Please guys my rider oscillator circuit isn't working I need you help.


Joined Nov 29, 2011
The first rule of oscillator prototyping is NEVER use a proto board. Use "dead bug" or "manhatten" style prototyping. Second, how did you wind your inductors to the values that you need? Did you just guess?

Also +1 on posting your circuit.


Joined Mar 31, 2012
Please guys my rider oscillator circuit isn't working I need you help.
You need to first and foremost post your circuit schematic. Don't make people reverse engineer your breadboard or PCB. Then, you need to describe how your circuit is misbehaving. Is the output flat? If so, at what voltage? What are the voltages at all of the various nodes? What have you done to try to get it to work and what were the results of those efforts? The more data you can provide, the better the assistance you can hope to receive.


Joined Aug 21, 2008
Something that should be noted is that the phasing of the feedback windings is critical. It might help to reverse the connections.

While on the subject of the transformer, this thing works by saturating the transformer core so that coupling between the collector circuit and the base circuit is interrupted. You need a core with a very small or no gap. With the huge gap (between the ends of the coils) it looks like the core is already saturated, and by the way the oscillation frequency, if it were to oscillate would be very high.

If you open the base of a compact florescent lamp you should find the driver circuit (be careful to NOT break the glass bulb -it contains mercury).

Below is a look at the kinds of inductor cores you can find inside such a lamp.

The inductor in the middle is the oscillator inductor for that high voltage circuit. The bobbin core on the far left would probably not be very helpful.

Agreeing with the others: Your schematic would be most helpful.
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