Wagon Wheel Theory.

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Joined Sep 22, 2013
We are all familiar with the wagon wheel effect. This is where the spokes of the wheel appear to reverse rotation, without a change in wheel direction.

If you google it, there are several theories to explain this. In the end, the conclusion is that the effect is an ILLUSION caused by the difference in frame frequency and rotary frequency.

We only see this with a strobe, in this case, the frame frequency. If you go out to the ranch, you will not see this.(unless you take a strobe light)

So everybody agrees and is satisfied that this is an ILLUSION.

This so called ILLUSION is one of the few times when nature removes it's cloak and yells "HERE I AM".

Therefore, along with my "Kiss Your Own Ass Theory" to explain particles, I offer my "Wagon Wheel Theory" to explain how Quantum Dynamics can come from a one direction rotary wagon wheel.

SIDE NOTE. I have often wondered why no one has asked me how a particle can flip it's magnetic poles, without changing the direction of charge, OR without the particle physically flipping.....breaking the magnetic field that holds it in the nucleus. This is how such things happen.

Let's begin.

The frame F + rotary F = resultant F and phase (ILLUSION).

I don't know about you, but every time I have added two frequencies, I got a real frequency as a result....so.....

frame F + rotary F = resultant F (REALITY)(undeniable mathematical proof)

Your eyes are not lying to you. The rotation of spokelight has reversed direction.

OH BOY....crackpot time. Bear with me......fear not......common sense is not contagious.

We can prove this. Take a light radio receiver and put it next to the screen. Adjust receiver to only receive the light coming off the spokes. OR get a wagon wheel and a strobe lite.
As you adjust rotary speed.....you can detect many phase shifts and polarization reversals(in the received light) and sync states, as you change thru the frequencies(rotation speeds).

Your eyes are some of the best radio receivers made. Your eyes detect those phase changes and pole reversals as a freeze, rocking and reversal of the spokes.


This is interference. Interference is the result of two or more sources. That's why the result can be different than either source.

This wagon wheel effect(good old fashion interference), happens to everything all the time and everywhere. The only reason we don't see it, is because we can't see the strobe(frame rate). We only see the environment and the result(REALITY).

What are you talking about and what IS the strobe?

Going back to the undeniable mathematical proof formula, let's re-define some terms....I can do this, this is legal now.

F(frequency) of inertia + F of environment = F result (REALITY). And let's trade in that wagon wheel for a particle torus.

If we take the torus out of the environment(F of environment = 0) it will only have F of inertia.
This inertia F is always there(inertia resonance). It's the minimum F.

As you bring the torus into an environment....the F of environmental will be added.

The result is reality F. And reality can be different than the inertia and environment that made it.

Reality is the result of what we know as electrical interference.(between inertia and environment)

The Wagon Wheel effect is real.

Your welcome Partner.
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Joined Sep 22, 2013
If the pilot could keep the stabilizer rotation at a multiple of the main blade, it would freeze too.


Joined Oct 2, 2009
Take your sine-wave signal generator and your o'scope. Set the scope up to "line triggered" (assume 60Hz here) . Set the generator to near 60Hz and observe the display. Either the sine wave appears to drift to the left, or it drifts to the right. The rate of drift is proportional to the difference between the generator frequency and the line frequency.

Reset the generator to near 30Hz, 120Hz, 180Hz,... ,;what happens?

I call this "zero beating".

The fact that you can cause the sine wave to appear to drift right, or drift left with just minute adjustments of generator frequency is the same phenomenon that appears to make the wagon wheel rotate cw or ccw....

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Joined Sep 22, 2013
If you keep increasing generator(environmental) F, you will find more zero beats.

These zero beats are the stable frequencies of the torus.

With a signal generator and a wagon wheel, you can adjust to any F.

But with a torus, only the zero beats are acceptable. The torus is an analog device, but will only resonate at zero beats(discrete energy levels). It can not exist(except for very min-ute time) at other than zero beats. This is the quantum effect.

If you take my icon at 0 degrees, one proton spins up and one spins down, same for electrons.

This is inertia. The direction of the spins will never change. When you heat it up....it starts going thru the zero beats.......when you measure the beats......many will indicate that one or more particles have flipped. But they did not flip.......it's the wagon wheel effect.


Joined Nov 9, 2007

Didn't you just love them old time stages Tonto?

The effect is different, depending on circumstance, whether you are viewing directly or through a movie camera or on a TV or movie screen.

BR549 is correct in one respect.
You need two sources of periodicity to gneerate the effect. You will not observe it viewing directly with a continuous output light source.
I suppose you could label it quantisation since it is discretisation in a classical situation. But then the equations of many classical phenomena also admit periodic solutions and we don't normally label these quantum although they are discrete. That is also what eigenvalues are all about.


Joined Oct 2, 2009
Some of us here on AAC understand how a UART sends and receives RS-2323 serial communication signals.

Try to imagine how a Teletype machine would receive and decode the UART signal and then print the corresponding character.

I did a lot of adjustments, fine tuning and repairs on Teletype machines. A strobe light was used to freeze the motion and allow you to visually examine the critical physical spacings of all the mechnical cams and levers to get the machine working properly.


Joined Aug 27, 2009
I did a lot of adjustments, fine tuning and repairs on Teletype machines. A strobe light was used to freeze the motion and allow you to visually examine the critical physical spacings of all the mechnical cams and levers to get the machine working properly.
I was the secondary (work space level) repair man for the machines in the Navy, the primary guy (shop guy, stripped down the the frame) said they were the ultimate in erector sets. The guy somehow developed a strobe in his brain as he could see problems that were invisible to me.
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Joined Nov 30, 2010
The guy somehow developed a strobe in his brain as he could see problems that were invisible to me.
It's so fun when that happens! One of my most annoying moments is when the customer answers the door and says, "What's wrong with it?" Rarely, I already know the answer because I can hear the machine while I'm walking toward the front door. :D


Joined Jul 18, 2013
In the UK when the first fluorescent lighting became popular, many machinist lost a finger due to the cutter appearing stationary due to the strobe effect of 50hz flicker, the answer at that time was to place each row of lights on a different phase.


Joined Mar 31, 2012
When I was working on my instrument rating we were in the run-up area and noticed that the prop on another plane was aliasing and doing the wagon-wheel affect. My instructor and I were both puzzled as to what could be causing it since there was nothing to strobe what we were seeing -- until I realized that we were looking through OUR prop!