Motor Control w/ Limit Switches Based on Voltage

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Joined May 29, 2018
Hello! I'm new to electronics, and this is my first time looking at limit switches (and I must say I don't understand them well at all).

I have a motor which runs on a voltage from -15V to +15V where the exact voltage determines the speed and neg/pos determines forward or reverse. I want to add a limit switch to my circuit (ultimately a pcb) which prevents the voltage from going above +/- 15V but allows the user to change the voltage in the opposite direction. For example, if the user tries to increase the voltage past +15V, it will not allow that but it will allow the user to turn the voltage back down to +14V.

I have no idea what possible designs would be for this. I've found designs which can flip the direction from forward to reverse, but I don't want this...preferably the motor just continues at the +15V speed and is prevented from increasing there but allowed to decrease.



Joined Jul 18, 2013
Not sure of your present system, but if you want to control/limit RPM range.
Voltage monitoring is not an exact way.'
IOW, you may detect a certain voltage, but that does not necessarily indicate the rpm unless the load is exactly constant.

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Joined May 29, 2018
Not sure of your present system, but if you want to control/limit RPM range.
Voltage monitoring is not an exact way.'
IOW, you may detect a certain voltage, but that does not necessarily indicate the rpm unless the load is exactly constant.
It doesn't need to be exact, just a built in hardware backup. Will be using a digital potentiometer, and software should prevent users from going above 15V, but want a hardware switch just in case. What would you recommend I look at as far as limiting the RPM range? I'm not sure what kind of circuit to consider.

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Joined May 29, 2018
What is the nature of your present controller?
Software etc?
So I'm trying to design a motor control shield for an arduino mega. This will simply allow a digital pot (or possibly op amp circuit...that would be down the line) to control voltage given to the motor.


Joined Jul 5, 2008
You kind of lost here a motor doesnt change like your saying.
You can control speed 0 to 15 thats easy.
Next part you have to reverse the power supply to change from forward to backward then control its speed 0 to 15 volts if you want to just call it that.
What you really do is use pwm with a voltage limit of 15 volts.


Joined Feb 20, 2016
To limit the motor volts to 15V, just use a 15V power supply.
And then for motor speed, PWM is the only way to go. And an H bridge to control the direction so a +/- supply is not needed.
To limit the RPM, you will need to monitor it with a rotating magnet and Hall sensor, or an optical chopper. Then the PWM is automatically adjusted by the Arduino to control the speed.
But it is a little difficult to say for sure as you have not posted much info.
Do you need a motor driver or is this a retrofit to an existing system?
What power supplies are available?
Motor current?