Problem with posting - blank page, nothing happening


Joined Mar 24, 2008
I have never had it happen, but I am aware stuff slips in. What browsers and internet connections are you guys using?


Joined Nov 25, 2009
The problem is usually temporary. Until it gets solved, you can PM your post to a moderator and we 'll be happy to post it in behalf of you.


Joined Jul 3, 2008
Yesterday Sparky was trying to start a new thread and had that problem. I think that he found that his title was too long.

I have no idea if this applies to anyone else, but I figured I'd mention it.


Joined Oct 3, 2010
yes the problem is that there is a character limit for the title that isn't stated and isn't set up to give you proper feedback when you exceed it. I just dumps you to a dead end and when you click back, your entire post that you typed is gone. I always copy the text of my post before I submit, just in case.


Joined Jul 4, 2012
...guess this explains everything for this newbie...thanks for that....shorter title worked in preventing blank screen.
Was at a loss as what was going on with the submission of my first post, so had to repost on another forum elsehwhere thinking thise site was not happy with me :rolleyes:

Latest Firefox 12.0 user here
Welcome to AAC. Sorry your first post had to be so stressful.
Not a drama at all mate. Saved the entire text to my first post before I hit the "submit" button :p ...been there before.
Gave the site an hour, still the same blank screen and had a sticky in the "feedback" to see if I wasn't blind :cool:

...I might be an old fart, but knew my screen was blank and my glasses didn't need an upgrade.


Joined Apr 5, 2008

I have noticed that when the title is to long ( > 20 characters) I get a blank page.
When using the shorter titel I can create the new threads.



Joined Apr 5, 2008

Probably the posibility to change the title will appear at the 10 posts limit.
Also the posibility to delete posts will appear then.
