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Joined Jun 18, 2024
I hope I’m posting in the right place. Forgive me if I’m lost, because I’m honestly lost about this whole situation. I came across this forum when searching and thought maybe I could find an answer or at least some direction here.

I’m constantly misplacing things and whenever I buy tags, they’re Bluetooth and run via app, and always either go offline or go dead by the time I genuinely need them. It’s such a useless way to go about it.

My biggest misplacment is scissors lol I probably lose these more than the remote. I was also looking into this to use for glasses too, but the only one I found is unnecessarily bulky, expensive and Bluetooth/app.

Ideally I’m looking for small stick-on circuit type beepers that use a small watch battery (or something else that’s lighter-weight that I may not even know exists) and only use power when they’re signaled to from an assigned remote. I literally just need a tiny but basic beeper loud enough to hear if it’s buried. Like an old watch or even a nagging dying smoke detector beeping, nothing fancy.

When I was a kid we had a tv remote that could change the channel in another room from across the house. So I know a remote for something like this is also possible. I also had a toy phone that was just a case for candy that had a simple circuit board that made a ton of noise because it got wet. It took it forever to finally run out of juice lol

I’m surprised small and simple location beepers aren’t more common, when we had cheap 90’s toys with similar energy efficient noise components. It’s like all the elements are there, I just don’t know where to find them or how to rig them together.

Does anyone know where I can get something like this or how to make my own?


Joined Apr 3, 2014
Years ago I had a wristwatch that got lost in a box of stuff when I moved to a new apartment. It was one of several boxes that I didn't unpack but kept them in a corner of the spare bedroom/office. For some forgotten reason I'd set an alarm on the wristwatch for a particular time of day, of course when I was typically in the spare room. I'd hear the alarm going off and start looking for it. Unfortunately, it usually stopped beeping before I found it. I only found the wristwatch after I moved and emptied the box. It always amazed me how long the battery lasted on that watch.

It might be as simple as finding a pocket watch that you can tie a lanyard to and affix to your scissors. If you can set alarms for several times during the day, then it would be all the better.