EasyEDA PCB Update not updating as expected

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Joined Nov 4, 2018
Working with EasyEDA. I've tried changing the schematic only to find that it doesn't update the PCB at all when its Update PCB is selected from EasyEDA menu. It creates a new PCB layout with all of the pieces and without the changeup in the schematic. I poked around on the internet a bit and is it possible that the PCB can't be updated if autoroute has already taken place? Has anyone else experienced this?

Jon Chandler

Joined Jun 12, 2008
It should work fine. Any changed components will be placed below the board and the originals removed. Traced won't be removed, but if the changed parts have the same footprints, just reposition them in the original location and it's done.

I think most people who lay out boards don't use automating to achieve the beat results. A nice board layout is a work of art.

Thread Starter


Joined Nov 4, 2018
Follow up: when I add a component to the schematic, and then updated PCB, the new component was added to the existing group of components on the PCB layout. The new component appears in the PCB with ratlines. Works perfectly. However, if I lay tracks down (Auto) in the PCB and then Update after adding the new component in the schematic, the Update Feature does not work correctly. So its limited but if you catch your mistake/modification early enough its still very helpful.
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