Why is my 555 timer getting very hot?


Joined Mar 30, 2015
I was promised that these 555's are excellent and 100% quality...but then I suppose all sellers would say this even if they're rubbish! We will see...
If you're not buying from an authorized distributor/reseller, you can't be certain of the authenticity or quality.

Does the texture of the bottom (which looks good) match the top? I can't tell from the pictures.


Joined Mar 30, 2015
Yes, the texture appears quite consistent.
Then it's likely not counterfeit. Hopefully counterfeiters and remarkers won't get smart and do a better job. All sides of a molded package should have the same color and texture (though some manufacturers painted the tops of the parts).

You also need to look at the leads. The shoulders shouldn't be pitted and the angle of the leads can also be an indicator for new vs used. Watch out for leads that are too shiny (e.g. re-dipped). I've seen pictures of obvious lead repairs.