Percontation mark


Joined Sep 9, 2010
In my opinion, irony is in the eye of the beholder based on the content. It doesn't need a mark any more than you need a joke mark. If it's not funny, the mark doesn't change that. Same with irony.

A sarcasm mark, on the other hand, sounds really useful. It's a legitimate problem than the reader may not understand that the author is being sarcastic without a helpful and explicit clue. Some people such as my grandmother don't "get" sarcasm and this would alert them.

Other than copy-and-paste, I'm not sure how to get a "⸮" on my keyboard.


Joined Jan 17, 2007
Oops, supposed to be an inverted ! mark
Now I get it... I didn't understand it at first because I too couldn't see that character in my screen...
But ¡Hey! ... ¿Didn't you guys know that in spanish, at least, you're supposed to use both an opening and a closing punctuation mark when writing questions or exclamations?
That way the reader can more easily properly intone the phrase he's reading before he starts reading it.


Joined Sep 9, 2010
On my Mac, this character ⸮ displays fine (mirror image of question mark) and is a member of the Menlo and Geneva font sets. However I still can't find it in character or keyboard maps.