1. R

    PIC24FJ128GB202 connecting USB ON-THE-GO to newer laptop with USB 3.0 (ss ports)

    I've recently been design a PIC development board with USB and other peripherals, I've got the board working, got code running on the board and managed to test all of the peripherals that worked great, until it came to USB. The issue isn't the USB circuity its self, I've recently brought a new...
  2. Samwilliams_4

    Help with dice game code errors on PIC 18F452 microcontroller

    Im trying to finish a dice game code on a PIC 18F452 microcontroller using assembly language by tomorrow morning and only have 7 errors left in his code. If i can fix the remaining 7 errors, i won’t have to drop the class so if anyone can help out tonight that would be greatly appreciated. Here...
  3. Q

    PIC8F67K22 .hex

    hello Everyone, Iam new in Microchips system, we looking for Microchips Professionals to help us with our problem. We have a project that needs to be developed and modified, but we could not because we do not have the source for development, All we could do was extract a .hex file from our...
  4. Z

    How to read TMR0L and TMR0H registers together to create a delay?

    Using PIC16F18446 TMR0 module to create a 1 second delay WITHOUT the use of the interrupts. Here is the program so far: void main(void) { // Oscillator Settings: // HFINTOSC 8 MHz OSCCON1 = 0b01110100; OSCFRQ = 0b00000011; // Data Direction Settings TRISA =...
  5. F

    External Interrupt on PIC16F887 not working // MPLABX XC8 C

    I would need some help with the external interrupt on pin 33 on the PIC16F887(PDIP). Basically I have tried everything, went by the datasheet, and the interrupt ended up not working. I'm 99% sure, that I have the hardware working because it worked with an Arduino. I am using an encoder, and both...
  6. M

    PIC16F877A DS18B20 multiple sensors connection

    Hello. I have a problem with connecting N number of DS18B20 sensors on pic16f877 microcontroller on same pin in proteus simulation. I got it working with one sensor. But I cant get it working with multiple sensors (number of sensors greater then 1). So the C code needs to do next: when I connect...
  7. L

    pic12f683 push button problem

    Hi i just joined to try and get a little help after getting no further with my project all day. my project is one push button and one LED. my goal was to get the push button to swap from 1 mode to another and then off (reset to 0) i am new to all this so i got bits of code from here and there...
  8. Lambo Av

    Obstacle Avoiding Robot using PIC Microcontroller

    Hi all, I am currently working on this robot with the guidance of the following website "https://circuitdigest.com/microcontroller-projects/obstacle-avoiding-robot-using-pic16f877a" The circuit diagram is as shown below The L293D motor driver module he used looks something like this while...