PIC24FJ128GA010 with sd Card using chan FatFs library

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yogesh nandurkar

Joined Sep 12, 2018
hi , i am interfacing sd card with Pic24 suing fatfs libray but i am not going to initialize my card . i tried many waysbut still.
the code attavhed below
/  MMCv3/SDv1/SDv2+ (in SPI mode) control module
/  Copyright (C) 2014, ChaN, all right reserved.
/ * This software is a free software and there is NO WARRANTY.
/ * No restriction on use. You can use, modify and redistribute it for
/   personal, non-profit or commercial products UNDER YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
/ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice.

#include <p24FJ128GA010.h>
#include "diskio.h"

/* Socket controls  (Platform dependent) */
#define CS_LOW()    _LATG9 = 0    /* MMC CS = L */
#define CS_HIGH()    _LATG9 = 1    /* MMC CS = H */
#define MMC_CD        (1)    /* Card detected   (yes:true, no:false, default:true) */
#define MMC_WP        (0)        /* Write protected (yes:true, no:false, default:false) */

/* SPI bit rate controls */
#define    FCLK_SLOW()    SPI2STATbits.SPIEN = 0;SPI2CON1bits.PPRE=0b01;SPI2CON1bits.SPRE=0b110;SPI2STATbits.SPIEN = 0;        /* Set slow clock for card initialization (100k-400k) */
#define    FCLK_FAST()    SPI2STATbits.SPIEN = 0;SPI2CON1bits.PPRE=0b01;SPI2CON1bits.SPRE=0b110;SPI2STATbits.SPIEN = 0;        /* Set fast clock for generic read/write */


   Module Private Functions


/* Definitions for MMC/SDC command */
#define CMD0   (0)            /* GO_IDLE_STATE */
#define CMD1   (1)            /* SEND_OP_COND */
#define ACMD41 (41|0x80)    /* SEND_OP_COND (SDC) */
#define CMD8   (8)            /* SEND_IF_COND */
#define CMD9   (9)            /* SEND_CSD */
#define CMD10  (10)            /* SEND_CID */
#define CMD12  (12)            /* STOP_TRANSMISSION */
#define ACMD13 (13|0x80)    /* SD_STATUS (SDC) */
#define CMD16  (16)            /* SET_BLOCKLEN */
#define CMD17  (17)            /* READ_SINGLE_BLOCK */
#define CMD18  (18)            /* READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK */
#define CMD23  (23)            /* SET_BLOCK_COUNT */
#define ACMD23 (23|0x80)    /* SET_WR_BLK_ERASE_COUNT (SDC) */
#define CMD24  (24)            /* WRITE_BLOCK */
#define CMD25  (25)            /* WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK */
#define CMD41  (41)            /* SEND_OP_COND (ACMD) */
#define CMD55  (55)            /* APP_CMD */
#define CMD58  (58)            /* READ_OCR */

static volatile
DSTATUS Stat = STA_NOINIT;    /* Disk status */

static volatile
UINT Timer1, Timer2;        /* 1000Hz decrement timer */

UINT CardType;

/* Interface Controls (Platform dependent)                               */
/* When the target system does not support socket power control, there   */
/* is nothing to do in these functions.                                  */

void power_on(void)
    ;                    /* Turn socket power on, delay >1ms (Nothing to do) */

    SPI2CON1 = 0x013B;    /* Enable SPI1 */
    SPI2CON2 = 0x0000;
    SPI2STATbits.SPIEN = 1;
    //_RB15 = 1;

void power_off (void)
    SPI2STATbits.SPIEN = 0;            /* Disable SPI1 */

    ;                    /* Turn socket power off (Nothing to do) */

/* SPI Transactions (Platform dependent)                                 */

/* Single byte SPI transaction */
BYTE xchg_spi (BYTE dat)
    SPI2BUF = dat;            /* Initiate an SPI transaction */
    while (!SPI2STATbits.SPIRBF) ;        /* Wait for end of the SPI transaction */
    return (BYTE)SPI2BUF;    /* Get received byte */

/* Multi-byte SPI transaction (transmit) */
void xmit_spi_multi (
    const BYTE* buff,    /* Data to be sent */
    UINT cnt            /* Number of bytes to send */
    do {
        SPI2BUF = *buff++;    /* Initiate an SPI transaction */
        while (!SPI2STATbits.SPIRBF) ;    /* Wait for end of the SPI transaction */
        SPI2BUF;            /* Discard received byte */
        SPI1BUF = *buff++;
        while (!SPI2STATbits.SPIRBF) ;
    } while (cnt -= 2);

/* Multi-byte SPI transaction (receive) */
void rcvr_spi_multi (
    BYTE* buff,        /* Buffer to store received data */
    UINT cnt        /* Number of bytes to receive */
    do {
        SPI2BUF = 0xFF;        /* Initiate an SPI transaction */
        while (!SPI2STATbits.SPIRBF) ;    /* Wait for end of the SPI transaction */
        *buff++ = SPI2BUF;    /* Get received byte */
        SPI2BUF = 0xFF;
        while (!SPI2STATbits.SPIRBF) ;
        *buff++ = SPI2BUF;
    } while (cnt -= 2);

/* Wait for card ready                                                   */

int wait_ready (void)
    BYTE d;

    Timer2 = 500;    /* Wait for ready in timeout of 500ms */
    do {
        d = xchg_spi(0xFF);
    } while ((d != 0xFF) && Timer2);

    return (d == 0xFF) ? 1 : 0;

/* Deselect the card and release SPI bus                                 */

void deselect (void)
    CS_HIGH();            /* Set CS# high */
    xchg_spi(0xFF);        /* Dummy clock (force DO hi-z for multiple slave SPI) */

/* Select the card and wait ready                                        */

int select (void)    /* 1:Successful, 0:Timeout */
    CS_LOW();            /* Set CS# low */
    xchg_spi(0xFF);        /* Dummy clock (force DO enabled) */

    if (wait_ready()) return 1;    /* Wait for card ready */

    return 0;    /* Timeout */

/* Receive a data packet from MMC                                        */

int rcvr_datablock (    /* 1:OK, 0:Failed */
    BYTE *buff,            /* Data buffer to store received data */
    UINT btr            /* Byte count (must be multiple of 4) */
    BYTE token;

    Timer1 = 100;
    do {                            /* Wait for data packet in timeout of 100ms */
        token = xchg_spi(0xFF);
    } while ((token == 0xFF) && Timer1);

    if(token != 0xFE) return 0;        /* If not valid data token, retutn with error */

    rcvr_spi_multi(buff, btr);        /* Receive the data block into buffer */
    xchg_spi(0xFF);                    /* Discard CRC */

    return 1;                        /* Return with success */

/* Send a data packet to MMC                                             */

int xmit_datablock (    /* 1:OK, 0:Failed */
    const BYTE *buff,    /* 512 byte data block to be transmitted */
    BYTE token            /* Data token */
    BYTE resp;

    if (!wait_ready()) return 0;

    xchg_spi(token);        /* Xmit a token */
    if (token != 0xFD) {    /* Not StopTran token */
        xmit_spi_multi(buff, 512);    /* Xmit the data block to the MMC */
        xchg_spi(0xFF);                /* CRC (Dummy) */
        resp = xchg_spi(0xFF);        /* Receive a data response */
        if ((resp & 0x1F) != 0x05) return 0;    /* If not accepted, return with error */

    return 1;

/* Send a command packet to MMC                                          */

BYTE send_cmd (
    BYTE cmd,        /* Command byte */
    DWORD arg        /* Argument */
    BYTE n, res;

    if (cmd & 0x80) {    /* ACMD<n> is the command sequense of CMD55-CMD<n> */
        cmd &= 0x7F;
        res = send_cmd(CMD55, 0);
        if (res > 1) return res;

    /* Select the card and wait for ready except to stop multiple block read */
    if (cmd != CMD12) {
        if (!select()) return 0xFF;

    /* Send command packet */
    xchg_spi(0x40 | cmd);            /* Start + Command index */
    xchg_spi((BYTE)(arg >> 24));    /* Argument[31..24] */
    xchg_spi((BYTE)(arg >> 16));    /* Argument[23..16] */
    xchg_spi((BYTE)(arg >> 8));        /* Argument[15..8] */
    xchg_spi((BYTE)arg);            /* Argument[7..0] */
    n = 0x01;                        /* Dummy CRC + Stop */
    if (cmd == CMD0) n = 0x95;        /* Valid CRC for CMD0(0) + Stop */
    if (cmd == CMD8) n = 0x87;        /* Valid CRC for CMD8(0x1AA) + Stop */

    /* Receive command response */
    if (cmd == CMD12) xchg_spi(0xFF);    /* Skip a stuff byte on stop to read */
    n = 10;                            /* Wait for a valid response in timeout of 10 attempts */
    do {
        res = xchg_spi(0xFF);
    } while ((res & 0x80) && --n);

    return res;            /* Return with the response value */


   Public Functions


/* Get Disk Status                                                       */

DSTATUS disk_status (
    BYTE pdrv        /* Physical drive nmuber (0) */
    if (pdrv != 0) return STA_NOINIT;    /* Supports only single drive */

    return Stat;

/* Initialize Disk Drive                                                 */

DSTATUS disk_initialize (
    BYTE pdrv        /* Physical drive nmuber (0) */
    BYTE n, cmd, ty, ocr[4];

    if (pdrv != 0) return STA_NOINIT;    /* Supports only single drive */
    if (Stat & STA_NODISK) return Stat;    /* No card in the socket */

    power_on();                            /* Initialize memory card interface */
    for (n = 10; n; n--) xchg_spi(0xFF);    /* 80 dummy clocks */

    ty = 0;
    if (send_cmd(CMD0, 0) == 1) {            /* Enter Idle state */
        Timer1 = 1000;                        /* Initialization timeout of 1000 msec */
        if (send_cmd(CMD8, 0x1AA) == 1) {    /* SDv2? */
            for (n = 0; n < 4; n++) ocr[n] = xchg_spi(0xFF);            /* Get trailing return value of R7 resp */
            if (ocr[2] == 0x01 && ocr[3] == 0xAA) {                /* The card can work at vdd range of 2.7-3.6V */
                while (Timer1 && send_cmd(ACMD41, 0x40000000));    /* Wait for leaving idle state (ACMD41 with HCS bit) */
                if (Timer1 && send_cmd(CMD58, 0) == 0) {            /* Check CCS bit in the OCR */
                    for (n = 0; n < 4; n++) ocr[n] = xchg_spi(0xFF);
                    ty = (ocr[0] & 0x40) ? CT_SD2|CT_BLOCK : CT_SD2;    /* SDv2+ */
        } else {                            /* SDv1 or MMCv3 */
            if (send_cmd(ACMD41, 0) <= 1)     {
                ty = CT_SD1; cmd = ACMD41;    /* SDv1 */
            } else {
                ty = CT_MMC; cmd = CMD1;    /* MMCv3 */
            while (Timer1 && send_cmd(cmd, 0));        /* Wait for leaving idle state */
            if (!Timer1 || send_cmd(CMD16, 512) != 0) ty = 0;    /* Set read/write block length to 512 */
    CardType = ty;

    if (ty) {        /* Function succeded */
        Stat &= ~STA_NOINIT;    /* Clear STA_NOINIT */
    } else {        /* Function failed */
        power_off();    /* Deinitialize interface */

    return Stat;

/* Read Sector(s)                                                        */

DRESULT disk_read (
    BYTE pdrv,        /* Physical drive nmuber (0) */
    BYTE *buff,        /* Pointer to the data buffer to store read data */
    DWORD sector,    /* Start sector number (LBA) */
    UINT count        /* Sector count (1..128) */
    if (pdrv || !count) return RES_PARERR;
    if (Stat & STA_NOINIT) return RES_NOTRDY;

    if (!(CardType & CT_BLOCK)) sector *= 512;    /* Convert to byte address if needed */

    if (count == 1) {        /* Single block read */
        if ((send_cmd(CMD17, sector) == 0)    /* READ_SINGLE_BLOCK */
            && rcvr_datablock(buff, 512)) {
            count = 0;
    else {                /* Multiple block read */
        if (send_cmd(CMD18, sector) == 0) {    /* READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK */
            do {
                if (!rcvr_datablock(buff, 512)) break;
                buff += 512;
            } while (--count);
            send_cmd(CMD12, 0);                /* STOP_TRANSMISSION */

    return count ? RES_ERROR : RES_OK;

/* Write Sector(s)                                                       */

DRESULT disk_write (
    BYTE pdrv,                /* Physical drive nmuber (0) */
    const BYTE *buff,        /* Pointer to the data to be written */
    DWORD sector,            /* Start sector number (LBA) */
    UINT count                /* Sector count (1..128) */
    if (pdrv || !count) return RES_PARERR;
    if (Stat & STA_NOINIT) return RES_NOTRDY;
    if (Stat & STA_PROTECT) return RES_WRPRT;

    if (!(CardType & CT_BLOCK)) sector *= 512;    /* Convert to byte address if needed */

    if (count == 1) {        /* Single block write */
        if ((send_cmd(CMD24, sector) == 0)    /* WRITE_BLOCK */
            && xmit_datablock(buff, 0xFE)) {
            count = 0;
    else {                /* Multiple block write */
        if (CardType & CT_SDC) send_cmd(ACMD23, count);
        if (send_cmd(CMD25, sector) == 0) {    /* WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK */
            do {
                if (!xmit_datablock(buff, 0xFC)) break;
                buff += 512;
            } while (--count);
            if (!xmit_datablock(0, 0xFD)) count = 1;    /* STOP_TRAN token */

    return count ? RES_ERROR : RES_OK;

/* Miscellaneous Functions                                               */

DRESULT disk_ioctl (
    BYTE pdrv,        /* Physical drive nmuber (0) */
    BYTE cmd,        /* Control code */
    void *buff        /* Buffer to send/receive data block */
    DRESULT res;
    BYTE n, csd[16], *ptr = buff;
    DWORD csz;

    if (pdrv) return RES_PARERR;
    if (Stat & STA_NOINIT) return RES_NOTRDY;

    res = RES_ERROR;
    switch (cmd) {
    case CTRL_SYNC :    /* Flush write-back cache, Wait for end of internal process */
        if (select()) res = RES_OK;

    case GET_SECTOR_COUNT :    /* Get number of sectors on the disk (WORD) */
        if ((send_cmd(CMD9, 0) == 0) && rcvr_datablock(csd, 16)) {
            if ((csd[0] >> 6) == 1) {    /* SDv2? */
                csz = csd[9] + ((WORD)csd[8] << 8) + ((DWORD)(csd[7] & 63) << 16) + 1;
                *(DWORD*)buff = csz << 10;
            } else {                    /* SDv1 or MMCv3 */
                n = (csd[5] & 15) + ((csd[10] & 128) >> 7) + ((csd[9] & 3) << 1) + 2;
                csz = (csd[8] >> 6) + ((WORD)csd[7] << 2) + ((WORD)(csd[6] & 3) << 10) + 1;
                *(DWORD*)buff = csz << (n - 9);
            res = RES_OK;

    case GET_BLOCK_SIZE :    /* Get erase block size in unit of sectors (DWORD) */
        if (CardType & CT_SD2) {    /* SDv2+? */
            if (send_cmd(ACMD13, 0) == 0) {        /* Read SD status */
                if (rcvr_datablock(csd, 16)) {                /* Read partial block */
                    for (n = 64 - 16; n; n--) xchg_spi(0xFF);    /* Purge trailing data */
                    *(DWORD*)buff = 16UL << (csd[10] >> 4);
                    res = RES_OK;
        } else {                    /* SDv1 or MMCv3 */
            if ((send_cmd(CMD9, 0) == 0) && rcvr_datablock(csd, 16)) {    /* Read CSD */
                if (CardType & CT_SD1) {    /* SDv1 */
                    *(DWORD*)buff = (((csd[10] & 63) << 1) + ((WORD)(csd[11] & 128) >> 7) + 1) << ((csd[13] >> 6) - 1);
                } else {                    /* MMCv3 */
                    *(DWORD*)buff = ((WORD)((csd[10] & 124) >> 2) + 1) * (((csd[11] & 3) << 3) + ((csd[11] & 224) >> 5) + 1);
                res = RES_OK;

    case MMC_GET_TYPE :        /* Get card type flags (1 byte) */
        *ptr = CardType;
        res = RES_OK;

    case MMC_GET_CSD :    /* Receive CSD as a data block (16 bytes) */
        if ((send_cmd(CMD9, 0) == 0)    /* READ_CSD */
            && rcvr_datablock(buff, 16))
            res = RES_OK;

    case MMC_GET_CID :    /* Receive CID as a data block (16 bytes) */
        if ((send_cmd(CMD10, 0) == 0)    /* READ_CID */
            && rcvr_datablock(buff, 16))
            res = RES_OK;

    case MMC_GET_OCR :    /* Receive OCR as an R3 resp (4 bytes) */
        if (send_cmd(CMD58, 0) == 0) {    /* READ_OCR */
            for (n = 0; n < 4; n++)
                *((BYTE*)buff+n) = xchg_spi(0xFF);
            res = RES_OK;

    case MMC_GET_SDSTAT :    /* Receive SD statsu as a data block (64 bytes) */
        if ((CardType & CT_SD2) && send_cmd(ACMD13, 0) == 0) {    /* SD_STATUS */
            if (rcvr_datablock(buff, 64)) res = RES_OK;

    case CTRL_POWER_OFF :    /* Power off */
        Stat |= STA_NOINIT;
        res = RES_OK;

        res = RES_PARERR;


    return res;

/* Device Timer Driven Procedure                                         */
/* This function must be called by timer interrupt in period of 1ms      */

void disk_timerproc (void)
    BYTE s;
    UINT n;

    n = Timer1;                    /* 1000Hz decrement timer with zero stopped */
    if (n) Timer1 = --n;
    n = Timer2;
    if (n) Timer2 = --n;

    /* Update socket status */

    s = Stat;
    if (MMC_WP) {
        s |= STA_PROTECT;
    } else {
        s &= ~STA_PROTECT;
    if (MMC_CD) {
        s &= ~STA_NODISK;
    } else {
        s |= (STA_NODISK | STA_NOINIT);
    Stat = s;
which one i found in FatFs example for PIC24,
please go through it and suggest me mistake and share your experience .
thanking you.


Joined Oct 29, 2009
Welcome to the forum.

I am not going to go through 100s of lines of code but what I can well you is that I used that library before and it took me forever to get it to work. I just sat down with the debugger and my logic analyzer till I got the thing to work.

Start small and just get the initialize part to work is my advice.

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yogesh nandurkar

Joined Sep 12, 2018
Thanks ..
This is from FatFs library, I already tried read and write to adc mcp3008.
And this function I used in FatFs library, also I confirmed that my clock is worked on slow and high speed. Then what the other thing I should check in FatFs library.
Please share your experiences.


Joined Oct 29, 2009
Don't even bother with the ADC. As I recommended before break your problem down into very small steps. Write a simple program that does nothing but initialize the SD memory. I used a logic analyzer to confirm what was being sent to the SD memory. I was also able to view what was being sent from the SD (if anything)
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