Special Characters

Thread Starter


Joined Mar 24, 2008
There are a lot of characters in the set that aren't easily accessable. AAC has added one way to get to them with the advanced options, but there are other ways. The standard font here is Verdana, so I'm focusing on it first.

alt 159 ƒ
alt 186 ║
alt 224 α
alt 225 ß
alt 227 π
alt 228 Σ
alt 229 σ
alt 230 µ
alt 234 Ω
alt 235 δ
alt 237 φ
alt 248 °

alt 155 ¢
alt 156 £

alt 174 «
alt 175 »
alt 236 ∞
alt 241 ±
alt 242 ≥
alt 243 ≤
alt 246 ÷
alt 247 ≈
alt 251 √
alt 252 ⁿ
alt 0149 •
alt 0178 ²
alt 0179 ³
alt 0185 ¹
alt 0186 º
alt 0188 ¼
alt 0189 ½
alt 0190 ¾
alt 0215 ×
alt 0248 ø

The | character is above the enter key, it is <shift> \ . It is good for things like tables in VB and parallel to ( || ).

I first started using the omega symbol after this thread (Thanks Again Gerty). I was curious about the symbols so I ran some experiments for both Verdana and Courier New. The original thread was written before AAC added the ability to use some of these symbols. Here are the results:

Verdana 10 Pt.gif

Courier New 10 Pt..GIF
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Joined Jan 18, 2008
Those will be useful. I had a bunch of 01XX codes taped to my computer. The alt+242 (≥ ) is shown as ≤ in your list.

For a special challenge, can you find the "not equal to" ( ≠ ) symbol?

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Joined Jan 18, 2008
I hope this displays correctly on your PC. It does on mine: ≠

I get it by using Wordperfect, symbols, copy and paste. If it is displaying properly, there is probably some code for it, but I haven't found it. John