How to Find Faulty Components on PCB

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Ivan Viduljevic

Joined Aug 8, 2019
If you can just guide me to some reading material or YT links that would be awesome. Beginner to intermediate would be perfect but i will take any links you guy's find usefull.


Joined Oct 2, 2009
You have to be more specific. It depends on what needs fixing.

I begin with a history of the unit.
When was the last time it was working?
What were the conditions and symptoms when it failed.

The next step would be look, feel, smell followed by complete visual inspection.

Thirdly, I would look at symptoms. I would look at functionality. What does the unit do? What does it not do?

I do all of the above before trying to find a bad component.


Joined Jun 15, 2019
From my practice.
There are the following malfunctions of electronic components.
Transistors (breakdown, interruption, leakage, gain reduction.)
Diodes (breakdown, interruption, leakage).

Capacitors (breakdown, interruption, leakage, capacity reduction, increase-D, ESR).
Resistors (interruption, resistance deviation too large).

Inductance (interruption, short circuit of turns, too large deviation of Rs, decrease in Q).


Joined Mar 11, 2019
Honestly, all you need is what @MrChips has said. Then when that turns up nothing start entering suspect component names in google with "datasheet" behind every search term. If you do not understand what the part in datasheet is or how it works, use google again to ask "what is a low side power switch " or "how does a power transistor work". You can learn a lot pretty fast if you really want to.