need help understanding schematic

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Joined Apr 9, 2024
I'm relatively new to the world of electronics, and I've stumbled upon a schematic diagram that's been giving me quite a headache. I was hoping some of you experienced folks could lend me a hand in deciphering it.thermou.PNG


Joined Nov 6, 2012
This is a useless Schematic.
It will continuously oscillate, and not provide any useful function.
( Unless it's supposed to provide some sort of special PWM-Output )

Why don't You simply state what You are trying to achieve, ( in detail ) ?

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Joined Apr 9, 2024
This is a useless Schematic.
It will continuously oscillate, and not provide any useful function.
( Unless it's supposed to provide some sort of special PWM-Output )

Why don't You simply state what You are trying to achieve, ( in detail ) ?
hello sir and thank you for reply . i want to creat a baord with an atmega1280 chip and a k thermoucoples and ihave to amplifie the signal from the k thermou so it can be read by the atmega


Joined Jan 30, 2016
hello sir and thank you for reply . i want to creat a baord with an atmega1280 chip and a k thermoucoples and ihave to amplifie the signal from the k thermou so it can be read by the atmega
If you want to do this easily and quickly use a MAX31855 IC connected to the ATmega1280 via I2C 2-wire interface . Don't waste your time, money and sanity messing around with discrete op-amp & ADC solutions, you'll be in a world of non-linearity and drift and the chances of getting a useful reading are minimal... been there, done it.;..


Joined Aug 1, 2013
am i missing something?

R338 is not part of a positive feedback loop. Don't let the terrible schematic technique confuse things. R338 is the normal connection from the non-inverting input to GND is a fully-differential opamp circuit.

Also, one end of C305, C306, and all four diodes is grounded. All of that is a single-pole lowpass filter with bipolar transient protection clamping to approx. 0.2 V.

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