Calculating base resistor for Darlington


Joined Feb 8, 2018
R2 in Dana's circuit is not required with the TIP Darlingtons.

That circuit is not a "buffer." It is an inverting level shifter/driver. If you can't tolerate the inversion you either need another inverter or you can use a common-base level shifter (emitter of NPN shifter to Arduino output, base to +5V through 5-10k (typically), collector to base of TIP). Common base shifters are often overlooked but can be very useful.

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Joined Apr 11, 2010
The Arduino can be configed to be open drain, but there still is a parasitic diode
at the pin such that the pin V can never exceed Vdd + Vdiode, or for 5V Vdd ~ 5.7V
So you will never get the PNP shutoff this way. As O-Bee-Wan-549 points out.

This is basically the way -

View attachment 160626

Regards, Dana.
Thanks Dana!

I’m trying to understand your example. You have a 2N3904 driving a 2N3906. I’ll be driving a TIP42C and s TIP120. Does this affect the circuit?

Secondly, I had base resistors of 240/330 ohms on the TIPs. Your resistors are significantly higher. My calculations come nowhere your values.

Thirdly, when ‘chaining’ resistors, how do you calculate their values?