Use example of Intel University program in Intel Quartus - problem with Board support package?

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Joined Mar 24, 2020
I want to use a example from the Intel FPGA Monitor Program 18.1 and use it in Quartus 18.1. It is the video example, which creates a blue box on the HDMI output and writes a littel String with white letters on top of it.
I want to use it in Intel Quartus environment , do some test-outputs on my screen and finally add some more Hardware to the Avalon system. Unfortunately it doesnt work for me as i thought xD:
short file overview:
Project File: DE10_Nano_Computer.qpf
QSYS Konfiguration File: Computer_System.sopcinfo
SRAM File : DE10_Nano_Computer.sof
NIOSII Main: video.c
NIOSII library: address_map_nios2.h
Project includes:
I/O Peripheral | Qsys Core
  • On-chip memory
  • character buffer Character Buffer for Video Display
  • SD Card SD Card Interface
  • Red LED parallel port Parallel Port
  • Expansion parallel ports Parallel Port
  • Slider switch parallel port Parallel Port
  • Pushbutton parallel port Parallel
  • Port JTAG port JTAG UART
  • Interval timer Interval timer
  • System ID System ID
  • Peripheral Audio port Audio
  • Video port Pixel Buffer DMA Controller
Test1: Open FPGA Monitor Program 18.1 - create new project - select video example - sof is downloaded on FPGA - compile & load video.c Result: works HDMI shows test-string
download .sof to FPGA - Eclipse for Nios - new project simple hello world with bsp -work with .sof-put video.c and address_map_nios2.h into project- use video.c as main, Result: works HDMI shows test-string
Test 3:
do the same as Test2 , Result: random pixels in the first ~20 lines
Test 4:
reinstall FPGA Monitor Program 18.1 do the same as Test2 Result: works HDMI shows test-string
Test 5:
do the same like Test2, doesnt work, do the same like Test4 Result: random pixels in the first ~20 lines
Test 6:
copy .elf from my FPGA Monitor Program 18.1 software directory into project folder, run this this elf Result: works HDMI shows test-string
Test 7:
change something of the video.c of Test 6, Result: works HDMI shows test-string but without the blue box !
Test 8:
do the same like Test2 Result: random pixels in the first ~20 lines
Test 9:
Check run configurations : select all combinations of processor and byte stream devices Result: random pixels in the first ~20 lines
Test 10:
Switch to FPGA Monitor Program 18.1, compile & Load video.c Result: works HDMI shows test-string
Description in ( they do nearly the same...)
Check: Book EMBEDDED SoPC DESIGN WITH NIOS II PROCESSOR AND VERILOG EXAMPLES : They say: BSP Editor will get the sopcinfo file and support you with your access to the Hardware. Without configuring much
Check: Intel BSP documents : hey say: BSP Editor will get the sopcinfo file and support you with your access to the Hardware. Without configuring much
Check: Intel The Nios® II Processor: Hardware Abstraction Layer in youtube:
I suppose that something is wrong eather with my selected sopcinfo or with the BSP. Maybe you can give me some advice, tell me if you need more information ! :) Thank you :D
Here are some screenshots of my development environment: