Pic programming help needed

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Don Omar

Joined May 5, 2017
Hi dear,
i need you help with programming the pic using c language .
this is what i have to do using the pickit 3

1) A positive-going pulse every crank revolution for the fuel injector whose length can be varied between approximately 500 us and 8 ms in 256 steps by use of one of the two potentiometer controls provided on the demonstration board pic-kit3

2)A positive-going pulse every crank revolution for the spark ignition. The pulse should be approximately 2 ms long and the falling edge of this pulse is assumed to generate the spark with minimal delay. The position of this negative firing edge should be variable from approximately 84° before top-dead-centre (BTDC) to 12° after top-dead-centre. The method of varying the firing position will also be by turning one of the potentiometers on the board and will provide 32 different firing positions with a resolution of 3°. Note that sparks will be generated on both TDC positions of the four-stroke cycle and the missing teeth on the “Toothed Wheel simulator” occur 120° BTDC

this is what i have done so far:
#include <xc.h>
#include <timers.h>
#include <adc.h>

// Configuration settings
#pragma config OSC=HS,FSCM=OFF,IESO=OFF
#pragma config PWRT=ON,BOR=OFF,BORV=45
#pragma config WDT=OFF
#pragma config MCLRE=ON
#pragma config CP0=OFF,CP1=OFF
#pragma config CPB=OFF,CPD=OFF
#pragma config WRT0=OFF,WRT1=OFF
#pragma config EBTR0=OFF,EBTR1=OFF
#pragma config EBTRB=OFF

void    main(void)
void OpenTimer0 (unsigned char);
void WriteTimer0(unsigned int timer0);
void CloseTimer0 (void);

// unsigned char ReadADCValues(void);

     OSCCONbits.SCS0=0;     //set oscillator to external

    TRISA = 0b00110011;        //Set port input output directions
    TRISB = 0b11000100;
    ADCON1 = 0b11111100;    //All bits digital I/O except AN0 and AN1
    RCON=0b00000000;        //disable interrupt priorities (compatible with 16F series)
    INTCON=0b00000000;        //disable interrupts
    INTCON2=0b00000000;     //pull-ups enabled interrupt are all low priority

//    OpenADC(    ADC_FOSC_16 & ADC_LEFT_JUST & ADC_8_TAD,
//            0b01111110 ); //ADCON1 - AN0 set as analogue in
//    ADCON0bits.VCFG1=0;//Discovered bug - OpenADC left this bit set leaving AVSS as external vref which is connected to an LED!

OpenTimer0(    TIMER_INT_OFF    & //no timer interrupts
            T0_16BIT        & //16 bit mode
            T0_SOURCE_INT    &
            T0_EDGE_FALL    & //Not important for this
            T0_PS_1_64           // divide by 64 prescaler   

    unsigned int readtimervalue;

    while(1)    //Loop forever
        while(PORTBbits.RB2==0); //wait until pulse goes high
        while(PORTBbits.RB2==1);// wait until the pulse goes low
        readtimervalue = ReadTimer0();
//    CloseADC(); // Not actually used but placed here so you know the function exists!


void OpenTimer0 (unsigned char config)
T0CON = (0X7f & config);
TMR0H = 0;
TMR0L = 0;

INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0;


INTCONbits.TMR0IE = 1;
INTCONbits.TMR0IE = 0;

T0CONbits.TMR0ON = 1;

void WriteTimer0(unsigned int timer0)
union Timers timer;
timer.lt = timer0;

TMR0H = timer.bt[1];
TMR0L = timer.bt[0];

void CloseTimer0 (void)
T0CONbits.TMR0ON = 0;
INTCONbits.TMR0IE = 0;


unsigned int ReadTimer0(void)
  union Timers timer;

  timer.bt[0] = TMR0L;  // Copy Timer0 low byte into union
  timer.bt[1] = TMR0H;  // Copy Timer0 high byte into union

  return (timer.lt);    // Return the int

//unsigned char ReadADCValues(void)
//        ConvertADC();
//        while(BusyADC());
//        return ADRESH;//Returns 8 MSB of 10 bit result
//void ConvertADC(void)
//  ADCON0bits.GO = 1;
////note ADC_V3
//void OpenADC( unsigned char config,
//              unsigned char config2,
//              unsigned char portconfig)
//    ADCON0 = 0;
//    ADCON2 = 0;
//    ADCON0 = ((config2 >> 1) & 0b00111100) |
//             ((config2 << 6) & 0b11000000);
//    ADCON1 = portconfig;
//    ADCON2 = ((config & 0b10000000)|((config >> 4) & 0b00000111)) |
//             ((config << 2) & 0b00111000);
//    if( config2 & 0b10000000 )
//    {
//      PIR1bits.ADIF = 0;
//      PIE1bits.ADIE = 1;
//      INTCONbits.PEIE = 1;
//    }
//    ADCON0bits.ADON = 1;
//char BusyADC(void)
//  return(ADCON0bits.GO);
//void CloseADC(void)
//  ADCON0bits.ADON = 0;
//  PIE1bits.ADIE = 0;

please help me because i have no idea what #include <xc.h>
#include <timers.h>
#include <adc.h>

// Configuration settings
#pragma config OSC=HS,FSCM=OFF,IESO=OFF
#pragma config PWRT=ON,BOR=OFF,BORV=45
#pragma config WDT=OFF
#pragma config MCLRE=ON
#pragma config CP0=OFF,CP1=OFF
#pragma config CPB=OFF,CPD=OFF
#pragma config WRT0=OFF,WRT1=OFF
#pragma config EBTR0=OFF,EBTR1=OFF
#pragma config EBTRB=OFF

void    main(void)
void OpenTimer0 (unsigned char);
void WriteTimer0(unsigned int timer0);
void CloseTimer0 (void);

// unsigned char ReadADCValues(void);

     OSCCONbits.SCS0=0;     //set oscillator to external

    TRISA = 0b00110011;        //Set port input output directions
    TRISB = 0b11000100;
    ADCON1 = 0b11111100;    //All bits digital I/O except AN0 and AN1
    RCON=0b00000000;        //disable interrupt priorities (compatible with 16F series)
    INTCON=0b00000000;        //disable interrupts
    INTCON2=0b00000000;     //pull-ups enabled interrupt are all low priority

//    OpenADC(    ADC_FOSC_16 & ADC_LEFT_JUST & ADC_8_TAD,
//            0b01111110 ); //ADCON1 - AN0 set as analogue in
//    ADCON0bits.VCFG1=0;//Discovered bug - OpenADC left this bit set leaving AVSS as external vref which is connected to an LED!

OpenTimer0(    TIMER_INT_OFF    & //no timer interrupts
            T0_16BIT        & //16 bit mode
            T0_SOURCE_INT    &
            T0_EDGE_FALL    & //Not important for this
            T0_PS_1_64           // divide by 64 prescaler   

    unsigned int readtimervalue;

    while(1)    //Loop forever
        while(PORTBbits.RB2==0); //wait until pulse goes high
        while(PORTBbits.RB2==1);// wait until the pulse goes low
        readtimervalue = ReadTimer0();
//    CloseADC(); // Not actually used but placed here so you know the function exists!


void OpenTimer0 (unsigned char config)
T0CON = (0X7f & config);
TMR0H = 0;
TMR0L = 0;

INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0;


INTCONbits.TMR0IE = 1;
INTCONbits.TMR0IE = 0;

T0CONbits.TMR0ON = 1;

void WriteTimer0(unsigned int timer0)
union Timers timer;
timer.lt = timer0;

TMR0H = timer.bt[1];
TMR0L = timer.bt[0];

void CloseTimer0 (void)
T0CONbits.TMR0ON = 0;
INTCONbits.TMR0IE = 0;


unsigned int ReadTimer0(void)
  union Timers timer;

  timer.bt[0] = TMR0L;  // Copy Timer0 low byte into union
  timer.bt[1] = TMR0H;  // Copy Timer0 high byte into union

  return (timer.lt);    // Return the int

//unsigned char ReadADCValues(void)
//        ConvertADC();
//        while(BusyADC());
//        return ADRESH;//Returns 8 MSB of 10 bit result
//void ConvertADC(void)
//  ADCON0bits.GO = 1;
////note ADC_V3
//void OpenADC( unsigned char config,
//              unsigned char config2,
//              unsigned char portconfig)
//    ADCON0 = 0;
//    ADCON2 = 0;
//    ADCON0 = ((config2 >> 1) & 0b00111100) |
//             ((config2 << 6) & 0b11000000);
//    ADCON1 = portconfig;
//    ADCON2 = ((config & 0b10000000)|((config >> 4) & 0b00000111)) |
//             ((config << 2) & 0b00111000);
//    if( config2 & 0b10000000 )
//    {
//      PIR1bits.ADIF = 0;
//      PIE1bits.ADIE = 1;
//      INTCONbits.PEIE = 1;
//    }
//    ADCON0bits.ADON = 1;
//char BusyADC(void)
//  return(ADCON0bits.GO);
//void CloseADC(void)
//  ADCON0bits.ADON = 0;
//  PIE1bits.ADIE = 0;
please help me because i have no idea what i am doing
thank you


Joined Jun 4, 2014
Can you describe the problem in terms of the inputs and outputs of the PIC. I understand coding with XC8 but assume that I know nothing of engines. Presumably the PIC receives at least one timing pulse from the engine - what is the timing of this pulse and which pin is it on.
Which pins have the voltage from the pots and what each of those is expected to control.
I think there are supposed to be two pins for output pulses - please describe the timing expected in relation to the the timing pulse input.

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Don Omar

Joined May 5, 2017
Hi Albert,
thanks for the reply
the program to perform a simplified open loop engine control function using the demonstration board provided. This software will simulate ECU operation for a single cylinder, four stroke gasoline injection engine assumed to be operating between 600 and 5825 RPM.
The software should use the “Toothed Wheel simulator” output pulse stream to provide interrupts every 3° of crank rotation
The pulse train will be fed through to RB2 or RB7


Joined Jun 4, 2014
Is the 'toothed wheel simulator' an actual circuit of some sort sending pulses to the PIC?
And is the speed of this simulated wheel going to be varied by something external to the PIC?


Joined Jun 4, 2014
So if the switches are set for a simulated 600RPM what will be the timing of the waveform being fed to the PIC?
Width of the generated pulses?
Width of the gaps between the pulses?
How many pulses before a pulse is missed?

This is my poor representation of a pulse train where the missing pulse is. Which part of this is 120° btdc - the last negative edge before the gap or the first positive edge after the gap?

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Don Omar

Joined May 5, 2017
60 tooth with 2 consecutive teeth missing
this the what i supposed to do in order to find the missing pulse
1. Measure the length of the high part of the pulse using a timer. This timer value which will, of course, vary slightly from pulse to pulse, then becomes our basic unit of time which represents 3° of crank angle.

2. Wait for the next high pulse to start (ie the next rising edge on RB2) OR wait for 1.5 time units whichever happens soonest.

3. If we have proceeded from step 2 because we have exceeded 1.5 units then we have found the missing pulse. If we have not exceeded 1.5 units then go back to step 1.


Joined Jun 4, 2014
You don't give the timing of the fuel injector pulse relative to TDC so the following ignores that part of the problem but I think the following will give you more than enough to get going on.

This is the description of the loop the program should go through:

Use ADC to read timing pot. Scale this value to 0 to 31 range. This number is TIMING.

Using interrupt on change (IOC) and a timer, time pulses from the toothed wheel until the widths of two consecutive pulses are within 10%. This width is WHEEL.

On each negative edge start a timer which will overflow in 1.5 * WHEEL. On each positive edge stop the timer.

When the timer overflows we have reached 120 degrees BTDC.

Now count toothed wheel pulse edges (both positive and negative edges) until (36-3)+TIMING edges have occured.

Wait half the WHEEL time.

Set firing pulse output high
Wait 2mS
Set firing pulse low

Start again from the top


Joined Jun 4, 2014
I noticed an error in my previous post. The number '36' in it is 36 degrees but it should be converted into toothed wheel edges. Each edge represents 3 degrees so the number to use is 12.
Corrected version:

Use ADC to read timing pot. Scale this value to 0 to 31 range. This number is TIMING.

Using interrupt on change (IOC) and a timer, time pulses from the toothed wheel until the widths of two consecutive pulses are within 10%. This width is WHEEL.

On each negative edge start a timer which will overflow in 1.5 * WHEEL. On each positive edge stop the timer.

When the timer overflows we have reached 120 degrees BTDC.

Now count toothed wheel pulse edges (both positive and negative edges) until (12-3)+TIMING edges have occured.

Wait half the WHEEL time.

Set firing pulse output high
Wait 2mS
Set firing pulse low

Start again from the top