Stepper Motor Help

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Joined Mar 27, 2008
I'm having trouble getting my stepper motor to step clockwise. Can someone help me with my code to see what I'm missing?

#include <mc9s12dp256.h>

//structure definition, type definition, initialize struct - rotation sequence
struct rotate{ // holds a rotation sequence (multiple rotations)
int num_steps; // 100 = 100 steps (360 degrees if stepangle = 3.6 degrees)
int direction; // 1=CW, 0=CCW
typedef struct rotate rot_type;

rot_type sequence[2] = { // this table defines the 2 rotations in the sequence
{100,1}, // 100 steps CW
{50,0} // 50 steps CCW

//structure definition, type definition, initialize struct - coil patterns
struct state{ // a linked structure (one structure for each state)
unsigned char patrn; // coil pattern
struct state *Next[2]; // holds next state if direction = 0,1
typedef struct state state_type;
// state 0 is defined by the 0th structure in fsm, state 1 by the 1st, etc.
#define S0 &fsm[0]
#define S1 &fsm[1]
#define S2 &fsm[2]
#define S3 &fsm[3]

state_type fsm[4] = { // motor specific -- a structure containing 4 structures
{0x33,{S1,S3}}, // coil pattern and next state when current state is S0
{0x66,{S2,S0}}, // ditto when current state is S1, etc..

//function prototypes
void delayv(void);
void load_swi_addr(void);

void main(){
int i, steps;
state_type *ptr; // setup a pointer to a state-type data structure...
ptr = S0; // ...and initialize it to point to state S0 in fsm
load_swi_addr( );
DDRB |= 0xF0; // PB7-PB4 output
for(i=0;i<2;i++){ // 2 rotations in the sequence
steps = sequence.num_steps;
PORTB = ptr->patrn;//send out coil pattern of state pointed to by ptr
ptr = ptr->Next[sequence.direction];//pt to appropriate next state
delayv( ); //wait before sending another pattern
steps--; //keep rotating until all steps in current rotation are sent

void delayv( ){ // adjust count for motor application
unsigned int i,j;

void load_swi_addr( ){
asm("ldx #$ef00");
asm("stx $3e76"); //loads the isr for swi into the pseudo-vector table
/********* end of file ***********************/


Joined Jan 28, 2005
Rich (BB code):
#include <mc9s12dp256.h>
//structure definition, type definition, initialize struct - rotation sequence
struct rotate{ // holds a rotation sequence (multiple rotations)
    int num_steps; // 100 = 100 steps (360 degrees if stepangle = 3.6 degrees)
    int direction; // 1=CW, 0=CCW
typedef struct rotate rot_type;
rot_type sequence[2] = { // this table defines the 2 rotations in the sequence
{100,1}, // 100 steps CW
{50,0} // 50 steps CCW
//structure definition, type definition, initialize struct - coil patterns
struct state{ // a linked structure (one structure for each state)
unsigned char patrn; // coil pattern
struct state *Next[2]; // holds next state if direction = 0,1
typedef struct state state_type;
// state 0 is defined by the 0th structure in fsm, state 1 by the 1st, etc.
#define S0 &fsm[0] 
#define S1 &fsm[1]
#define S2 &fsm[2]
#define S3 &fsm[3]
state_type fsm[4] = { // motor specific -- a structure containing 4 structures
   {0x33,{S1,S3}}, // coil pattern and next state when current state is S0
   {0x66,{S2,S0}}, // ditto when current state is S1, etc..
//function prototypes 
void delayv(void);
void load_swi_addr(void); 
void main()
   int i, steps;
   state_type *ptr; // setup a pointer to a state-type data structure...
   ptr = S0; // ...and initialize it to point to state S0 in fsm
   load_swi_addr( ); 
   DDRB |= 0xF0; // PB7-PB4 output
   { // 2 rotations in the sequence
      steps = sequence.num_steps;
        PORTB = ptr->patrn;    //send out coil pattern of state pointed to by ptr
        ptr = ptr->Next[sequence.direction];   //pt to appropriate next state
        delayv( );      //wait before sending another pattern
        steps--;    //keep rotating until all steps in current rotation are sent
void delayv( )
{ // adjust count for motor application
  unsigned int i,j;
void load_swi_addr( )
   asm("ldx #$ef00"); 
   asm("stx $3e76"); //loads the isr for swi into the pseudo-vector table
/********* end of file ***********************/

Reformatted you source code to make it more readable.
