Need help selecting diode

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Joined Jan 16, 2016
I have a PC board out of a toy train which has a bad (missing) diode. Can someone help me to select a replacement diode? Attached is a picture of the board. It's powered by (3) 1.5v batteries in series. When the button is pushed, a little horn under the board makes a train horn sound. Thanks.


panic mode

Joined Oct 10, 2011
i recognize the part number of the U1. it tells me you will have to simply try it...
most likely regular diode (0.7V drop) so just about any diode will do. if that does not work maybe try a Schottky... (lower Vf)
cannot really tell the size. possibly SMA. but size should not matter. you can also try using THT diodes like 1N4001 or 1N914 or 1N4148...
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