Power Oriented Graph for modeling systems

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Joined Oct 12, 2022
During my studies I have to choose some optional courses, including: Modeling and Control of Electromechanical Systems.
This course includes Power-Oriented Graphs modeling technique and simulation in Matlab/Simulink/Simscape of physical systems.

I have never heard of this topic, so I would like to ask if you have heard/used this modeling technique, whether it is widely used, if it's often required and in what jobs it's needed.
I would like to work in biomedical ... can it be useful to me?
If there is anyone who has "worked" with modelling and control system and want to read what it is and then give me feedback .. thanks in advance!

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Joined Aug 31, 2022
I've never heard of Power Oriented Graphs modeling, so I googled it and you can learn from various links what it's all about. I'm familiar with Matlab etc., but I'd urge you to google all those techniques so you are well equipped to make a choice. And I'd also suggest looking at the syllabus of university courses in Biomedical Engineering to guide your choices.

I don't know which country you are from but my experience of UK university engineering teaching is that too many courses are designed around the specific interests of the teaching staff rather than teaching findamentals with the result that most graduates are woefully unprepared to solve real engineering problems. That said, I recommend picking options that interest you rather than ones you believe may be better for a career choice. Employers will look for problem solving skills and enthusiasm rather than detailed understanding of a narrow subject.

One final thought. Seek out those who are teaching the optional courses and ask them about the subject. Pick those teachers you like!
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Joined Oct 12, 2022
too many courses are designed around the specific interests of the teaching staff rather than teaching findamentals with the result that most graduates are woefully unprepared to solve real engineering problems
True words! It is just like that unfortunately!

If you have had a chance to read some papers on Google inherent in the Power Oriented Graph method .. can I ask how did it look to you? Because I found out that it is not a known technique (like for example Mason's formula or the state space model etc.) but evidently it's a technique discovered and developed by a professor/researcher ... but being "new" (only a few years old) I don't know if it is used/required in the engineering world.

I know that my question makes little sense, because to give an answer one would have to know the technique well and have used it ... in fact I don't think a read of a pdf explaining it is enough .. but it never hurts to ask for something!