Use HC-12 as regular 433Mhz transmitter to control RF wall plugs

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Joined Feb 14, 2019
Good day everyone,

I have picked up a HC-12 Wireless Serial Module. It supports frequencies from 433.4-473.0MHz in 400KHz steps. I have some RF controlled wall plugs (similar to these) in my home and would like to use the powerful HC-12 to switch them. I already have an a lot weaker RF transmitter (similar to this one) which works fine.

My problem: When I try to send the same decimal codes, which work using the weaker transmitter, nothing is happening. Also the HC-12 does not pickup RF signals sent by the plug's remote or the other transmitter. Could someone point me in the right direction please?

I have found some very good looking code on AAC which I uploaded to a NodeMCU. I can send AT+? commands to change the HC-12's settings and receive its responses without any problems.

Thanks for any help in advance!

That's the code:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

const byte HC12RxdPin = 4;                      // "RXD" Pin on HC12
const byte HC12TxdPin = 5;                      // "TXD" Pin on HC12
const byte HC12SetPin = 6;                      // "SET" Pin on HC12

unsigned long timer = millis();                 // Delay Timer

char SerialByteIn;                              // Temporary variable
char HC12ByteIn;                                // Temporary variable
String HC12ReadBuffer = "";                     // Read/Write Buffer 1 for HC12
String SerialReadBuffer = "";                   // Read/Write Buffer 2 for Serial
boolean SerialEnd = false;                      // Flag to indicate End of Serial String
boolean HC12End = false;                        // Flag to indiacte End of HC12 String
boolean commandMode = false;                    // Send AT commands

// Software Serial ports Rx and Tx are opposite the HC12 Rx and Tx
// Create Software Serial Port for HC12
SoftwareSerial HC12(HC12TxdPin, HC12RxdPin);

void setup() {

  HC12ReadBuffer.reserve(64);                   // Reserve 64 bytes for Serial message input
  SerialReadBuffer.reserve(64);                 // Reserve 64 bytes for HC12 message input

  pinMode(HC12SetPin, OUTPUT);                  // Output High for Transparent / Low for Command
  digitalWrite(HC12SetPin, HIGH);               // Enter Transparent mode
  delay(80);                                    // 80 ms delay before operation per datasheet
  Serial.begin(9600);                           // Open serial port to computer
  HC12.begin(9600);                             // Open software serial port to HC12

void loop() {

  while (HC12.available()) {                    // While Arduino's HC12 soft serial rx buffer has data
    HC12ByteIn =;                   // Store each character from rx buffer in byteIn
    HC12ReadBuffer += char(HC12ByteIn);         // Write each character of byteIn to HC12ReadBuffer
    if (HC12ByteIn == '\n') {                   // At the end of the line
      HC12End = true;                           // Set HC12End flag to true

  while (Serial.available()) {                  // If Arduino's computer rx buffer has data
    SerialByteIn =;               // Store each character in byteIn
    SerialReadBuffer += char(SerialByteIn);     // Write each character of byteIn to SerialReadBuffer
    if (SerialByteIn == '\n') {                 // Check to see if at the end of the line
      SerialEnd = true;                         // Set SerialEnd flag to indicate end of line

  if (SerialEnd) {                              // Check to see if SerialEnd flag is true

    if (SerialReadBuffer.startsWith("AT")) {    // Has a command been sent from local computer
      HC12.print(SerialReadBuffer);             // Send local command to remote HC12 before changing settings
      delay(100);                               //
      digitalWrite(HC12SetPin, LOW);            // Enter command mode
      delay(100);                               // Allow chip time to enter command mode
      Serial.print(SerialReadBuffer);           // Echo command to serial
      HC12.print(SerialReadBuffer);             // Send command to local HC12
      delay(500);                               // Wait 0.5s for a response
      digitalWrite(HC12SetPin, HIGH);           // Exit command / enter transparent mode
      delay(100);                               // Delay before proceeding
    } else {
      HC12.print(SerialReadBuffer);             // Transmit non-command message
    SerialReadBuffer = "";                      // Clear SerialReadBuffer
    SerialEnd = false;                          // Reset serial end of line flag

  if (HC12End) {                                // If HC12End flag is true
    if (HC12ReadBuffer.startsWith("AT")) {      // Check to see if a command is received from remote
      digitalWrite(HC12SetPin, LOW);            // Enter command mode
      delay(100);                               // Delay before sending command
      Serial.print(SerialReadBuffer);           // Echo command to serial.
      HC12.print(HC12ReadBuffer);               // Write command to local HC12
      delay(500);                               // Wait 0.5 s for reply
      digitalWrite(HC12SetPin, HIGH);           // Exit command / enter transparent mode
      delay(100);                               // Delay before proceeding
      HC12.println("Remote Command Executed");  // Acknowledge execution
    } else {
      Serial.print(HC12ReadBuffer);             // Send message to screen
    HC12ReadBuffer = "";                        // Empty buffer
    HC12End = false;                            // Reset flag


Joined Jun 4, 2014
If you use an HC12 as the transmitter then you will need to use an HC12 as the receiver. They do not simply transmit the data as you send it as the more simple 433MHz systems do.