Measuring width of a pulse using avr capture

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Joined Mar 29, 2013
I want to interface a ultrasonic sensor to attiny2313. The code I developed using avrgcc. I used capture interrupt of the avr to capture the rising and falling edge of the pulse and calculate the time elapsed in doing so. In this process, after capturing the falling edge of the pulse, the timer is switched of and again it is switched on only after triggering the sensor. The code below works fine but when the distance is low (say 10cm), timer overflows and everything stops. But by seeing the speed of the avr core and timer, it has no chance to overflow. I cannot sort it out.
Rich (BB code):
#include "avr/io.h"
#include "avr/interrupt.h"
#define F_CPU 8000000
#include "util/delay.h"
volatile unsigned int pulseStart;
volatile unsigned int pulseEnd;
volatile unsigned int pulseInUs = 2013;
volatile unsigned char edge =0;
volatile unsigned int success = 0;
volatile unsigned int failure = 0;
#define START_TIMER TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS11) | (1 << CS10))
#define STOP_TIMER TCCR1B &= ~((1 << CS11) | (1 << CS10))
void pulseSensor(void){
   PORTB |= (1 << 0);
   PORTB &= ~(1 << 0);                    
void initialisePorts(void){
   DDRD &= ~(1 << 6);                  //PORTD.6 = INPUT
   DDRB |= (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 2);   //PORTB.0 = PORTB.1 = OUTPUT
void blinkLED(unsigned int port){
   DDRB |= (1 << port);
   PORTB ^= (1 << port);
int main(void){
   TIMSK |= ((1 << ICIE1)| (1 << TOIE1));   //Set capture interrupt
   sei();                           //Set global interrupt
   TCCR1B |= (1 << ICES1);               //Set capture rising edge
         success = 0;
         if(pulseInUs <= 200)         //Obstacle in range  
            PORTB |= (1 << 1);
            PORTB &= ~(1 << 1);         //Obstacle not in range
         failure = 0;
         PORTB |= (1 << 2);
   return 0;
   if(edge == 0){
      pulseStart = ICR1;               //copy capture value
      TCCR1B &= ~(1 << ICES1);         //toggle capture edge
      edge = 1;                    
      pulseEnd = ICR1;               //copy capture value
      TCCR1B |= (1 << ICES1);            //toggle capture edge
      edge = 0;
      TCNT1 = 0;  
      pulseInUs = pulseEnd - pulseStart;
      success = 1;
   failure = 1;
   TCCR1B |= (1 << ICES1);
   TCNT1 = 0;
   edge = 0;
What is the problem in this code which makes the timer overflow?


Joined Sep 21, 2011
Most ultrasonic ping sensors need a minimum distance of 7-10cm to work. If the distance is less than that, the sensor doesn't receive the echo, so it doesn't interrupt the uC, and the uC timer overflows. Which ultrasonic sensor are you using, and do you have a link to the datasheet?
As per reply from Motardo, make ensure that are getting pulse from sensor.
Do you have any LED or display device...?
So, first make ensure you are getting rising & falling both edge from sensor. Just increment one variable on rising & falling edge & display value on LCD.
So, make ensure you are getting pulse or not from your sensor.

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Joined Mar 29, 2013
Hi, thanks for your replies, i am using this 4 pin ultrasonic sensor : HC-SR04

The minimum resolution is 2cm but timer overflows even at 10 / 15cms

But the sensor works well with arduino pulseIn function up to (1 cm)

I have designed the program such that, if there is obstacle within some 20cm range, the LED in PORTB.1 glows. else it switches off. Also, an led is connected to PORTB.2 to indicate timer overflow. PORTB.0 is used to ping the sensor and PORTD.6 is the capture input.



Joined Sep 20, 2005
I am not quite sure why you do it the way you do. If I were doing this, I would reset the count on the timer and start it on the rising edge, then capture the value from the timer on the falling edge.

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Joined Mar 29, 2013
I am not quite sure why you do it the way you do. If I were doing this, I would reset the count on the timer and start it on the rising edge, then capture the value from the timer on the falling edge.
I tried even this method. Doesnt seem to work :(
Even in the above method, the timer overflows when distance is short. I think the controller is failing to capture the falling edge?
In that case what can be done?


Joined Sep 20, 2005
Do you have an oscilloscope to crack this? I would toggle a pin to see for example when you enter and leave the ISR and use the other channel on the echo wire.

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Joined Mar 29, 2013
Do you have an oscilloscope to crack this? I would toggle a pin to see for example when you enter and leave the ISR and use the other channel on the echo wire.
Hmm. I dont have a scope. I ll try this at my college and see.
Thanks for the tip :)
Just for time being don't configure interrupt. As you are saying, timer overflow so there is enough time to sense. So, just make one WHILE loop to sense pin which is connected with sensor. Observe below logic,............

Rich (BB code):
PORTB.1 = 0;            // LED1 Off
PORTB.2 = 0;            // LED2 Off
while(PORTB.0==0);           // Wait here until you found High State from Sensor
PORTB.1 = 1;           // You come here when you will get rising edge from sensor, 
while(PORTB.0==1);           // Wait here until you found High State from Sensor
PORTB.2 = 1;           // You come here when you will get falling edge from sensor,

So, if your both LED will glow it means, you are getting pulse from sensor and you have to look at in your code. Here, i assume that, by default state at your pin is LOW, Sensor will give High pulse & then it will maintain low state at pin.
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Joined Apr 11, 2010
Rich (BB code):
while(PORTB.0==1); // Wait here until you found Low State from Sensor
I think you meant Low state in your comment.

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Joined Mar 29, 2013
Hi, thanks for your suggestion:
Here is what I observed in the scope. actually its not as expected / as given in the datasheet of the sensor.

The above is what i observe. See the output when there is no obstacle, for 5 meters ! the pulse is below zero.(not as given in the datasheet). But the code works regardless of this and I dont understand. As you can see, as the obstacle comes closer, the pulse width shrinks (less distance) and also, the pulse train slowly raises above zero (weird?):mad:


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Joined Mar 29, 2013
Looks like you had it AC coupled maybe? Doesn´t the scope have the ability to save a screenshot?
No. It doesnot have screen shot ability. What do you mean by AC coupled? I am completely working with DC. No way it is AC coupled.! even for the probe, i used only one probe (single channel).

I think you don't get the operation of the system?

The wave forms represented in the picture are correct. But they must be above zero.(everything)


Joined Sep 20, 2005
The wave forms represented in the picture are correct. But they must be above zero.(everything)
That´s what I mean, the oscilloscope channel can be set to either ground, DC, or AC on a scope. The AC coupling on the scope would remove the DC component and would provide very similar readings to what you show in the pictures, assuming it is a purely digital output which should never go below 0V.

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Joined Mar 29, 2013
That´s what I mean, the oscilloscope channel can be set to either ground, DC, or AC on a scope. The AC coupling on the scope would remove the DC component and would provide very similar readings to what you show in the pictures, assuming it is a purely digital output which should never go below 0V.
Hi kubeek, sorry, The scope has screen capture via PC (USB). I ll post the screen shot by today. But for that software, I have to borrow a windows machine. Do you know any scope screen capture software for linux? (I'm running linux 3.8.3). If no, i will get a windows machine to capture the screen and post it.
