transformer testing

Tayyab Jamil

Joined Jan 26, 2017
Hi @jorge90065
I hope you are doing well .your question is what type of tests are conducted on the transformer during the manufacturing process.
Normally we categorise it into three sections.
  1. Routine Test
  2. Type Test
  3. Special Test
Every category has a different test like an open test, short circuit test, temperature test, ratio test etc
I also write a detailed article here if you need more information you can read it here
More Information if you need

Thread Starter


Joined Jul 27, 2022
Hi @jorge90065
I hope you are doing well .your question is what type of tests are conducted on the transformer during the manufacturing process.
Normally we categorise it into three sections.
  1. Routine Test
  2. Type Test
  3. Special Test
Every category has a different test like an open test, short circuit test, temperature test, ratio test etc
I also write a detailed article here if you need more information you can read it here
More Information if you need


Joined Jan 15, 2015
i need to know which type of test are conduct on transformer when its manufacture.
Your question is too broad. What type of transformer? So you care about insulation breakdown? There is likely a dozen test which can be performed on a transformer in QA (Quality Assurance) testing and none of which can be defined less knowing all about the transformer. Audio transformer, Power transformer? Transformer specifications or ratings? Your question is too broad to answer.

Here you want a start? Try IEC60076-11 Dry Type Power Transformers.

That is a single International Standard for a single type of transformer. Power Transformers Dry Type there are also wet type such as oil cooled.

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Joined Jul 29, 2022
Multiple tests are performed. Including-
High voltage test
Megger test
Open circuit test
Short circuit test
Transformer ratio test
Winding resistance test


Joined Aug 7, 2020
Magnetisation current test
Leakage inductance test
regulation test

and you didn't say whether it was a mains transformer
if it isn't you'll need a frequency response test


Joined Aug 21, 2008
Get yourself the manufacturer's datasheet for a transformer. Most of the parameter shown are either tested directly or inferred from testing of a sample of components.


Joined Aug 21, 2017
Shall illustrate on basis of 120 kW 36 kV trafo I made bobbins some years ago. After V/turn tratio measurement calculate the number of turns, diameters, air gaps, wire Focault effect and need to use the litz-wire etc. Then day long mechanic work to make the glass textolyte embodiement. Turn it on the winding tool using the proper insulation film. Applie the criss-cross phasing between sections to alter double the voltage protection. Then compose all together. And instead of 25 kHz use the 50 Hz via LATR with wrting the voltage and current. Apply it to the secondary. Then how many fold frequency is lower, so the same fold must be lower voltage. When writer had constructed the graph i(2)=F(V(2)) then draw the point in place corresponding to the 36 kV 25 kHz. If current there is 10% of nominal ppower, its catastrophy, must redo job. May be 100% or more - means short somewhere inside. If 5% - for short applications bad but OK. If 2% - good, if less than 1% - brilliant. If much less than 0.5% - there is much wasted material what should had been economied, but that isnt reason for redoing the job. P.S. If transformer is fed bt meander signal, the 220V sinus is equal to 220*1.1 V meander, I mean meander is "hotter".


Joined Jan 23, 2018
Since the TS claims to be a student, I will describe the main tests which are insulation leakage , and resistance.
If the transformer is a correct design, and this is on a production line, the first tests would be winding resistance, which, if done with a high resolution meter can reveal if the correct wire size and correct number of turns were used.
An alternative would be the energized and loaded test, which will also reveal the resistance and the turns ratio, as well as detect short circuited turns in the winding. It can also reveal leakage between windings and high resistance connections.
These would be production quality tests, used to verify that a properly designed transformer will meet specifications.
Analysis of a new design of a prototype transformer will be much more detailed, as others have already stated.