What Is "Polynomial Division"?


Joined Mar 31, 2012
But that's just one consideration. Length of the sequence is not always the most importation feature -- in fact for many applications it is well down the list. Many applications, including CRC, are primarily concerned with the error detection capabilities and are more than willing to sacrifice sequence length to achieve this.
There are two cases for dividing polynomials: either the "division" is really just a simplification and you're just reducting a fraction, or else you need to do long polynomial division


Joined Feb 24, 2006
That statement is wrong. What we are doing is not the full division which produces a quotient and a remainder. What we are doing is calculating the remainder and throwing the quotient away. Also we are not talking about polynomials over the set of real numbers with the operations of addition an multiplication. We are talking about polynomials over the set of booleans with the operations of exclusive or and left shift.


Joined Mar 31, 2012
The problem is that the TS apparently does not know how to divide two polynomials at all. They need to first learn how to do that. Once they know how to do that for polynomials with real coefficients, then it is a simple matter to learn how to divide polynomials with Boolean coefficients.