begginer help

  1. E

    150W power supply design

    Hi ! I'd like to build a 150W stabilized variable power supply (0-30V 5A) like the ones you can find on the market. But surprisingly I haven't really found a ready-made schematic, as if there was no consensus. I've understood that there are 2 types of power supply, linear with a large...
  2. boaz888

    Arduino joystick - wrong values

    Hey! starting my journy on Arduinio.When i tried to connect my joystick, and read the values from it,I gaet the whole range on X. My problem is with Y: Resting pposition indicates 0, and if i move the joystick down it shows the value 512. if I move it upwards, the value does not change. where...
  3. Ghostek

    Will this hand made transformer work?

    i made a hand made transformer and wanted to ask the forum how and with what should I power it. And will it even work.
  4. B

    Further explanation of g with regards to accelerometers...

    Hello, Please may someone provide a little more explanation with regards to how the value of g affects an accelerometer's performance? My knowledge is limited in this field and I would like to know the following for generic accelerometer. For arguments sake I have chosen an Analog Devices...
  5. J

    Getting into electrics.. I have no clue why this 2 channel relay receiver is not working the way I wired it.

    I know its a bit janky but Ive just needed to make this door opener device remote control and for some reason, I cannot get this receiver to power anything even when both channels are on. Can someone help me?
  6. Ayuu90

    Room Noise Detector Circuit

    Helloo we have trouble replicating this circuit, from what I read before its missing a diode for C4 to discharge its signal, although I'm not sure what kind and where to place it
  7. A

    Why is my D-latch not working?

    Hi, i have been trying to o a all transistor binary counter using d latches but my pcb doesn't work. When i test it on simulation program everything is all right. Can you help me see where i have made a mistake?
  8. crylord37

    Toy Drone controller repairment

    hi everyone, I am trying to repair my drone controller. One of the component is broken and fell. I think its a crystal oscillator. Its 6mm x 1.5mm. I dont know how much mhz it is. Is there a way to know how much it is at home. I wil attach some images of it and where it belong. Even if you guess...
  9. Nalica

    My first ALU design */HELP/*

    Hello people!! This is my first post so I don't know what im doing. First off I'm relatively a noob with this stuff so if I'm doing something wrong that's why. I plan on making a very modular ALU using only discrete logic and home made pcb's using my SLA printer. I'm very early in my design so...
  10. B

    Fan Controller - Thermistor Circuit

    Hi folks I am trying to build a circuit which will govern the speed of the fans in my solar cabinet based off the temperature inside. I built this circuit hoping it would work with 6x 24v / 0.08A PC fans (40mm) I have 3 of...
  11. alexbez

    Relay bypass help needed!

    Hey guys, I am relatively new to micro electronics, and am in desperate need of help! I want to bypass the muting circuit in a electronic piano. This involves either activating the relay, or pulling it to ground (BA3-5 Relay, and the highlighted LS1 in the picture below). Please could someone...
  12. A

    Simulating button press on monitor using transistor and arduino

    Hello everyone, I have next to no knowledge of electrical eng or circuitry and am having some trouble with my homebuilt arcade. The essence of my problem is that I want to wire both the computer and monitor to the same rocker switch. The monitor turns on via a button press that completes a...