LTspice *.prm file could not open

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Joined Jun 28, 2020
I am having troubles to simulate Wire loop alarm in LTspice. 2N7000 MOSFET is located in C:\Users\Kevil\Documents\LTspiceXVII\lib\Bordodynov\lib\sym\EXTRA\Philips\NMOSFET


While running the simulation I got error message:


What's wrong and how to fix it?


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Joined Jun 28, 2020
PRM file is a definion file, it contains:

.SUBCKT 2N7000 1 2 3
* 1=drain 2=gate 3=source
Cgs 6 3 12.3e-12
Cgd1 6 4 27.4e-12
Cgd2 1 4 6e-12
M1 5 6 3 3 MOST1
M2 4 6 5 3 MOST2
D1 3 1 Dbody
Rd 5 1 Rtemp 2.3
Rg 2 6 15
.MODEL MOST1 NMOS (LEVEL=3 W=0.1 L=0.3e-6 Vto=2.014 Kp=3.09e-7
+ RS=0 RD=0 UO=650 VMAX=0 XJ=0.5E-6 KAPPA=10E-2
+ ETA=3e-6 TPG=1 IS=0 LD=0 WD=0 CGSO=0 CGDO=0
+ CGBO=0 NFS=4.9e12 DELTA=0.1)
.MODEL MOST2 NMOS (LEVEL=3 W=0.1 L=0.3e-6 Vto=-5.69 Kp=0.315e-5
+ RS=1000 RD=1000 UO=650 VMAX=0 XJ=0.5E-6 KAPPA=10E-2
+ ETA=3e-6 TPG=1 IS=0 LD=0 WD=0 CGSO=0 CGDO=0
+ CGBO=0 NFS=0 DELTA=0.1)
.MODEL Dbody D(Is=1e-14 N=0.88 Rs=0.7 Ikf=1e3 Cjo=0 M=0.5 Vj=0.4
+ Bv=60 Ibv=10e-6 Tt=50e-9)
.MODEL Rtemp RES(TC1=5.61e-3 TC2=2.23e-5)


Joined Feb 24, 2006
Try changing its extension from .prm to .lib.
I don't think that is the problem. LTspice does not give a care about file extensions. If you look closely at the error message it is looking for the subcircuit file in the ...\sym\... subfolder which is not where subcircuit files normally live. What you have to do is either explicitly include the subcircuit in the schematic or specifically include the .prm file, or fix the broken link between where the symbol says the subcircuit is and where it actually is.

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Joined Jun 28, 2020
The problem was in the correct path to the *.prm file. In the *.asy file I had to change the relative path to full path.
