FFFH
       MVI D,00H
       MVI E,33H
       LXI H,008CH

       MOV C,M
                           CALL COUT
   POP H
       INX H
       DCX D
push psw
MOV A, D    ; Move the content of register D into the accumulator A
ORA E       ; Logical OR operation with register E

jnz start 
pop psw
menu:  CALL CIN                       
                           CPI 68H
                           LXI H,00BFH
                           MVI D, 01H
       MVI E, 2FH
                           jz start
                           cpi 73h
                           jz 0000h
       jmp menu

COUT:       DI
       MVI B,0B    // Number of output bits
       XRA A    // Clear carry for start bit

CO1:       MVI A,80    // Set the SDE flag
       RAR    // Shift carry into SOD flag
       CMC    // and invert carry. Why? (serial is inverted?)
       SIM    // Output data bit
       LXI H,0112    // Load the time delay for one bit width

CO2:       DCR L    // Wait for bit time
       JNZ CO2
       DCR H
       JNZ CO2
       STC    // Shift in stop bit(s)
       MOV A,C    // Get char to send
       RAR    // LSB into carry
       MOV C,A    // Store rotated data
       DCR B
       JNZ CO1    // Send next bit
       LXI H,3FFF    // Wait a while before sending the character again

CHILL:       DCR L
       JNZ CHILL
       DCR H
       JNZ CHILL

            push    b
            mvi     b,09        ; Loop count is number of bits to be read minus one
CI1:                                ;   does not include stop bits
            rim                     ; Wait for a zero indicating a start bit
            ora     a
            jm      CI1
            lxi     h,0109H      ; delay a half bit time to get to the middle of the start bit
            dcr     l
            jnz     CI2
            dcr     h
            jnz     CI2
            lxi     h,0112H       ; delay to the middle of the next data bit
            dcr     l
            jnz     CI4
            dcr     h
            jnz     CI4

            rim                     ; read the next data bit
            ral                     ; shift the data bit into the carry flag
            dcr     b               ; exit if all of the bits have been read
            jz      CI5
            mov     a,c             ; character in progress into A
            rar                     ; shift the data bit from carry into the MSB
            mov     c,a             ; store the character back into C
            jmp     CI3             ; get the next bit

            mov     a,c             ; return the character in A
            pop     b