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Joined Jan 1, 2024
Hi everyone
I'm new to proteus and I try to analyze and learn.
I was watching a YouTube video about designing a simple 8-bit processor.
I downloaded the files in the description but I cannot run it.
I tried contacting the respective owner but no answer yet (Video was uploaded 7 years ago).
I also tried Proteus ISIS 7.10 but no luck still
I'd really appreciate if someone could help me.
YouTube video:
Files uploaded by the creator:
I also attached the same file.

Here is the simulation log:

ISIS Release 8.16.03 (Build 36097) (C) Labcenter Electronics 1990- 2023.
Compiling design 'D:\Downloads\Compressed\1206039_SAP_2\1206039_SAP\1206039 SAP.pdsprj'.
Netlist compilation completed OK.
Netlist linking completed OK.
Partition analysis completed OK.
Simulating partition [52DCF7ED]
PROSPICE 8.13.00 (Build 32709) (C) Labcenter Electronics 1993-2023.
Loaded netlist 'C:\Users\Farid\AppData\Local\Temp\LISA6599.SDF' for design '1206039 SAP.pdsprj'
Loaded MODDATA (8192 bytes). [CONTROL ROM_U35_U1]
Loading binary file 'C_ROM1.bin'. [CONTROL ROM_U35_U1]
Loaded MODDATA (8192 bytes). [CONTROL ROM_U36_U1]
Loading binary file 'C_ROM2.bin'. [CONTROL ROM_U36_U1]
Loaded MODDATA (8192 bytes). [CONTROL ROM_U37_U1]
Loading binary file 'C_ROM3.bin'. [CONTROL ROM_U37_U1]
Loaded MODDATA (8192 bytes). [CONTROL ROM_U38_U1]
Loading binary file 'C_ROM4.bin'. [CONTROL ROM_U38_U1]
Loaded MODDATA (8192 bytes). [CONTROL ROM_U41_U1]
Loading binary file 'ADD_ROM.bin'. [CONTROL ROM_U41_U1]
Loading binary file 'Code.bin'. [RAM_U99_U1]
Logic contention(s) detected on net W0.
Logic contention(s) detected on net W1.
Logic contention(s) detected on net W2.
Logic contention(s) detected on net W3.
Logic contention(s) detected on net W4.
Logic contention(s) detected on net W5.
Logic contention(s) detected on net W6.
Logic contention(s) detected on net W7.
[SPICE] Gmin step [36 of 120] failed: GMIN=1.99526e-006
[SPICE] Gmin stepping failed
[SPICE] Source step [0 of 120] failed: source factor = 0.0000
[SPICE] Too many iterations without convergence.
Real Time Simulation failed to start.


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Joined Jan 1, 2024
Just a few minutes after posting the thread, I suddenly decided to change the "PC Start" value to 1. It is working for now. I'll update if I encountered another problem.