role of optocoupler for biasing drain of amplifiers


Joined Jan 30, 2016
What is your purpose in pulsing the drain supply to this amp at 1MHz? Having looked at the data sheet for the amp, I suspect this isn't going to turn out the way you intend (though your intent isn't clear)!


Joined Jan 30, 2016
Hello Irving,If I understand you correctly first we need to open the mosfet NDT3055L.
No,you misunderstood, even with enough gate drive you're still tying to dissipate 7.4W over a cycle. it simply can't be done with that MOSFET,or rather with only one of them. You need at least two, preferably 3.

the signal goes from UCC5304 device link shown below.
given the datasheet how do i know the amount of current which goes out of Vout?
Is there a way to increase the amount of current which goes out to open the gate of the NDT3055L mosfet?
The short answer is: you don't! The datasheet tells you what the device can deliver, not what will actually happen in your circuit. A Ferrari can do 200mph, but not if its stuck behind a tractor on a country lane! Anyway, increasing the gate current isn't going to solve the problem.

Basically the NDT3055L simply cannot switch fast enough and dissipate the heat generated to meet your requirements - partly due to its packaging. Either find a better MOSFET, or parallel 2 or 3 up to address the problem.