1. K

    8085 Assembly Language RIM Command Help Needed (Resolved)

    Hi, I was trying to remove the "spaghetti" from my spaghetti code and now it doesn't work. It displays the banner and then some junk characters in teraterm and doesn't wait for user input: Non-working code: ;8085 Monitor LXI SP,7FFFH JMP START # ORG 0006H ; Banner # DB DATA:20H,0DH,0AH,57H...
  2. K

    8085 SOD Light a LED Assembly Language Code Question (Resolved)

    Hi, When I load this code into ROM and execute it on my 8085 based computer, it works fine. The LED connected to the SOD (serial output) lights and goes out: START: MVI A,C0 ; light the LED SIM MVI B,FF ; load the delay count into the B register DELAY: DCR B JNZ DELAY...