1. S

    Meaning of Remanence Flux

    Hi, I am currently working on the design of a Hall sensor circuit. In that I have to select a magnet. Application is similar to Proximity sensing. Magnets are characterized by the Remanent flux density. I understand as the distance from the magnet increases the flux decreases in the fashion of...
  2. J

    Axial flux motor with single coil

    Disclaimer: I am not an expert, only enthusiast. Hi, i want to experiment with a small scale axial flux motor and a single coil. The first question is what should be the polarity of the magnets? Same or alternating? The second question is what should be the shape of the coil. Is a core needed...
  3. B

    Treadmill - internal magnet intended for safety stopped working

    Forgive me, I am new and have little to no experience with circuitry. I am very sorry if this is not the right place to ask or this forum is intended for more experienced people. Hi, I have a Pro Fitness JX 260 / JX 263. I read up online that the circuit breaks and doesn't allow the treadmill...
  4. 8

    Purpose of a rectifier in a positive oscillating circuit

    Hello, I found a circuit (transmitter) design that would create an oscillating magnetic field. Another circuit (receiver) would pick the induced voltage up and amplify it. Now as I understand it, the oscillating part has only positive voltage. But in the receiver part they use a recitfier. Why...
  5. bengineer19

    How to improve/upgrade magnetic levitation module

    Hi all, I've bought a magnetic levitation module much like this one: The device consists of a permanent magnet ring with 4 coils (connected in 2 series pairs) stabilising the floating magnet in X&Y. For the project application I'm using it in, it would be very useful to gain an extra 10mm of...